Help adding SNES and GBA games

I kinda need some help here. I got me a NES Classic some time ago and I managed to add games I like by following instructions.
Now, there's two problems:
1- Instructions usually come from videos, and even though I can read and write some English if I do slowly, I can't hear it well.
2- I'm not very smart.

So, instead of buying a Snes Clasic, I wish to add Snes games into this Nes Classic that I already have. If possible, GBA ROMs too.
In fact I would like to try many emulators. I normaly just run GB and GBC and GBA from the Game Cube with the GameBoy Player, but if I can use this Nes Classic to play handhelds on the TV, that would save me much of my space and it would mean less wires that make a mess behind my TV.

Sorry if this is a bit hard to read, my English improves but I'm not good yet.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nigga wtf are you doin
It's a NES classic, not a NES/SNES/GBA All-in-One

should've just gotten a pi Brother.

>2- I'm not very smart.

How can you help the helpless

>This entire post

It is capable to run emulators however, this I know for a fact. Also I don't have a need to add too many GBA and Super Nes games into it, just a few I like a lot. Like Metroid Fusion.
Also it would be cool to add into it Starfox 2, since that is the game that they used to sell the other scam box. If I play Star Fox 2 on the previous console I will be sticking it to the Man.
My wife glued tacky shit on top of my TV so I will use the Wii bar as an excuse to remove it. I just noticed the original photo I took shows her tiny dolls.
Just do exactly as guys on videos do, it's not hard, mate.

Thanks, I will watch and try to follow.

I actually want one of those but right now this is the machine I have. It is true I am not that smart, but I am not retarded either. I guess I meant to say I am not smart when comes to machines.

do it for them just like the west does nearly everything for africa

>I got me a NES Classic
>2- I'm not very smart

Nobody likes redundancy.

And I appreciate. No irony.

I get it. Actually funny.

>TV Display

What the fuck kind of house do you live in, OP?

>My wife
back to r eddit with you

What's wrong with it?

Thanks! I think I'm able to follow!

It runs one emulator.
It doesn't run any others.

I managed to dual boot the NES classic and SNES classic on my NES classic.

1. Get Hakchi if you haven't already
2. get an ftp client like Filezilla
3. download the .hsqs SNES NAND B firmware file somewhere from the internet
4. access your NES classic directories using filezilla guide here:
5. copy the .hsqs file to /var/lib/hakchi/
6. add an empty game to your NES classic in hakchi
7. in the command line for that empty game add: /bin/hsqs /var/lib/hakchi/[your firmware filename].hsqs
8. now sync the games
If you want to know how to go back to the NES classic firmware ask me.

no, the SNES classic has the exact same hardware as the NES classic. You can dualboot both firmwares on the same device. see

>the SNES classic has the exact same hardware as the NES classic
I knew it! Nintendo sold the same thing twice!
And why wouldn't they?

Any company would do that, you'd have to be retarded to order a different hardware model for no reason when the device works with linux and is able to emulate both consoles. You can even buy the individual components yourself but a Raspberry pi would be cheaper at that point.

Sure, but still is kinds scummy. I do understand the business aspect of doing so.