/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

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quite a comfy setup you got there, leg poster.

postin 1/2



That is comfy as fuck.

I'm considering buying either a 2DS XL or a Switch

Pro Tip: Get an Xbone controller. D-Pad is superior but you can also connect up with your mobile device for some emulators.

ayy sup, user. I watched Made in Abyss a while back. Nanachi and Mitty's story had me fucked up for a bit lol. Good show though, looking forward to the next season

>I'm considering buying either a 2DS XL or a Switch

the 3ds has tons of games = backwards compatibility so i would say go for that but its also on the way out

Unless the guy who gave a bunch of money to make the first season happen gives a bunch for the second season, it's not happening. There's also not really enough to make an entire second season and the manga hasn't had a chapter update for about a third of a year.

I had a DS but it broken donw

>Brother's in Arms DS
>Mario Kart DS
>Guitar Hero DS
>Chinatown Wars

I miss dem games.

thanks m8.

look up the current 3ds library if you haven't already. if you haven't gotten into the 3ds previously, you'll probably find a BUNCH of games to play and keep you entertained.
This way you can pass the time with the 2ds until more games come out for the Switch.

>xbone controller
it's on my list of stuff to get. I'll be upgrading my speakers and other peripherals before upgrading to an xbone controller.

This is my setup in the study so far but I just moved house so it's a bit sterile looking atm.


>tfw battlestation is always messy as fuck

someday it will be clean


I haven't cleaned my PC in a while, plz no bully

Pink glow is my favourite. Makes things incredibly comfy feeling.

My nigga, I just seen Blade Runner 2049 again and had to crack out the cozy cyberpunk feel

well damn, that kinda sucks

It was the owner of Cygames if I recall correctly. So he's so filthy disgustingly rich that he could afford to and not bat an eye, it just depends if he's willing to again.

no h8

No love either

holy shit man, at least get a fold out table. that's a terrible makeshift desk, like is that a fucking fold-out chair acting as the right support? jeez

You're probably a cute girl.

iitsa 2x4 theres some big nails sticking out by the mouse pad i had to break apart like a 10 ft high wooden chair to make it. it's stacked on those 2 tables to the left, yeah the fold out chair is tied to that plastic one for support. the height works out well thought and the monitor doesnt even have anything under it it;s just pinched the stand between wood and table

one of the few realistic stations here

thnk you

G810 and G403, my nigga

I used a plastic bag to tie the chairs togehter cause i didnthave any rope. the headphones are some trutle beaches one of the earphones plastic holders broke so its all floppy but i use it as a microphone that still works

Its always fascinating to see obvious underage people posting their setups in these threads.

my college setup

Its only a G213. It came 50% with my mouse. Which is g403 yes

do you like my steam link coaster

Here we go again


nice socks



>router on top of PC
>Naruto weebshit
>MAGA hat

Amazingly bad taste.

Atomic Blonde was a disappointment. I was expecting a sprawling cold war espionage story, you know like the source material it's based on. Instead it was a half thriller, half action, half pulp mess with boring characters and non-engaging story. What a shame.

Nice, sylenth is pretty kewl

What desk is that for the computer on the right? I'm looking to get a new one.

Was meant to quote this.

How do you get a clear DS? that looks fucking slick.

It's an IKEA one named Thyge

You're just jealous

Or wait, it's actually called Galant, not Thyge.


that cabinet...

You should work on your posture and clean your desk.

Show your figures.

Yep. What branch and job are you?


I like it

That light in the back is way too bright

Terrible my dude

That looks comfy



It was okay I think. It went way pretentious for me. I liked McAvoy's character and thats it.

All these cheap ass niggas with small ass desks and no elbow room for their keyboard.

No wonder you cucks get arthritis or RSI.


McAvoy is great in every role that let's him channel his inner Nic Cage.


very nice collection

Can I sniff your legs?


mirin' the jojo collection, can I have a closer look?

to the chamber with you

>Initial D
>Actually cars, not the meme's

You good


