Are you gonna play this?

Are you gonna play this?

Did you play the open beta?

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the division thing has me curious.
it seems like it will be a massive disaster and 90% of players will be the sniper division.
What was the division ratio during the beta?


>woman in the military
Not a chance in hell

No, and I actually want to play a ww2 shooter.

They are cutting out maps from the beta and selling them as DLC as well.

>tfw didn’t play the division I wanted because the intro vid for it had a Nigress in it

Fuck niggers

Pirate at most.

>everything to know about the game has been leaked
>beta was uninteresting
>DLC announced before the game has even come out
>only 9 maps, 3 of which are locked in the gimmick gamemode
>only 2 viable guns
>retarded customisation
>loot boxes
>Call of Duty


i'll rent it for the campaign and then ignore it
i do this for every year's cod so that when i complain about them, i can back it up with having played them

i play enough good games per year that one shit one isn't too big a deal

Nope, the fact that war mode is the only new thing you guys can offer at activision which was shit anyways shows that this is no better than any other annually released COD game

What annoys me most is they could have had women in, and been historically accurate, and told and important story that is unknown to most in the west.

Nearly 1 million Russian women served in the Soviet military and thousands were involved in partisan militias on the eastern front. 89 won the Hero of the Soviet Union award, their equivalent to the Medal of Honor. They could have actually included historically accurate women soldiers as soviet snipers or partisan soldiers, but instead chose to mindlessly pander.

No they aren't.

Maps that had assets in the beta but were not comlpete as of the game going gold and were intended for DLC all along are being DLC.

it's amazing how large of a step back this is from world at war.

Even if they remaster Cod games they are never worth playing due to the insane lag comp netcode they have had since black ops 2.

>Female nigger Nazis sans swastikas
>90% of players shoot at the feet for instant kills


Open beta was shit, nothing remarkable. I guess the campaign would be shit too, as always.

Of coarse, don't want to be left behind by my bros


but sweaty muscly negress nazis are my fetish!

I am anticipating to play it. I have played the series since Modern Warfare. My favorites were WaW and the first Black Ops. I hope it's like World at War. I didn't like MW3, Blops 2, Ghosts, or Advanced Warfare. All of which aside from Blops 2 were made by sledgehammer. Infinite Warfare had a cool campaign though and I hope this campaign is even better.

Its the best COD since ghosts.

Finally boots on the ground and real fucking gameplay rather than that lame shit like jetpack balooney.

Sledgehammer only made AdvancedW and WWII.
they co-developed MW3 with Infinity Ward.
MW3 was alrightish, never touched AW, how was that?

>Its the best COD since ghosts.

>inb4 Jap players get access to a “ninja” perk that allows wall running


>Are you gonna play this?

>Did you play the open beta?

Only Cod 2, Cod4, WAW, MW2, black ops and black ops 2 are worth playing but still should not be taken seriously.

For anyone who played the beta
How was the division distribution?
which division is the most OP?
Dedicated shotty classes make me moist, so if its completely unviable i probably wont get the game

Meh, The strafing was ridiculous at times and it made the MP a total bitch to play. It was like a quick thrust into a sudden direction that meant people either swooped to fast around corners or behind walls too quickly or after you did it you'll lose your sense of direction.


Cod would make more money if they scrapped sledgehammer and made new cods Bi yearly. Make a remake then a new one then a remake etc.

Meh, The strafing was ridiculous at times and it made the MP a total bitch to play. It was like a quick thrust into a sudden direction that meant people either swooped to fast around corners or behind walls too quickly or after you did it you'll lose your sense of direction.


>I'm so deep into my own ass such minor things as introduction video throws my away
It's almost as if you were retarded or something

I think so but I feel like I should curtail my spending. There's CoD & .hack releasing on the same day. Then Occultic;Nine the week after and EAfront II the week after that.

crappy reskin with maps that just funnel you around corridors with exposed connections so that you can never not get shot in the side or back by another player running around mindlessly

play red orchestra 2


>People complaining about lack of realism
>In a fucking CoD
It's like you want to play a multiplayer shooter for its plot

People want realism as in atmosphere, the gameplay can be a suspension of disbelief WAW did it right.

RO2 is trash

getting hacks was fun


Previous CoD had you literally go through sci-fi stuff thrown there for no reason at all. And now suddenly everyone gets angry, because it has females and colours.
Jesus, remove the stick out of your ass. The game is bad not because whatever retarded politics you want to pin to it, but because it's a console shooter ported on PC, with unfluid movement, hitscan (no, seriously) and lack of variety of the maps.
With the massive announcement of getting back to the roots and WW2, I feel disappointed the classic CoD2 maps aren't even considered as DLC.

>people even buying another CoD of the year

sit on the one side of the river on the only map that anyone plays while the teams are stacked and pixel snipe for an hour.

ro2 is poop and has been for several years

>but instead chose to mindlessly pander.

Dont forget, they're pandering to an audience that dont even play games.

>And now suddenly everyone gets angry
Because the previous CoD didn't take place in the historical past, you drooling retard


not giving you that (you) btw

The beta was okay. And only okay.

Maps are too tightly packed to justify using anything other than SMGs.

maybe, only thing that troubles me is that my pc meets all the specs but still has only 8 gigs of ram, and they recommend 12 gigs of ram, so idk what would happen if i even ended up getting it

though i am sick to fucking death of the 3 lane maps just with a different environment

No they won't dude
Most people will be in Infantry and airborne
It does depend on the loadout tho, so there is choice

why the fuck didn't you try the beta to see for yourself if it would work. Like they seriously gave you the chance to see firsthand if it'll work for you.

What the fuck user.

Maps look good actually I'm hyped to try the rest
I'm also sick of generic maps

Most people were airborne because smgs were literally unstoppable. Those who went sniper usually got rushed faster than they could shoot



You and your supervisor should leave activision if you want to sell good games

I did try the beta however my game would crash every 10-15 mins and i chalked that up to being a shitty beta since there was a heap of people with the same problems, hell some people couldn't even launch the beta at all

i'm just over how every map has 3 fucking lanes no matter what

Ey I also have 8gb
I put my game at 85% rendering (I think) and lowered some settings and it worked just fine

All the maps leaked and they're not all three lane bullshit
I'm very worried about their number tho, we have 10 normal maps and 3 War maps