>have lights turned off and parked car in neighbor's driveway
>hear kids running/screaming/pissing themselves while still knocking on my door
>it's only 6:00
JESUS CHRIST JUST FUCK OFF ALREADY! I fucking HATE Halloween! I just want to play Odyssey in peace!
Have lights turned off and parked car in neighbor's driveway
>Toddlers in charge of ruining Halloween.
Fuck off and die.
Turn off your lights?
>parked car in neighbor's driveway
stopped reading, whatever happened you deserve it
Cool blog bro
Cool story, bro!
This hope they shit on your lawn
Yeah these kids are really annoying. I wish they’d all get mowed down by cars
I feel bad for the kid, but he looked total fucking boss for those first few seconds.
The trend was imported here and died off within fifteen years, only three kids rang at my place this year.
I've wound up eating most of the candy by myself for the last five years or so.
What I did when I lived in a place that actually got kids was just put out a bowl with like, 6 candybars in the bottom.
The first couple groups get something, but it empties really fast.
Then when people show up, they see the empty bowl and assume some asshole took everything right before they got there
>tfw supermarkets keep trying to push that shit here
fucking cancer
Go out with your switch playing your BING BING WAHOO, those kids will think you're a pedo and stop bothering you
Why didn't you just write a note or something that said you didn't have candy? Why didn't you go to a hotel? also could have worked. Also video games
>tfw didn't get any Trick or Treaters tonight
Fucking bliss. Upped my Moon count by 100 this evening.
>literally the first thing in the post is "have lights turned off"
Go fucking end your life, you are genuinely a fucking moron
>be me
>live downtown
>no kids anywhere
kind of boring. wanted to put scary make-up on and give candy away.
Go play your merry-oh somewhere else, the Switch is a portable after all.
>Not playing Horror games.
You disappoint me user.
>turn everything off and hide in bed
>go back and fourth between/v/ and pornhub
>kids knock on my door while I'm lying in bed shitposting, covered in myself
Halloween is like any other day with more knocking.
Odyssey is scary though.
Scarily good.
What? Lights off generally means a person isn't home.
>Why didn't you go to a hotel?
>have to literally flee your home to escape
>americans think they live in a free country
>>turn everything off and hide in bed
>>go back and fourth between/v/ and pornhub
>>kids knock on my door
>open up an anal fisting video and turn up the volume to max
>Vacation town
>Population dips to a handful once summer ends
>No kids have lived in the neighborhood for years
>Every halloween a bunch magically show up and get pissy when nobody has any candy
>tfw trick or treating is banned in your town because of gang activity
>dumb asshole kids beating on my door when I'm trying to get comfy.
>Eventually say fuck it and soak them with the sprinklers
where do you live my town is nicknamed little syria and we fucking have a shitton of kids right niw
>Live in 18 story building
Can't hear shit all the way up here. It's a true wizard tower, no distractions from my important occult anime research.
>numale anime poster
>uses worst girl
>he thinks we're gonna believe his bullshit lie
Keep unraveling the mysteries in peace, sage user.
It's 6:15 here. Not one kid has shown up. I'm actually really surprised. Last year there weren't a lot of kids. Is Halloween just dead?
don't be such a shut in bro, why wouldn't you want to join in on a traditional community event?