redpill me on minish cap
how does it compare to other zeldas?
is it one of the weaker tor stronger titles?
redpill me on minish cap
how does it compare to other zeldas?
is it one of the weaker tor stronger titles?
>redpill me lel
First off, learn how to communicate like a normal person, redditor.
It's a good title, if easy. Lots of charm and well-made items and overworld, with lots of things to find and discover.Some of the dungeons have some nice moments, but nothing is terribly taxing. It is a very easy game, which makes it one of the lesser titles for me. It's worth a playthrough.
I remember playing it in 2006 just before twilight princess released. I thought minish cap was a better game
>its a very easy game
All Zelda games are easy, scrub.
how dare he speak relatively you fucking dingus
what is the hardest zelda?
>inb4 zelda 1 and 2
besides these obviously
>redpill me
that's not a word
>t. bluepilled neofag tranny
Keep crying bitch nigger.
Zelda 1 and 2 have a decent challenge both in combat and exploration. Nice false equivalence regardless, minish cap is almost kirby tier in combat, exploration and puzzles.
it’s the best one
>being that new
Breath of the wild before you become very OP. Oracle of ages or Majora's mask otherwise.
This post would hold some water if newfags weren’t the literal only people who say that shit.
its the neofag refugees user
they'll rape our nu-Sup Forums roasties soon enough
>Majora's mask
What? literally how?
go back to playing dark souls and cuphead scum and leave zelda alone
>saying red pill unironically outside of Sup Forums
It sits in the middle. Nowhere near the worst but not in the top 5 either. It's entertaining for a GBA game and that's about it.
>calls someone redditor
>reddit spacing
It actuall is one of my favorites. Very colorful, great soundtrack, great story and characters. The dungeons are okay too, or decent at least.
The ending gave me feels too.
In order of hardest to easiest:
2>1>AlttP>LA>OoA>OoS>TP>FSA>TWW>Minish Cap
I'm unsure about BotW, SS, ST, PH, FS, or aLBW, as I've not played those.
It's pretty short
I liked this one
Is ATTP really that hard? I always thought its one of the easiest zelda games. Wtf.
Never played MM, TWW, TP, SS, BOTW or ALBW.
this post has a terrifying amount of layers
Are you such a a mobile-fag you don't even know what "reddit spacing" is? Reddit spacing is separating every sentence with a break. Having different paragraphs broken up is what you are supposed to do, you fucking mongoloid. Good God how many fucking NeoFaggots are here trying to fit in?
It's ridiculously short and linear plus the euro version is a massive fuck up
Still a must play
Pretty underrated honestly.
jesus chirst please don't tell me neofag is the new ''reddit''
Someone is anti-trump? He's a neofag!
Someone is Anti-SJW? Neofag!
can't you faggots just call each other shit-eating retards like sane people?
Fuck off hipster
>Is ATTP really that hard? I always thought its one of the easiest zelda games. Wtf.
Compared to other Zelda games, I would say yes. I played through it once on SNES when I was 11-ish, and once on GBA when I was in my early twenties, so it's been a while, (more than a decade since I last played it) but I distinctly remember a number of puzzles like the invisible floor in Ganon's Tower that require a bit of ingenuity on the part of the player to overcome. It's the type of skill that games generally don't teach, much less require, even back then. There're also some bosses, like the worm-thing from the top of the Tower of Hera, where it can knock you down to the preceding floor if you get bumped off of the edge. I think the only other time I've had to deal with anything like that in the series was fighting Ganondorf at the top of his tower in OoT.
I suddenly realised that I left OoT and MM out of my scale, so here's an amended one:
2>1>AlttP>LA>MM>OoA>OoT>OoS>TP>FSA>TWW>Minish Cap
>Reddit spacing is separating every sentence with a break
>the euro version is a massive fuck up
You've got to take into account that almost all Zelda games are pretty fucking easy. LttP is definitely one of the harder ones, but that doesn't really mean it's actually hard.
I like it. The only annoying thing is kinstone fusing and the lack of being able to find THAT ONE FREAKING SHAPE. The items are good, the dungeons and bosses are good and the art is pretty.
It also takes a while to get started now that I think about it, but that's the same for almost all zelda games.
that's better, but how does not following a retarded trend like a braindead faglord make me a hipster?
I don't know. I always felt having only 2 dimensions made everything a lot easier. I never had these moments of frustration in ATTP I had in Ocarina (fire or water temples). Even the notorious ice cave was okay and all the other dark world dungeons were pathetic and I blazed through them like a motherfucker.
I'd probably place OoT a bit further down, personally. I found it about equal to TP in lack of difficulty.
Master Quest is the superior version of OoT at any rate
absolute zeldakino
there's a missable kinfusion with one of the farmers, there are less whirlwinds and there are some errors with figure texts, that's what I remember
This is exactly what a hipster would say.
I guess it's pressing the "Enter" key then.
I would have thought a hipster would have found my post problematic, but I'm not an expert on hipsters
Minish Cap is WAAAAAAAY harder than Wind Waker
fuck off emo
it's not my fault the world doesn't understand me
OP I need to warn you about one thing people always forget to mention with this game.
There is a shitload of talking, especially at the beginning. I didnt notice as a kid but any time I've tried to replay it the characters going on and on just kills it for me. There's a lot of dialog and most of it really isn't interesting.
The game itself is well made but is extremely easy. Like Kirby easy. You can get tons of really cool sword techniques and upgrades for items but youll never need any of them. Which is a shame, because a challenging game that took advantage of all the equipment and techniques you get in mc sounds amazing. But the game itself just never uses a lot of what it gives you.
I'd say it's a lesser title even though I loved it when I was younger. It might be worth playing if you can enjoy easy games, you can give it a shot on an emulator and see if you like it. But I wouldn't recommend getting the actual game before playing it yourself.
>redpill me
It was crap, and i got the GBA edition
It’s my favourite out of the ‘toon’ styled games