Sup Forums is laughing at us again
Sup Forums is laughing at us again
i wouldnt blame them this sub fucking sucks
Nobody cares. Fuck off with your wojack images.
What's a Sup Forums?
>permavirgins laughing at alpha males
Everyone laughs at Sup Forums
Sup Forums is the Sup Forums equivalent of animu and mango
The other side of the coin of bad taste and shitposting galore
video games are fucking trash compared to anime
Why does every board call us "Sup Forumsedditors" people to "go back to Sup Forums" as an insult?
anime is fucking trash compared to a girlfriend
At least they don't post frog pictures
Isn't that the Naruto board?
Keep telling that to your hug pillow maybe one day she'll be real
Stupid feelposter.
nah, out of 40 or so new shows each season, there are like 2 or 3 that actually stand out
That's what luggage lad said.
>this is what virgin losers actually believe
We laugh at Sup Forums everyday.
Autist on autist crime is never acceptable.
a girlfriend is trash compared to a life long bond with your best bro
what does Sup Forums have to laugh about?
>Sup Forums will never stop being tsun for Sup Forums
We really should dump Sup Forums and become fuck buddies with /d/
you need to go back you faggot.
how about you go back you f/a/ggot
My gf is my best bro
>Sup Forums
>laughing at anyone
it's like pot calling the kettle black on steroids
Please don't associate pepe, wojak, and especially the patrician fat wojaks with dumb weebs, thank you
Oh no the pedophiles who watch cartoons about little girls are laughing at us
>not being a virgin
>posting on Sup Forums
Don't worry I also post on r/games while shitposting on Sup Forums
Sup Forums owns Sup Forums
>anime are good
>current year
Name one anime this season that isn't moe high school teenager shit. Dragon Ball doesn't count.
This is why they laugh at you redditor
Let's play video games together, Sup Forums.
What if grillfriend is best bro?
>weebnigger basement-dwelling, unemployable, manlet, footfag-brapt sniffing, money wasting, good goy buying, trap twink, beta orbiter, omega-male white knight, cant get pussy,waifushit, rei/asuka fagging, GARUGAMESH, degenerate, plebs, non-white, mexican-spic-hispanic subhuman, goku negro, rice loving, susbribing, shemale-deepthroating, useless, mindbend-old-gook-loving paypigs.
>above th apex of the human interactive entertainment creation, the video game
lmao gay
>chads cant post on Sup Forums
>subtle recommendation request
All you have to do is ask, user.
Sup Forums once again proving it's full of newfags
Kill ypurself now. Life won't get better and vidya will just vet shittier
>neogaf threads (who gives a fuck)
>"microtransactions are bad, daily reminder"
>daily "overwatch sucks" thread where we argue about toxicity in games
>pic related shitposts
>nintenbros BTFO
>sonybros BTFO
>PCfats BTFO
>xbots BTFO
>game has mechanic
>too retarded to understand it
>constant PUBG threads
>"console has no games"
>proceed to list games
>"no it's all weebshit" - guy posting on Sup Forums, 2017
sakura fish is dead