Get a job

>get a job
>get paid
>"now I can buy all the video games I want!"
>literally every new game is overpriced microtransactions lootboxes garbage
>every title I was excited for turned out to be at most a mediocre experience in universal agreement
>end up playing Diablo 2 and ordering a pizza

Maybe you're just playing the wrong type of games

>complaining about overpriced garbage
>orders a pizza

>implying I live in burgerland where pizza is basically cardboard with toppings
>implying I tip the driver

Well, that at least explains why you can't afford games.

It's simple:
> Ignore everything from EA/Ubisoft/Bethesda, Western devs in general
> No FPS rehashes like COD, Battlfield, Star Wars, etc.
> No more Arena/team shooters
> No weeb shit
> Ignore hype for anything, if it's good then it'll be a fun surprise
> Wait for new releases to be reviewed
> Steam sales
> If it's a nintendo game, buy the game, but forget amiibos and all that extra shit physical dlc
> Lootboxes and most dlc are for faggots
> "Waaah, game too hawd, I pay to make everything easier" defeats the purpose of a game - it's supposed to be challenging
> Make sure all your damn bills/necessities are covered before indulging in new games
> Don't be a dumbass with your money

kill yourself weeb


>It's simple:
>No video games

No retard, it means look for games that are actually worth spending money on.

This pretty much

I have about 2000$ for the semester from work and financial aid and I can't bring myself to buy forza 7 unless I have all the content, which is about 100$+ now and probably until the next game comes out

You could find a hobby you enjoy then. Even in the shittiest years I find 5 games minimum that I like. If you can't find one right now with Mario, AC, even CoD, and that's just the current and last week then you really need to sit back and figure out why you play.

I mean really what the fuck are you looking for? Every genre has had a good game this year. WRPGs, JRPGs, shooters, platformers. You sound like a little bitch.

Cute picture dude

>No weeb shit

wat m8

#4 immediately excludes everything worthwhile

>tfw pizza is 13€ in france

Weeb shit can be cheap as hell or even free. If you mean popular weebshit on steam then yeah there are some rip off prices for mediocre games or visual novels, but there are some really good indie japanese devs that make stuff for free, see Cavestory or Elona.

But burgerland has some of the best pizza dumb third worlder.

Weeb shit as in trash games like Conception II or the Neptunia series.

>If it's a nintendo game, buy the game, but forget amiibos and all that extra shit physical dlc

why would I start buying games for children? That's even worse

99% of video games in general are for children
>B-but ESRB gave da game an M rating!
Not an argument.

>If it's a nintendo game, buy the game
You working overhours for that check, pal?

>Still only played a fucking gamecube emulator and shitpost on Sup Forums

No, Nintendo games are joyful and sparkly and pretty and colourful, and the characters are designed to be appeal to kids. Nintendo games have all the qualities of games designed for children.

Decent pizza. You can find some for less than 10€ and I guess they're still better than american's one.

>buy expensive car
>drive it round the block
Why would you do this?

I'm just about to build my new desktop for $3500 and I'm having second thoughts

>Ignore Western games
>No weeb shit
Okay, so just don't play video games, got it.
>If it's a Nintendo game, buy the game
Not only did your previous statements contradict that statement, are you so fucking delusional about nintendo that you immediately purchase anything with their name on it? Sincerely, kill yourself.

I started having a problem with those games when they charged microtransactions for content they took out of what should have been a finished game.
>But user, theyre not doing that! your standards are just too high, you're just stupid and entitled!
I won't buy a game that has content they are going to charge me extra money for
>But user you can earn it all in game! You don't have to pay for it!
They are designing games where they incentivize you pay. They will make the game more grindy, or be missing parts, or something. I will be getting a worse gaming experience if I don't buy their microtransaction.
>But user, they're not doing that, you're paranoid! And dumb!
They've done it to Shadow of War, Battlefront 2, Forza 7 and others I probably don't even know about.
I have no way of knowing what may or may not have been cut just so they can sell me pieces of a game that I already bought.
I won't take that gamble.

alright that's fair.

everybody round up and jack each other off because it's a Sup Forums circlejerk thread

>video games suck nowadays

How many more times will we have this thread today?

We will keep having those threads until video games stop being shit.

Which is never, so get used to it or fuck off turbonigger.

>every title I was excited for turned out to be at most a mediocre experience in universal agreement
Then you have shit taste. No cure for that.

>Get a job.
>Buy games all the time.
>Only play the same one or two still.

Send help or a gun.