What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Dialogue and writing
Everything else was perfect.
no animal races to fuel the modding community
Voiced protagonist and Bethesda forcing you to be the good guy; level scaling certainly didn't help either.
>same shitty engine
>boring empty world that looks too much like FO3
>voice protag
>simplified dialogue and leveling
>shitty factions and story
gunplay was better though,
>fallout 4 skill system
>no dialogue choices that affect the game at all
>no choices based on SPECIAL besides persuasion
>same engine from the previous games just slightly better graphics than skyrim
otherwise still love the game, hate playing on survival and getting stuck between some rocks and have to reload to previous save just to escape
I had pretty much everything I needed to early. Every weapon I find is worse than my sniper that I use for my stealth crit character
>implying turning the skills to perks wasnt a good decision.
The moral dilemma of Synths being people makes 0 fucking sense, since it was established with Harkness that they are literally reprogrammable tools no different than Fisto only more complex, that don't retain awareness after reprogramming. Was the Railroad trying to do something with many other sentient robots like Cods worth?
Are they doing what they're doing just because Synths look like humans? Fuck, Bethesda Fallouts have such shallow nonsensical lore. New Vegas had some cringe shit in there too like the fucking Legion (dude Romans lmao) but at least it made up for it in other parts. Fallout 4 writing and worldbuilding just feels so nonchalant and throwaway.
You have to be brainlet to think that was a turn in the right direction.
People act like the old skill system was so much more complex, as if normies just couldn't grasp the concept of putting a couple points into a slightly more specific category every level. It was never complex, it was simple minded stuff before as well. I'm pretty indifferent on the skill system in FO4. It isn't better or worse, just a little more simplified.
a game that iterates on the previous ones mechanically while having nothing to say and no compelling settings or characters to help make this iterations matter
fallout 3 was better
>Everything else was perfect.
Shitty vanilla guns
Shitty DLC
Shitty Story
Shitty Side Quests
Shitty Skill System
Shitty characters
Shitty Map
There was like no redeeming features.
No, it is very much worse. Stop trying to mediate, it makes you as bad as bethesdrones.
A voiced protag has no place in a Bethesda game.
Other than that nothing.
You are correct it is the eleventy million who bought and enjoyed it who are wrong.
Quick question what percentage of companies who you feel make better games are still actually still in business?
You may have to come to grips with the fact you have shitty taste in games user.
Its buggy to all hell, but the game on the surface looks polished.
and the eleventy million that listen to justin bieber have good taste in music
>eleventy million who bought and enjoyed it who are wrong.
So what you're telling me is that call of duty is godlike
>enjoyed it who are wrong.
You can enjoy something that is objectively bad.
Fallout 4 is made for brainlets tho so of course anyone defending it is one.
Boring just like Fallout 3
Could Fallout 4 be low key unfinished? Like they had the cote gameplay loop, the world and stuff down bur not much else, and then they had to up the fiscal year and said fuck let's roll it out and pretend it to be for "wider audiences".
I was getting distinct MGSV vibes from how shallow everything is, like it's in permanent tutorial mode and in the verge of taking off but never actually does.
I think Bethesda just doesn't care for Fallout like they do their own Elder Scrolls.
If it is objective show your math.
You are confusing objectively with subjectively.
Common mistake in these parts.
List of things very important to user that nobody else gives a fuck about.
Crappy engine. I mean, seriously, Bethesda needs to throw that old garbage engine out and rebuild something modern, something that is capable of 144 hz.
Also, that idiotic and boring base building nonsense needs to go in the garbage with that shitty old engine. That stupidity had better never be in another Bethesda game or it might be the last time I buy a Bethesda game.
I agree with this post.
Its a very buggy game built on an old engine with piss poor optimisation.
this, fallout 4 runs like ass
Are you saying popular things can't be good or that you don't like Bieber?
If the former fuck off hipster.
Voice acting for the player character. It'd be better if it had the 15-100 skills rather than just perks but its still my favorite Fallout.
it's hard to pinpoint what made it shit
all I can say is that I bought the season pass with the game and I regret it. I only tried the first two DLCs because honestly I can't be bothered to play this game. It just isn't fun. Everything you have to do feels like a chore. Oh well, at least I enjoyed Danse and the Brotherhood in the main quest
The total lack of a true role playing system to the game is its biggest failure. Why isn't there an ability to be the scourge of humanity, the savior of humanity, or anywhere in between? I don't want to be the hero. I want to make things even worse. I want to take advantage of the lousy situation, and kill and steal with reckless abandon. I don't want to be liked. I want to be feared. Why must Bethesda create this fairy tale and force me into it when I want to create a nightmare, eat faces, digest them, and shit them out into the gutter?
It wasn't buggy at all.
Next you will drag out the " 3 voice actor" complaint.Time to update your standard complaints user.
What is wrong with the engine? You aren't one of the "Muh Ladders" crowd are you?
>What went wrong?
It's a mystery.
Oversimplification across the board.
>no-more-or-fewer-than-four dialogue options in any one conversation branch because Bethesda designed their interface around the face buttons on a controller
>completely gutted the RPG mechanics by cutting skills and all associated systems
>mediocre quest design hampered by the ubiquity of radiant quests
>settlement system renders most major settlements irrelevant and makes others feel completely extraneous
>weapon modding system ironically led to a less diverse selection of weapons, even when taking mods into account
>voiced protagonist necessitated cut corners regarding C&C and rendered shit like low-int runs or certain character archetypes outright unworkable
>Pagliarulo is still employed as a writer
No motivation to do anything after meeting your son
t. nvidiadrones
>being this retarded
The point is that popularity is not a measure of how good something actually is you.
I agree with this too.
too crowded for a desolate wasteland
added dumb new factions
story wasn't finished and didn't make much sense anyway
despite collecting junk everywhere you go, it still didn't feel like scavenging; even on hard I had like 10 guns and more ammo than I could use an hour into the game
gave you the good shit right away (power armor, minigun, fight a deathclaw)
The only good thing about it was the graphics.
Name 3(three) things Fallout 4 did better than New Vegas.
Art direction
Eh that's about it honestly
>You are correct it is the eleventy million who bought and enjoyed it who are wrong.
they don't know what a good game is so they can't see it for what it is - a steaming pile of canine excrement. i don't hold it against anyone though, it's just that I'm correct and most other people are not. keep that in mind when talking to me in the future kiddo
Shooting, art direction, having shit to actually explore, power armor.
The base game for Fallout 4 is perfect other than the dialogue wheel, but that can be jury rigged if we get another New Vegas-esque side game (although I doubt we'll see Obsidian get their hands on it) easily, I think a modder already accomplished the framework for it.
The main questline was boring and the sidequests were even worse.
>The base game for Fallout 4 is perfect other than the dialogue wheel
Voiced protag really is the worst thing, although the overall writing is also pretty subpar.
I bought it but didn't enjoy it
this AND including randomly generates quests was a fucking joke, i wouldve happily of taken a smaller map with less quests as long as they were much better handled
this combined with season pass and creation club jewery is the reason I will never touch another Bethesda game.
>falout 4 wuz da perfct bido game!
>actually having shit to explore
>in a game with fuckall quests, unique loot, or interesting dungeons
Even the vaults were garbage.
>Less rolepaying
>Boston is boring
There a place where I can pirate the DLCs? I have a legit base game.
>the two most important aspects of a Fallout game wnet wrong
>somehow it's still salvageable otherwise
Reminder that if Bethesturd hadn't outbid Troika we could have gotten multiple Fallout sequels with Tim Cain's vision and VtMB-quality writing and roleplaying by now.
It shoves happenings right in your face, Far Cry style. You can´t explore shit, everything jumps at you guns blazing and you see every location on the map when you get close.
In other words, this game is only good to shoot people in the face, for that we already have Battlefield 1 that does a much better job. Thank you. Bethesda!
the game was more fun than skyrim for 1 playthrough at least.
but only because skyrim is SHIT
theres literally nothing wrong with it though.
>b-b-b-but i can max out everything!
yeah if you play like 500 hours. doing the mainquest plus random side missions as you go you are unlikely to hit the highest level needed for highest perks let alone max out all perks.
Bad writing, the butchery of the lore, the skill system being removed, lack of roleplaying in a RPG, retarded factions, minecraft and as of late the addition of paid mods.
Bethesda trying again to make an RPG game. It's like they never learned anything about this genre, despite trying so hard for past 25 years.
fallout 4 made me realize bethesda games are not for me because i enjoyed dicking around with the settlement building the most but every casual retard complained about the settlement building being too much work when my major gripe with it was that it didnt have enough stuff to do and your settlement wasnt attacked enough.
of course these same bethesda fans will tell me to "just not use it" when i say i dont like the quest compass arrow thing in skyrim etc.
fuck video games.
>next elder scrolls will have voiced protag
Truly dark times
>Skills are gone
>Perk system had potential but is poorly arranged, you're forced to invest levels in your SPECIAL and perks you dont really need to get basic weapons/armor etc
>Fully-voiced PC, also restricts dialog options to the same two options
>Story is a joke, basically American Civil War with BoS shoehorned in
Its a very fun FPS, but it's not an RPG by any stretch, and is even less of a Fallout game.
American Revolutionary War
Or British american colonial civil war.
>Synths = slaves
>Railroad = Underground Railroad/Union Army
>Institute = Slaveowners/Confederate Army
I wish they stuck with the Revolutionary War theme they had at the start if the game that went nowhere
>Shitty DLC
>Shitty Skill System
umm no
There's really nothing wrong with Fallout 4's skill system.
Yes it's different to previous games, but it's by no means bad. It's just different.
trying to appeal to the mass
the ultimate proof that quantity equals not quality
but there isn't a lot of stuff in fallout 4's base game
arguably it's extremely barebones
Played right after release. Macready's 95% headshot bug unironically ruined the game for me. Didn't know it was glitched when I was working on him as a companion, didn't figure out it till a couple days later and no savegames to go back on. PS4 so couldn't mod to fix it. It was entertaining at times, but wholesale ruined using the VATS system.
Maybe I’m more a normie than I thought, I see this game as addictive and well made for crafting. The only thing I hate is the lack of choice to be a complete evil fuck. I guess joining the BOS is evil but that’s debatable.
I'm talking bout sales mate, they tried to appeal to normies in vain hope this would sell better to them
it's the problem with every big tittle out there now, it's not about what your loyal fan base want, it's about maximising the revenue
so instead of having a team of writter and passionate game maker you have an executive board that looks at graphics and demographic and psychologist and yadde yadda and you end up with a turd nobody want to touch with a stick
>What went wrong?
Pic related
hmm no
bethesda are just not very good at making games
this is inherently obvious if you look at everything they've ever made
everything is really unprofessional
and nothing in fallout 4 screams "simplification to appeal to the masses", bethesda games are already simplified to that point
things like a voiced protagonist, 4 dialogue options and the new perk system just seem like bethesda are trying new things
I mean, look at the combat, it's still not very good by most modern standards, but it's an excellent improvement over previous bethesda games
they're learning and experimenting
>hmm no
stopped reading there
excellent retort
your fedora is tippin on its own
Get lost Todd, Fallout 4 is the Murican Jank no one wanted
>Murican Jank
Biggest thing for me was turning skills into perks. The perk system should let you bend the rules of the game just a tiny bit, not boring shit like "you do 10% more damage with knives!"
New vegas did the latter sometimes, and 3 did it more, but most of the perks were good.
>The perk system should let you bend the rules of the game just a tiny bit, not boring shit like "you do 10% more damage with knives!"
but it does let you bend the rules
most perk trees have additional abilities in them as you progress through the perk levels
Lots of goods and bads with this one.
>at first isn't too repetitive
>new location that isn't desert wasteland #235
>radiation is a legitimate threat again
>location is like a mix of Fallout 3 and NV
>point lookout
>more dynamic skills
>newer weapons
>some decent companions
And now for the bad:
>absolutely horrendous dialogue
>still uses gamebryo and places like Boston proper have a ton of framerate issues regardless of platform
>Preston Garvey making some random fuck who woke up 200 years later as the general of a faction that's bordering on dead despite said person having no experience in the wastes whatsoever
>you get power armor and a minigun immediately as well as fight a deathclaw
>molotovs do an insane amount of damage and can somehow cripple limbs
>the story in general
>the railroad
>most of the DLC is shitty
>creation club
>poor execution of a voiced protagonist
I could go on but that's the gist of it.
would you buy that fallout?
Lad 4's exploration is garbage, there's not actual unique loot to be found anywhere and you're already kitted out before mid game anyway
Man, I wish new vegas had those succullent power armors.
Fallout 4: New Vegas fucking WHEN
the dreadful settlement system
there's a million things wrong with it but i'll post the one thing that bothered me the most:
way too many essential NPCs
they make annoying characters like the minutemen or the mayor of diamond city and then prevent you from being able to actually kill them. it's incredibly frustrating and immersion breaking, and none of these characters besides preston garvey have any good reason to be essential (i know there's a little side quest you can do with the mayor that allows you to kill him but that's stupid, you should be able to kill him anyways)
they basically took all the mods and incorporated them into the game basically leaving nothing for the community to do
shit killed it faster than all the other problems mentioned ITT
I started a new character today on a whim but I just gave up when I reached concord. I just am imagining the slog to get anywhere worthwhile and how much of a mess it all is. 10 minutes after you wake up you're supposed to turn into a killing machine and slaughter tons of people for no reason other than some lisping roody-poo said to? Concord was a mistake. Then I imagine all the fucking settlements. I don't want to run fucking settlements, I never did. I don't give a fuck about them, and I don't want to go bail them out. Why is there even an option to give them turrets and traps and shit? What's the point? I put up 10 turrets at one settlement and they still get killed by raiders, plus when I do show up I have to fix all my turrets. They don't grow on their own, everyone seemingly just dicks around until I show up and tell them what to do. I guess that's why 200+ years after the bombs fell people just completely lose their fucking minds and can't do anything on their own. It's a wonder any cities exist at all, since no one seems capable of doing anything by themselves.
> everything else was perfect
You're not very bright and your opinions are formed by this fact.
> What went wrong?
It doesn't exactly 2 things better than the previous installment in the franchise.
Gunplay and Power armor.
Everything else is of equal or lesser quality.
Every, single, thing.
I'm still mad there was no Synth Nora DLC.