It's the same game over and over again

>it's the same game over and over again

Why doesn't Japan ever get tired of Dragon Quest

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It sold worse than all previous DQ games actually, they are getting tired of it.

It's fun

yeah they should make gritty realistic cinematic experiences over and over instead

Except when you google "dragon quest 11 sales" it's all positive headlines about the game selling well.

Read my post again, this time with reading comprehension.

>Make a good game
>People like it
>Oh shit we'd better reinvent the wheel for the sequel, people aren't going to want more of what they liked

Nobody wants them to reinvent the wheel, but for fucks sake improve a little.
Look at SMT, it has a rabid cult following and it still changes more between the games while maintaining the same core identity without alienating any fans.
You're an idiot if you think making literal CoD-tier rehashes (heck, worse than CoD, since CoD at least tried different settings) is a sign of quality.

>it's the same game over and over again

Why doesn't the West ever get tired of early access survival trash?

Every game improves upon the last and every game adds new features. You're acting like this is some Madden roster change shit but if you actually played these games you know that's not the case. The core gameplay is the same, that much is true. But there is much added with each new game.

smt is edgy jrpg horseshit. dq is fun old school fantasy jrpg. if it aint broke dont fix it. in fact stay the fuck away from it

Is this due to poor sidequests or silvia character?

It did sell well but not as much as the others. Times are changing and kids who played the older games have jobs now.

If it was selling worse than every other DQ I'm sure that would have been a headline by now as it is a popular series.

>smt is edgy jrpg
You've never touched a single smt game besides P5 in your life huh

Nah. SMT and DQ are both phenomenal jrpg series.

The actual bottom of the barrel for jrpgs like neptunia and such that have terrible gameplay and rely on their aesthetic and "writing" to atrract weebs

Nah, if P5 was all he played he would think it's weebshit light.

>Early Access Survival Trash

You could've just put the forest in there instead and your bait would be exponentially better

3/10 made me reply

It's really not, though. Dragon Quest is conventional, but you really need to play more than one game.

Every once in a while you just want something familiar, yet at the same time new and exciting to break away from the ever changing modern life. I guess this is a staple of the DQ series.

People just like the formula. There used to be lots of DQ clones but no one else really makes games like these anymore so it makes sense not to change things much.

See you goddamn retard, it is selling worse, substantially so for a DQ game.

i just typed survival multiplayer in steam user, you get the idea

So combined it still sold better than 9 and almost as much as the other titles being compared.
You're a real rude fuck face you know that?

People are also annoyed it goes bravely default and by that the second half is the first half except scaled up.

Do you mean DQ in general?

At least in previous games there were different areas.


Better than Final Fantasy, which constantly shits the bed by throwing out anything and everything that works, so much so that their latest game doesn't even resemble a Final Fantasy title.

>>it's the same game over and over again
Gee, I wonder why pokemon, mario, donkey kong and zelda are still being played, user?

>it goes bravely default
No it doesn't. XI's 2nd half is kind of disappointing but you go through all new story, bosses and scenarios, it's nothing like the shit Bravely Default pulled.

>So combined it still sold better than 9 and almost as much as the other titles being compared.
Good job, you're a moron that can't even read a graph.

Fuck you. I want a new, but better Jungle Beat.
Granted, that's kind of retarded of me to want a sequel anyways, but I liked it and there's nothing else quite like it, which pisses me off.
Also, a new DK'94 style game. I'm sick of Mario vs DK being "lemmings, but more retarded".
Actually, let me satisfy myself both ways
"Mario AND Donkey Kong", where both work together in co-op and control similar to what I just mentioned for each respective character. I don't give a damn what you fags think, I'd play this all day.

I got to blue lines mixed up, It sold better than 6.
It still hasn't sold worse than every DQ title.