overwatch has dropped out of the top 20 on twitch.
Overwatch has dropped out of the top 20 on twitch
>The Joy Of Sex
the fuck is that?
you wouldnt know, would you?
Why do people use Twitch as a means of a game's popularity or worth? Is Sup Forums really into PUBG, LoL and Dota 2? They're the top three on twitch so if you don't play those you're a faggot.
How does that game have so many streamers? Is it really that fun to watch?
I tried watching it time to time, its so boring to watch.
overwatch more like nobodywatch
damn that harsh
blizzard does not release its concurrent player numbers, likely to conceal the fact that no one plays the game. thus twitch is a decent proxy.
Its quite literally the chad of streams.
Chad / Black dudes streaming with their Monster Energy Caps, smoking and blowing rap music at full volume while doing stupid shit in the game.
Do people really need player numbers to justify playing a video game? It's clearly not dead like Lawbreakers, but it's also past the honeymoon period so it isn't as popular anymore.
If people only played a game because it was popular wouldn't that make them trend-following faggots?
Yes,if this fails for blizzard we wont see the make trash like it again.
the thing is. blizzard made alot of awful decisions that make OW a bad game. thats why people enjoy watching it fail. also, making sure it fails is good so that companies will not try to emulate the shitty anti fun mechanics
>they're dumping literally millions into the shitty espurts scene
Overwatch barely reaches top 5 during tournaments, right?
>Do people really need player numbers to justify playing a video game
if they're comp tryhards, then yes.
Like what, you degenerate brony faggot?
You people honestly make me sick, BTFO and angry because a videogame has five (FIVE) lgbt characters. So what? Tracer, Mercy, Pharah, Roadhog, and Junk Rat are gay. You have a problem with that, go fuck off right to Sup Forums.
We dont want you un our game.
i dont want you in my games
The only people who like watching it fail is Sup Forums, who enjoys watching EVERYTHING fail. But the thing is OW isn't failing, it made its money and diminishing returns are typical with Blizzard games. The only thing that isn't performing up to expectations is the eSport part, which only matters if you give a fuck about eSports.
Like, fuck off. Seriously. YOU overwatch haters are pathetic.
Ah. SICK burn, you desperate virgin.
Shoot yourself in the head, you bastard faggot bitch.
Lol even Wolfenkek has more views
>Hating a game because its popular with lgbtqa.
No. YOU faggot bitch cunts.
I find it rather bewildering that hundreds of thousands of people would rather watch others play games than play them themselves.
I can't tell the difference between ironic shitposting and genuine reddit imports on this board anymore.
I hope Blizzard learns from the overwatch mistake. Unlikely though, they'll probably just double down for next time.
Fuck off with your meme pictures.
what the fuck is the a
I think its asexuals.
lettuce, gay bacon and tomato questions and answers
Like it or not, it'll be back. Mario and AC won't be streamed much after a week or two.
And wolfenstein 2, at that
Of the portion of the population we are told is gay ( about 1% ) only one percent of those people are actually genetically predisposed to liking butts.
The rest are just sick little faggots
you can say that for almost every game stream out there
You can memorize 150 pokemon, but you cant memorize, you faggot bitch cunt?
I feel like the ToRtanic broke peoples minds where they need to create their own confrontation to fulfill their narrative.
>people would rather watch professional athletes play football than play it themself
1. Overwatch is between competitive seasons
2. Overwatch worlds are going to start soon so most pro's aren't streaming right now
The only thing they'll learn from OW is how to better market cosmetics.
>people watch talk shows instead of just talking themselves
>A bunch of nerds who looked up the meta
They changed the LoL art for twitch? It's better now
>looking up the meta for PUBG
Are you retarded?
Are people really that dense that they still don't understand this?
>watch during breaks between vidya
>watch while eating
>watch before going to sleep
>watch while playing other vidya
>enjoyed a game and want to watch someone you find entertaining play it
>want to watch a game you've never played and don't really feel like playing.
There's literally tons of reasons, hell I enjoy getting my friends to play vidya that I enjoy and watching them all the time, it's the same thing.
>Turn the graphics down so the grass disappears
>Suddenly be really good at PUBG
And Blizzard still made ALL the money and lived happily ever after.
The End.
Did you wait until the week before the world cup when most pros aren't streaming just to find this tidbit? Or have you been checking up on it everyday?
>I find it rather bewildering that hundreds of thousands of people would rather watch others have sex than have sex themselves.
Do you see how stupid you sound?
just correcting something here
mercy is canon married to roadhog
also i am roadhog
This analogy is so bad that it should have been a food analogy
How the fuck is Hearthstone still so popular?
I think it's accurate.
Lots of people who can't get a game (mainly children) watch it on twitch like incels who can't get sex.
Many people in relationships still watch porn maybe because there is less pressure like watching someone play a difficult game instead of playing it.
Many people like to watch a video where the woman is really turned on rather than their partner who might not enjoy it much like someone who is bad at games watching someone who is good.
that's because people would rather play it than watch it
>Tracer, Mercy, Pharah, Roadhog, and Junk Rat are gay
Hearthstone is fun to watch, just not fun to play.
>not liking fags makes me Sup Forums
uh no that isn't how that works
fuck off faggo
I hate Overwatch too, but Twitch counts don't mean shit.
>twitch is a decent proxy
>game is dead or not depending if the super popular streamer is on
How the fuck is it fun to watch? It's just a dumb luck based card game.
>relying on how many people are not playing the game to gauge how not-dead a game is
not understanding this logic if player counts was your issue
ice_poseidon doesnt stream on twitch so no point of going there TriHard
>the state of twitch IRL