I'm looking for a 3DS that has near endless replayability. A game that can keep you engaged for countless hours without becoming tedious and boring.

Currently I'm playing FFExplorers and I've reached my limit with the game. 100% isn't particularly my cup of tea and that seems to be all there's left to do without doing more Ultimate eleidon quests.

So help me out Sup Forums what next? (ffex wasn't that good and I wouldn't seriously consider MH)

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>reddit spacing

etrian odyssey

I've been here so long I remember when we used to >mfw without reaction images. You're but a little baby.

All the information you've given us is the console/handheld and that you've been playing a game you don't think is that good.
What the hell are you expecting, OP? We're not mind readers.
Persona Q's pretty good I guess, about 120 hours if you do both routes.

Stupid (you) bait aside, have you played AC: New leaf? I got a good 500 hours out of it before being done.

Monster Hunter games
>I wouldn't seriously consider MH
Then fuck off casual

>Persona Q's pretty good I guess
SMTIV is too.

OP just hack the fucking thing and you can have every game. The fuck is wrong with you?

Looks awful.
I just got burnt out on MH-like why in fucks name would I go for round two pray tell?
Never played an AC game are they just sim games? Go fish/farm etc?

Kinda, it's more about interacting with your villagers and having a nice house though.


You got Isaac, Etrian or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Pick 1, play, fail, learn, repeat.

So did you play MH or did you play garbo MH clones like Toukiden and God Eater?

I'm a casual and I think I've updated this thing after I bought it, doesn't that make it unhackable?

Depends on what version you're on


Go to settings and check your firmware versions. If it's 11.3 or below you're golden and it's easy as fuck. I did it while damn near blackout drunk and even I couldn't fuck it up.

God Eater's not garbage friend, it's just not as good as MH. It's still the second best MH-like.

pass users just want replies to increase their e penis size as "tricked" counters

>God Eater's not garbage friend,
Kek.Maybe don't even try MH shiteater

11.6 it seems. Would a system reset "fix" it or nah?
FFEX I can't with a clean conscious call it an FF lite game so MHlike it is.

Not OP, and I already love MH.
MH isn't even that hard, idiot.

Nah, you fucked up. Now you get to wait for someone to figure out how to crack 11.4 and above.

Don't update this time dummy.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

Take it from me user, FFEX is just plain shit and if you find a copy of MH3/4U/Gens in a bargain bin do yourself a favor and don't compare the two.

If you want a deeper long lasting game, try Xenoblade chronicles.

Pity. What happens after you hack it? Are you locked out of coop games and wifi connections so nintendo doesn't see you hacked it or what?

No. Nintendo fucked up their entire network and the way they handle game purchases so badly that the only way for you to get caught is if you play a game online before it's officially released. Nintendo literally has no way to tell if you purchased the software legitimately or not otherwise.

But if you're dumb enough to do that then you deserve to be banned.

Oh and you'll want to disable spotpass. Do that and don't play a game online before it's released and you're good.

I see. Hope there's a fix later on then. Might as well use this for something other than a (net browser) which is what I do.

Trade it into gamestop and then buy a new one that's on 11.3 or below. It's well worth it

My gamestop let me go through all of them in the store to find one with the firmware I wanted.

>advocating piracy
fuck off tyrone

Fuck nintendo. If anyone deserves it they do.

Gamestop left Puertorico a long time ago haha.

So should you, it's a shithole. Don't come to America though pls and thank you.

Rune Factory 4 is a pretty fucking good timesink. However it is weebshit so...

Host me I'll be your roomey and give you a bj before bed until I find a job!

Can't do it I'm afraid. Not a fan of Mexicans.

post pics and we will see.

But I get it. :[

Kid Icarus uprising

I'm just a 6'4 normal bloke mate. No qt twink.




I said post a pic.

I hope I don't get depressed enough to hope for niggers to kill me while robbing my house.

No YOU post a pic!
That's the exact pace the recovery is going at.

Man I dunno why but your post just made me nostalgic of the DS era. I had SO MANY games like that that wouldnt stop being fun no matter how long I played.
For 3DS theres Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, that one game developed by Level 5 where you get jobs and stuff.
Cant really think of much else.

*hugs you*


>you'll never have a vidya cuddle bf

Gotta Protectors with the one dlc.

Play Kid Icarus Uprising

Rune Factory 4

>tfw no cute trap bf for me to headpat and teach how to play games

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate