Well Sup Forums? Have you pulled LR Goku Black yet?
Well Sup Forums? Have you pulled LR Goku Black yet?
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Did one multi, nothing but SR garbage. Back to saving for that upcoming fusion banner and int gogeta
Whats the appeal of this game? I got bored almost instantly of it
Pulled him on my second multi. The only LR I wanted.
Haven't had any luck in like 5 or 6 multis, I have no patience to farm Orbs for underwhelming pulls any longer.
Its going to sound like a meme but the truth is you didn't get far enough into it.
multi, sr trash and the shitty str beerus,been having shitty luck on fe heroes too. considering destroying my phone because it's a bad luck charm
>wasting orbs on this when the Fusions banner returns with Whirus in less than a week
Was the banner GSSR in jp? I fucking hope so, need Whirus/Pandel/Barlot
Got him my first pull. Also got Vegito candy.
Ohhhhh baby. Banner needs to be live already I need it
3 multi's nothing but garbage. I am honestly contemplating being done with this game. Stones are ridiculously expensive and tied to a luck based mechanic to get what I want. I was so burned after spending 150 stones for nothing.
Even on sale 34 dollars for 91 stones is stupid.
>Pulled Raditz, base STR Gotenks and my husbando Champa, but no LRs
I couldn't even pull SSJ 3 Gotenks or Angel Goku and quite frankly I just need a TEQ leader
The new jp super vegito looks insane
Did three multis on it when came back to JP and got everybody BUT all the ones that Dokkan and no fucking Whirus either.
I hope to hell Cellza gets a dokkan later as he was the only decent one out the bunch.
Still trying to get my account back.
Rate my collection.
No but i got this guy from the mono STR banner a week ago.
no because i dont waste my time with garbage mobile gacha games
How is the F2P model in this game? I've played Pad, granblue, FE heroes and I've only been able to stick with PAD
Garbage tbqh
Most banners don't have a guaranteed SSR character per multisummon. Plus Bamco is getting stingier with the stones
It's pretty jewish but no where near the level of those games. the rates more than make up for the drought of stones you go through.
Dokkan battle is pretty bad for f2p. You have finite resources to pull with, they have been better at giving them out lately for free but you will run dry.
It sounds stupid but the later you create your account the better you have it. I made my account 2 years ago. I can only get the item to pull with from login bonuses and any new event. My old cards are mostly outdated. Someone that makes an account today has way more resources to spend on cards that are actually viable.
I'd give it a go to see if you like it, don't actually spend any stones but just login. Then if you ever see a featured unit that really sparks your interest, like the upcoming INT Super Gogeta, then you throw your stones at it.
>rank 185 and the only actual good leader you've dokkaned is rose and none of your units are dokkaned to even use in the team
actually dokkan awaken your characters
let me put it this way you need to spend 70 dollars for 2 multi summons that aren't even guaranteed good stuff. Oh and that price is with a sale.
>playing gatcha shit in 2017
Are you 14 or actually retarded?
Thats not true.
$70 gets you 182 stones. Thats 3 multis and 6 singles.
When you first start out you get an assload of stones due to each difficulty of each stage in story and events gives a stone for completion and most story chapters give you more stones for doing all stages on all difficulties.
When the well of stones dries up you have to depend on Bamco's slow trickle, and it's usually only one stone a day.
I have a good box on JP with the majority of the god and neo-god leaders, but I have yet to pull a single Category leader. Which leads me to warn you that things get power creeped ridiculously fast nowadays. About the only cards that have been consistently power creep proof since their introduction are the special tank cards (Super Vegetto, TEQ and AGI GFriezas, and SSJ3 Vegeta) and PHY SSJ Gotenks.
Right now I am just collecting characters.
Since I have two good teams there is no need for me to awaken most characters now except for my best ones. Buuhan, int Godgeta, Black and Fused Zamasu are the most important for me right now so I am slowly collecting their medals exclusively.
you have rose awakened, you might as well awaken buuhan and omega shenron you'll have a great villains team
you still dont have any current meta leaders. you're fucked.
Yeah it's really a shame. The leaders that I am most interested in are SS4 Vegeta, Janemba, int Gogeta and SS4 Goku.
Unfortunately, god leads are hard to get.
How's my boxes so far?
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