How's Monster Hunter World shaping up? I haven't been following it at all

How's Monster Hunter World shaping up? I haven't been following it at all.

SwitchAxe is best weapon

bretty gud

It's monhun, but prettier.

World is shaping up to be MH's DmC/RE6, sadly.

Do you like MonHun?

Do you have a current gen console you wish you could play MonHun on?

Well you’re in luck friendo cause this is best timeline

Gonna play the fuck outta Switch axe in MHW cause it’s movesets animations makes my dick diamonds

Didn't charge axe make SA useless?

CHarge axe does more damage and is way more exciting to use

Looks great, Gunlance will probably still be shit though

Less grind for shit? Woah.
Yea that's a fucking dealbreaker right there.

Your opinion is shit

>switch axe
>almost no incentives to use the axe mode

It looks like jumping from PS2 to PS4, so yeah, bretty good.

Sadly Nintendo fans who started playing MonHun on the 3DS and LARPing as series veterans are butthurt as fuck and shitpost 24/7.

Your logic makes no sense.

Anyways World will be the worst MH title yet and may spell the death of the series once it bombs.

looking pretty neat so far even with the casualizations and pandering to westerners, PS4 is getting a demo early December, but only if you buy the jew online subscription and it looks like it's time gated

What issues are you drawing with World user?

>PS4 is getting a demo early December, but only if you buy the jew online subscription and it looks like it's time gated

That's like comparing sns to dual blades two different weapons that for the different play styles. One doesn't make the other irrelevant.

wow talk about a post with no proofs

More like Never-On-Switch Axe


If you own a PS4, the demo will be out on December 9 I think

I own a PC


As someone who started on FU on PSP I’m glad to see a console release

Much better than playing on cramped handhelds

"And I base this on the fact I say so."

yeah, December 9th I think


I for one am looking forward to playing a month early

Started on the first PSP one, the last one I played was tri.

Monster Hunter World is my dream game.
Super hyped, several of my family members and friends are going to get it with me.
Going to be awesome.

>not using axe mode for it's range
>to charge up phial
>to use the upwards swing
>to use infinite swings attack (stamina permitting)
>for it's faster movement speed
If you're not using both forms of SA you're not using it right

That's so dumb.
Maybe I could ask my brother to let me use his account on my PS4 for those days.

I mean yeah, but the other two parts are dumb.

Salty fags are gonna be salty

Let’s get some discussion going on

>What title did you start on?
>favorite monster to hunt?
>what game you’ve spent the most time on
>lewd huntresses or lewd hunters?

lookin' real good
hopefully the G rank dlc expansion wont cost more than 20 bucks

do not fall for capcom shills

>tons of dinosaurs
>epic cinematics
>cats not talking in cutscenes
>quick travel with no punishment
>braindead skill system
>no flexing
>blatant casualization

just wait when they shit flops so capcom can create a traditional monster hunter

>can play with an actual controller
Already makes it better than most of the games.

Wii U 3U
It's only 3U I've played, I tried 4U but the 3ds is too cramped.
Lewd Hunters


The playstyle is in the name, you gotta be constantly changing forms, never staying on one for longer than needed

Also overhead axe chop has some great flinching potential and is great at stopping a monsters rush attack

>even with the casualizations and pandering to westerners,
yeah not having to look up the wiki for weapon trees how casual

Didn't even realise you were being negative until I got to the braindead skill system part.

>Portable 2nd
>cute huntresses a best

Aw jeez, I usually ignore sword mode because of how good overhead chops are. I really only use it to ignore plinking off tough scales.

>What title did you start on?
Monster Hunt World
>favorite monster to hunt?
>what game you’ve spent the most time on
MH World youtube videos
>lewd huntresses or lewd hunters?
Bulky hunter with a beard.

What weapons are noob friendly besides SnS?

And pray tell, what would happen (hypothetically speaking of course) if it ends up being a success, and becomes one of the series' best sellers?

Deny, Deny, DENY

Hows is dinosaurs a problem?
Braindead skill system? It's not like the current system is deep at all.

I was mostly referring to other things like changing euips while on missions, bowguns firing while running, and there being free heals and traps all around the map, having weapon trees, drop rates, and more detailed monster info in-game is a great addition to the game

Who can’t afford PS+ these days?

Seriously asking

>tons of dinosaurs
yes they're called monsters
>epic cinematics
yes they're called monster intros
>quick travel with no punishment
but there aren't farcasters in this game
you can't use the dino birds to quick travel while in combat and you also can't zone switch to heal/sharpen
>braindead skill system
oh no, now i won't be forced to wear clown suites for tism efficiency
>no flexing
>blatant casualization
go ahead and list them my dude

emulate P3rd you fuck

I think Hammer is pretty noob friendly. You have a goal to focus on, always hit the head.

All of them, literally pick what you think looks cool except maybe gunlace in certain games none of them have ever been blatant shit.

>How's Monster Hunter World shaping up?
Questionable. It's looking to be the babbiest game in the series, but it still might be fun as a Toukiden game.

Nah thanks.

Workd even removed the numbers, perfect for my OCD.

>paying for your internet twice

I don't think so user

Deny what, user?

I can afford it, I just don't want it. I'd never use it otherwise, so why would I even consider paying $70 or so dollars to play a timed demo?

But you do still have to look up weapon trees.

But Gunlance looks like my favorite from the videos i’ve seen, why is it shit?

>I was mostly referring to other things like changing euips while on missions
because there's endless hunt mode now where you don't have to go back to town/hub every mission and can instead head back to your base camp to switch equips or restock
what's wrong with switching equips while on a mission I don't understand
>bowguns firing while running
was not aware of this
>and there being free heals and traps all around the map
I seriously hope you never ran out of healing items
and the traps are situational while also requiring you to lure the monster there which costs time spent you could just be brawling it normally

>What title did you start on?
Monster Hunter on PS2
>favorite monster to hunt?
Qurupeco or Tamamitsune
>what game you’ve spent the most time on
3U on WiiU
>lewd huntresses or lewd hunters?

The problem is i only want to sub when mohun comes out, i'm not paying for a month just for the demo.

He would post proof and his problems with the game, but then the Mario Hat Wojack poster would come into the thread and ruin everything, even if he had legitimate criticism. At this point, it's not even worth it to try because people won't listen and most importantly, Capcom won't listen.
Wow! Would you look at that! There he is! Just like I predicted!

Check out Switch Axe gameplay in World

Both forms movesets have some really slick animations

Looks like it’s gonna be best version of it yet

Started with the first game on ps2.
Favorite fight is a toss up between Brachy and Verdant Narga.
Spent the most time probably on 4u

>I seriously hope you never ran out of healing items
Lol, this happened to me while fighting my first Lagiacrus. I actually had to stop fighting and go gather Honey and Herbs in the middle of the hunt.

Its not shit it's just in a few installations of the game it's been reworked or had it's power drastically reduced, not to the point of unsuitability but enough to be noticed if you've used it in other games. Still a fun weapon to use.

>bastardize your own saga for a market that never cared about your game

why capcom didnt just create a spinoff or something like that,

Death of the series anyway as they cater to Chad even harder.

All weapons except maybe Charge Axe, Insect Glaive, and gunlance just cause the amount of resource management which can cause you to get distracted from the monster eating your face

Don’t be afraid to try every weapon several times until you decide you like the feel of one

Also don’t main a single weapon type, then you’re just a hinderance

It seems only lbg can fire while moving at a decent pace and as far as we know it could be an attachment or ammo type that lets you do that.

>play as Aloy
Guess I won't be getting this game. Oh well.

Just don't use the armor set dum-dum

all i know is lbg/hbg looks hype as fuck now
luckily we get to try the demo soon for ourselves

>PS4 gets exclusive SJW DLC
PC wins again.

Just like that time we got to play as strider or samus or have our cats dress as megaman shit is 100% optional and probably dog shit anyway. Ignore you idiot.

Can't wait to do flares with a HH

well you can change your gear mid-hunt, not just during the free-hunt portions, which I would be fine with, same with accessing your item box during free-hunt, if you were able to do it mid-mission it would take a lot of tension of of fighting, with multi-monster missions, you can just swap out armor and weapons according to whatever you're going after one at a time, as opposed to analyzing what you have to fight and making a decision and making compromises based on how well you fight what.

bowguns firing while moving has been showcased in most demos as well as the bowgun weapons showcases, granted, it looks like shots with heavy recoil will make you stand still

running out of healing items isn't really the point, much like being able to access the gear box mid-fight, it just removes a lot of tension when you can run a few meters away and whack a vigorwasp to heal or one of those flashfrogs to get a free stun off or hit a stalagtite or dam and get some free damage off, it's mostly personal opinion but I think it feels cheap and downplays the usefulness of items and preparing for hunts when you can just find everything out in the wild

Fuck off Nintenbro lmao

Daily reminder that if you allow this game to succeed it will become the impetus to further casualization of the series until it becomes unrecognizable in a few years.

Insect Glaive resource management? Have you even used the weapon? Run around in circles firing your bug for about 10 seconds get your buffs fight till it wears off, repeat.

Buying twenty copies

Started on Tri. 3U is my favorite. Haven't played anything else since I only want to play it on a console (PC is fine too), not hand held.

That's resource management you dingo.

I know you're upset user, but it's not Chad tier yet.
Not anywhere close.

Stop liking what I don't like.

what tension is there to sleepbombing shit with 4 CB users

At first I was like, what is the fucking point of armor like this? Then I realized, if a giant monster stomps you into the ground, no amount of armor would really protect you, so you might as well look sexy as fuck while not being encumbered doing what you do best.

Anymore like this? :3

ahh, a robot. Explains why your opinions are so autistic.

Nah, when the devs try this hard to pander to the SJW crowd just to get sales I know this game isn't worth playing. I'll wait until MH5

>MH1 PS2
>Black Fatalis
> MH2G
>lewd Guild Maidens

Not enough to stop a new player from picking it up and not being shit with it. Maybe if you mentioned the kinsect upgraded sure but using the actual weapon is easy.


If you use Axe mode at all you literally are not using it right. The only time you should ever be in Axe mode is to use the reload function.

high level cheesing and hame =/ casual play

>I'll wait until MH5
Pssst. Nobody tell him.

nice to know you're picking up world user! want to join my ps4 hunting group?

Heavy bowgun is gonna be so damn fun with actual shooter controls I can't wait

Letting optional dlc stop you from having fun.
Also waiting for 5. Top Kek.

>I think it feels cheap and downplays the usefulness of items and preparing for hunts when you can just find everything out in the wild
You can combine mega potions mid hunt, friend. This is just a version that people might actually bother to do for once.
I also don't think changing weapons mid hunt really changes anything major either.

Are you serious?

There’s always been crossover armors in every game since fucking FU

>the only ones hyped are pcc.ucks and retarded bandwagoners

every time

unlimited swing works + dash juice= insane damage on slowbois like mohran, and if you're good you can fit them in while mons are staggered.

4U babby
Molten Tigrex