Leaks fucking when?
Seriously they've never kept it under wraps this well before.
Leaks fucking when?
Seriously they've never kept it under wraps this well before.
>they've never kept it under wraps this well before.
That's because there isn't going to be another expac.
WoW is dead.
Enjoy WoW 2
Blizzcon is in less than 72 hours, just wait faggot.
That would be a dream come true, instead we are doomed to expansions forever
The only major thing we know is that there'll likely be subraces/variants of existing.
Alleria turns the Alliance high elves into void elves, Blood Elves are joined by the Nightborne, Forsaken get undead Blood Elves and possibly regained human forms (judging by the Nathanos story) etc.
I must be the only person that thinks Vashj'Ir is 10/10
Why cant Blizzard do an engine swap or major update on WoW that allowed it to better live up to modern expectations?
If they are so fearful of releasing a WoW2 that would split the playerbase and make everyone lose their transmog closet, just update it. Even if it required a new client download, why not?
Vashj'ir was nice, but it should remain a one-off thing. Better to actually raise the naga cities from the depths.
>WoW 2 unveiled
>Art style similar to Hearthstone cinematic
>Why cant Blizzard do an engine swap
do you even know what you're talking about?
what's the point in creating an entire new engine just to swap it? they might as well create a new MMORPG if they're gonna create a new engine from scratch
"Engine: Warcraft 3 -> Engine: WoW 2"
You're welcome.
They need to go back to regular, human enemies in a primarily human expac. No demons, no void, no elder gods, no space goats, no elves, no trolls, none of it.
If they could pull out an entire expac based on Orcs (WoD) they could do the same for humans. Human aesthetics make for the best dungeons (Deadmines, SFK, SM, Strath, Kara).
The sad thing is most modern Bizzard "developers" probably thinks this works.
"So I just plug this into Unity and it'll upgrade our engine?"
>modern expectations?
What modern expectations? WoW's art style lends itself to only requiring minimal graphical upgrades each expansion.
Also no one wants to invest in a new MMO these days, it's too risky an investment. WoW will get expansions as long as it makes money.
I just want my player ships. Big tattered sails ghost pirate ship for Forsaken.
>WoW 2 unveiled
>Overwatch Engine
>Action-RPG with non-tab-targeting system
>Works just as well in third person as in first person
>Advanced character customization options
>No more Alliance vs Horde, but factions are Aldor vs Scryer style
>So no more language barrier between Orcs and Humans
>Wild-Star's Housing system
>not three factions dropped
Give us RvR or go home
holy fuck WoW would be dropped so fast if this happened
I'd try it. Anything's better than the current game.
Kul Tiras is pretty much confirmed as well because of those armor sets and icons they removed from the 7.3 PTR build.
They also removed some troll-related Zandalari icons and weapon skils from that build so Zandalar is possible too.
Just like people dropped the shit that is Overwatch? It would sell millions judging by the cancer Overwatch audience. They could literally create a Overwatch MMO with Jay Wilson as lead dev and retards would flock to it
I just want WildStar's housing, man
>that Gnome QT
>Being a retarded cuntwhipped Blizzcuck
Worse than Nintendies imo desu
>Making an MMO when you could make a Destiny-like with a tenth of the budget and 10 times the money grabbing scheming.
Who is her?
Ashzara of course. She and N'zoth are the final big bads remaining on Azeroth.
>Game is so fucking dead people can't even be bothered to leak stuff any more
Maybe it's because there is nothing too leak. Did you ever think about that?
Jaina's going to make a deal with her brother in Kul Tiras and with Greymane to invade Gilneas and Lordaeron.
Boom, war between Horde and Alliance is back on.
Stormblood exists so who cares. Get lost.
>P2P a MMO nowadays
>action RPG
N-no thanks, normie