Vintage meme thread? keep it Sup Forums related

Vintage meme thread? keep it Sup Forums related

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You don’t have to use airplane mode. It’s not like the flight attendants walk around and check everyone’s devices.

>fuck the safety of everyone involved I'm crashing this plane with no survivors
It's like you want your switch to fly out of the window. Airplane mode is required by the fucking law for a reason but I guess it's okay when Nintendo does it?


>crashing this plane with no survivors

>being this beta

Electronic devices don’t effect shit. Airplane mode just conserves battery life while you’re in the air without a cellular signal.

everything related to heavy rain

>it's okay!
say it with me

Yeah, honestly, why the fuck do they make you turn off your cellphones and shit anyway? Basically no one does it and it's not like they check if everyone has.

Electronics actually cause huge magnetic interference with sensitive instruments, controls, and communications during takeoff and landing.

Fucking reddit I swear.

How the fuck is that Nintendo's fault?


because it fucks with the on board computers and communications systems

Utter horseshit.

It's not 2000, no they don't



Yeah if this were 1990 and companies didn’t make their devices airplane safe by default.

They do make them airplane safe.

It's called 'Airplane mode.'

>making their devices safe
Say it with me!

*could potentially
It's just a 'better safe than sorry' procedure. Aircraft electronics are shielded to prevent interference. You have a higher chance of a phone hitting you in the back of the head from a rapid decent over the phone messing with the signals.

nice meme.
the onyl reason shit like that is "banned" on flights is because they want you to pay for thier own in flight services. the FAA LITERALLY does not prohibit the use of electronics, its up to the airlines. there are airlines allover the world that let you use phones in flight. look it up and stop repeating urban legends.

citation needed

>Didn't know airplane mode was a thing
>Played with joycons detached during flight
Fuck, I almost killed an entire plane full of people


Reasons why I don't fly anymore. People are actually this retarded and in need of their precious electronic distractions that they will literally risk the lives of everyone on a plane to post on Facebook.

I know you're memeing, but can you imagine if not turning airplane mode actually put a flight at risk? If that was the case, it wouldn't be safe to fly unless airline hostesses checked every single device. Do you really think that every person in a flight of 300 would put their devices into airplane mode? I know elderly people who don't even know how to change the settings on their iPad.

nobody is talking about the prohibition of electronics user, nobody but you that is

>what are fcc regulations
Hurrr de fucking derrrr
Unless you're using something homemade that requires a generator or purposefully transmits harmful signals it's going to have 0 affect


That’s just to save battery. You have to be absolutely retarded to think airplanes didn’t upgrade their shit to shield themselves against the few brainless who would forget to turn their phones to airplane mode. It’s current year. Listen to a podcast, read a book, talk to a pilot, anything to educate yourself on current technology. Because god knows your just going to smug post at me instead of listen to what I’m saying.


>"Aircraft electronics are designed and shielded with interference in mind. This should mitigate any ill effects, and to date there are no proven cases of a phone adversely affecting the outcome of a flight. But you never know."

>“It’s not safety critical, but is annoying for sure. Of course, there is plenty of attenuation between phones in the cabin and the pilots’ radio.

Since you asked.


jesus christ son do some research before you spout such outdated nonsense. i bet you also think the safest place to be during an earthquake is under a threshold.


>aircraft electronics
Stopped reading there

You guys either haven’t flown in well over a decade or you’re just gullible retards. Or just arguing to argue which is probably most likely the case.


Airplane mode really only needs to be on when the plane is either taking off or landing. At all other times you can have your device shitting out all kinds of signals and emissions without worry.

So you saw the link above that part and read the whole thing, right? You're not just going to ignore the citation you asked for just to act like a mouth-breathing retard, right?

To make people pay for onboard entertainment or pay for onboard phones if they still have them

The last time I flew the attendants did actually look at people's devices when they take off, as everything has to be off, or at the very least not in use. It can all be turned back on in the air. But the flight literally is not allowed to leave until the attendants have confirmed that they cannot find anyone using a device.


No? Why would I read a thing if you quoted me from it?

Here's your controller bro


>tfw only ever flew once in my life
>tfw the plane landed in a heavy storm, and proceeded to skid on the runway and started tipping, to the point you could feel only fucking one wheel was on the ground as it started tilting and the wing almost skid on the fucking ground

>tfw the pilot cracked a "howbout dat landing haha" after the flight


>in ten years time console war wojaks will be considered vintage memes to Sup Forums
How do I escape?

Then what's the issue with "airplane electronics"? If you're upset that I didn't say "communication systems" then read the article.


It's not even 6 month old yet you faggot


My dad was the pilot of that flight and said you were gay

I don't know what companies you're flying with, but in Australia, you can have all handheld electronic equipment on during takeoff and landing. They prevent you from using large electronics during this time because it presents a risk of flying off and injuring someone, and also aren't allowed to have your tray down.

You only need to have airplane mode on during take off and landing. When you reach an altitude of 30,000 feet you can use your electronics normally. Flights even offer wifi now.

T. Frequent flyer.


at least you're an adult and don't own a switch

>Nintendo's console crashed a plane
How would they get outta that one

Actually, the risk is that you may be required to assume the brace position in a very short period of time, so they don't want big electronics blocking you from doing so


god i miss seeing babby everywhere


Do you drive? Airplanes are 100 times more safer than you driving to work daily

>it's okay when Nintendo does it
Like every other time I guess.

>Nintengaf ruin another thread because they can't take a joke

Is anything but devoted praise for Nintendo haram now?

where is she now


Considering Mario odyssey is one of the biggest disappointments of the year? Probably awhile before it calms back down.

To think the last thing people will hear in their lives will be BINGBING WAHOO

Probably playing Minecraft on her dad's server

This thread is more about educating retards that seem to have a 20 years out of date understanding of aircraft regulation.

>implying the landings where you don't know if you're going to die aren't the best part



Have you retards actually been on a plane in the past few years? It's required when taking off and landing.
The captain literally tells you when it's safe to disable airplane mode when you're in the air.


Statistically, but only if you're like every other fucking idiot on the road and don't actually know how to drive. If you drive like someone who is taking the effort to be aware of their surroundings the entire time, you shouldn't have any actual problems. Yeah, accidents still happen, but I've dodged everything from a fender bender to a full on collision because unless someone riding next to you literally swerves into you for no reason, it's not difficult to drive safely and defensively.



>Sup Forums
>leaving the basement

Remember where you are.

do people really eat pizza with spoons?


My dad was co-pilot and I can corroborate this story. That user was indeed gay.



I fucking hate Sup Forums so much, I used to be okay with just hanging around /f/ and /gif/ mainly for the porn and good times then I get addicted to coming here and it's fucking tiresome having to wade through this huge sea of autism and retardation just to have a decent video game discussion. It really only got worse with the wojack memes

Do you not notice all the jokes hidden in there? Christ I'm proud of my post if I dare say so

Try not having Airplane mode in Europe, faggots.
You'll like the 2k euros and 1 month flight ban, I'm sure.
>t. Actually saw this in a PMI-BCN flight(WHICH IS JUST 40MIN LONG)

I genuinely miss dubs



>plane starts to swerve rapidly because some faggot with his gameboy won't turn off airplane mode
>he screams as the gameboy flies out of his hands and out a window
>I slap a stewardess on the ass and tell her to get me more whisky

>Try not having Airplane mode in Europe, faggots.
> You'll like the 2k euros and 1 month flight ban, I'm sure.

Why the fuck would I go to Europe? If I want to go to a third world country to get robbed by black people I'll go to Detroit.

Start your own threads. It you come up with a decent concept and samefag for a bit, people will join in. What really drives me nuts is when I see an interesting thread and reply and then the OP never fucking responds back. Why even create a thread if you’re not going to pay attention to it?

Nice meme user, nice meme.

Speaking of Detroit

>won't turn off airplane mode

You mean on?

I remember that meme

Do you need an electronics license?