Pol ribs on Shapiro for having a hot sister

>pol ribs on Shapiro for having a hot sister

Wtf is their problem?

i thought pol liked shapiro because how he always shut downs sjws and shit?

man, i dont fucking understand pol.

Sup Forums hates juice above all.

>i thought pol liked shapiro because how he always shut downs sjws and shit?

The people doing this are not from Sup Forums they're called trolls. This is how GamerGate lost.

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums. they're just doing it for the lulz

Post her pics so I can judge whether I would let her have sex with me or not.

Understanding starts by accepting that, like Sup Forums, Sup Forums is not one person... and it's also the most shitposty board.

not video games
fuck off

Some things are more important than video games, user...

lmao did you take this screenshot while running flux


Sup Forums is a variety of people.

what videogame is this?

He is an anti-trump Israel first neocon he can fuck off with the rest of the degenerate Republicunts

why does this screencap look like it got pissed on?

Is this a Wolfenstein 2 side quest?

he is anti-Trump, pro-Israel, and Jewish, that's more than enough

now granted Trump is pro-Israel too but apparently it's okay when Trump does it

As a Sup Forumsack, we still hate kikes. Although he is helpful in fighting back sjw shit, I have not heard of anyone trolling his sister. Probably a few doing it for the keks.

>apparently it's okay when Trump does it

It's not. You're confusing r/the_donald with Sup Forums.

>make an entire thread about Sup Forums
Living in neofags head, rent free.

Anyone else see the resemblance of Norman Bates in the center picture? Kike should have been an actor, desu.