Its not fair bros!!!! THIS WAS OUR YEAR AAAAHHH

>still no price tag

59.99 like any other game

59.99USD if we're lucky.


I'm going to pirate it and beat it

Fuck yourself I got mine you flaming bag of dog shit

If it's $60 including all DLCs I will be mad.
Fucking season pass is almost 50% of what I paid for the game.

it's a PC game, it's free if you use thepiratebay instead of steam

It's 45 pounds on Greenman

Fuck that then. Not paying 60 dollars for a year old game. Just going to torrent.

>koei port

yeah i'll wait and see if the port is shit and if it is i'll pirate it

But i wanna enjoy the wonderful online world that is souls game.

It's the complete edition... pretty sure it includes all DLC at the base price

well its $85 on console with the season pass right? 60 seems like a good price

I hope they won't fuck up the port like they did with Toukiden Kiwami, PcBros

>people planning on pirating it

jesus I hate you people

If the performance issues are fixed and you can have both pretty visuals and 60 fps it's an outright improvement over the PS4 version.

It's a year old game with all DLC

No, full price is not a "good price" for a year old port. Gonna be a torrent for me, dawg.

>want to play this
>worried about KOEI ports

Full price would be $85 you sperg. Just admit you're a poor asshole and pirating it isn't an act of ethics but the fact you can't afford it.

t. Sony falseflagger

>Zone of the Enders
I can't believe it's real.

enjoy the 3 months you will play it until you are bored.

even less since you didn't have to wait for DLC like PS4 did. and trust me, its not like Souls where you can come back to it, once you beat this, you WILL shelf it.

If the port is shit hopefully a Durante of our own will come and save us

Cry moar faggotron

You can't do anything about it :^)

The main course was fantastic... I'm full. Enjoy your table scraps pcbros

Very funny, Pc fags. Very funny indeed. It's going to be even more funny when I get my sonybro mods to come down here and take down your post and give you a ban. Now, I'm a reasonable person, so I'll give you one chance. ONE CHANCE ONLY. To remove this thread. Now do it now, or face the ultimate consequences

Wtf I said pc fats and it changed it to pcbros

Waiting for a PC version for this game paid off. I was a fool to buy World of Final Fantasy, though.

>ps4pro has to choose between graphics or performance
>pc gets both
Feels damn good. Glad I built a pc.


Ayy lmao

still not playing it

That's okay. If it fills the hole that DaS1 left for even a moment, i'll be happy. It'll be the same deal like Salt & Sanctuary and Lords of the Fallen.

pirate it first
inb4 anti piracy fags

>w-we didn't like it anyway

Newfag pls fuck off.

Are there any multiplayer elements in this game?

its fun game wish they would remove the diablo style loot and stuff though it's hard as fuck to balance and so much pointless inventory management. Living weapon is basically easy mode too

I remember killing the dual bosses at end of NG+ the hardest difficulty at launch in 10 seconds(no living weapon) because of diablo style look breaking game

Okami is get finally getting a PC port? About time.
Surprised Konami even give a shit about Zone of the Enders

two kinds of co op and two kinds of pvp


Yeah, Zone of the Enders was completely unexpected.

>two kinds of co op and two kinds of pvp
what kinds are those?


I can call you a nigger.

>koei tecmo port

wew lad

>I remember killing the dual bosses at end of NG+ the hardest difficulty at launch in 10 seconds(no living weapon) because of diablo style look breaking game
this is why way of the demon and beyond exist

How about...


wow I might buy that new pc after all!

ikr, getting a PS4/XBONE and even a WiiU seems to get redundant by the day for me.

day 1 pirate tßh

co op has "random encounter" which is basically souls co op and "yokai realm" where both players run a level from the start with a shared assist gauge, and instead of being ejected/left alone when your host/partner dies you have a limited number of chances to revive them and fail if you both die/the assist gauge is empty

pvp has battle of strength where you use all your own gear choices and battle of skill where your armor, weapon and guardian spirit are all randomly assigned

Oh hey it went down to 80GB now, 20GB less is nice I guess.

>battle of skill where your armor, weapon and guardian spirit are all randomly assigned

Any tips for someone who never played Nioh and is getting this?

God damn, pc games look boring. Thank god for ports.

you actually get gear based on your current main weapon and guardian spirit

secondary melee weapon is a weakened version

I like Dark Souls. I like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden. How happy will I be with this game?

Fairly confident a competent modder will iron out what shit KT leaves behind

whatever nobody actually plays it anyway

The fact that PC gamers have to resort to 3rd party modifications in order to play a damn game is pretty sad.

Why is there still no price on Steam?

pretty happy, it has soem extremely frustrating flaws but they are worth it for the great gameplay which rewards managing a lot of items.

Pick one or two weapons and stick with them
Build doesn't really matter on your first run through the game, unless you royally fuck up e.g. putting everything into magic
Thus said, magic is quite underwhelming save for awesome support buffs. Read a guide to see what's good unless you want to reskill a few times.
Get the ki flux techniques as soon as possible, allowing you to flux while you dodge. Makes ki management a thousand times easier.

Nice justification pal

Kt is notorious for shitty ports. Attack on titan being an exception so far though

my sources tell me they're going with a F2P model for PC

Considering it's basically Genma Diablo Souls Gaiden, you've got a good chance of loving it.

I disagree there are a handful of people still playing it


Hope it gets cracked

Yeah, Nah. Don't listen to this dumb cunt.
the game has three difficulties and 3 large DLCs worth of content.
Dude is just sour that he didn't notice that the game was never Sony exclusive from the start.

no drm

they never use denuvo

>dat pic
If only.


relative to the souls series, how different is this game? will it offer something new?


>See a Nioh thread
>Aw shit, time to discuss one of my favorite games in recent years
>That PC port is going to get a lot more people interested, can't fucking wait
>Thread is 80% console war shitposting
I don't know what I expected

>PS4 Pro Enhanced

Fuck. PC can't even compete

>I bought this for PS4 months ago and never played it

>three difficulties
try five

Their usually quick fixes. At least PC games are capable of being modified.

>mfw Switch + PC is still the best option.


Better combat that is not quite as good but closer to games like DMC and NGB

fuck, I'll just finish it on my PS4 Pro

don't thank us, the game was better before they nerfed the shit out of all the fun parts
we actually got to play it while it was still good, you're getting the compromised second draft

The game is not fun enough for how long and hard it is

It has 5 difficulties now. Which I find to be somewhat excessive. But that might be because I struggled even with the NG and am getting my ass handed in NG+

combat is different to souls and you shouldn’t play it that way

only for brits

this, really tempted to by a switch just to compliment my PC

its always sonybros. always.


I don't like pirating, but fuck koei ports, I'll pirate it first too

Wait. It is just so damn easy to photoshop.

>Dark Souls cover hero
>being a pussy and walking away from the danger, towards the hundreds of his summons, where he's comfortable

>NiOh cover hero
>facing the enemy with a menacing look, protecting his friends behind him
>no pussy ass helmet blocking his vision so he can lock eyes with his foes as they die
>no pussy ass shield
>his glorious nippon steel glows red with bloodlust
>grabs his nuts to show his dominance

Yeah, pretty interesting. Lots of shit coming to Switch, PC, PS4 but not on Xbone lol not even windows store

>ready to die

Game aint that hard desu.

Prepare for doing the same levels 8ish (4 difficulties, and each difficulty has its own version of hard mode that cycle daily) times btw, quite overrated.

Gear is a Diablo farmfest with shit RNG and there is really fuck all weapon types compared to Soulsborne (though each individual weapon is deeper than souls).

Like, 7/10 game at best, few cute waifus but like, temper your expectations.