Friend buys me a $60 game

>friend buys me a $60 game
>wants me to pay him back
>I'm sending him $5 through steam once a week for the next 12 weeks

welcome to financing things you cant afford underage

You sound like a shitty friend

>lend 800 dollars to a friend so he can buy a new car because his old one broke down
>tell him he can pay me back whenever he's financially comfortable
>see him play new games on Steam all the time

your friend might be a deadbeat but that's on you. never lend money to acquaintances, only close friends who won't think it's weird if you punch them in the gut every now and then to remind them.

sweet blog post, faggot

>Friend buys you shitty 60 dollar game even though you've told him fucking not to
>You guys get maybe an hour of play out of it because he lost interest
>Buy friend 20 dollar game that yields hundreds of hours of play
>He plays it more obsessively than you do
>He still expects another 30 dollar game because he bought you a 60 dollar game.
Eat shit Robert

>only close friends

I've known him for over 10 years.
I-I'm sure he'll pay me back once he's got a job again.

lol, you lent money to an unemployed person? christ, you're a nitwit. but a kind hearted one, at least.

>''friend'' gives you a gift


May as well send him 1 cent for the next 6000 days.


say something to the asshat you fucking pussy. get your damn money back you absolute fag

Never loan to friends unless you're okay with the money being a gift.

>friend buys you a $60 game even though you told him not too
>never play the game
>he gets upset that you're just letting the game go to waste
>remind him that you had no interest in it and you've got other shit to do
>he gets passive aggressive every time it's brought up

Money isn't that important to me, I just thought it was kinda odd.

>guy buys you thing
>you didn't ask for it
>he wants to be paid for it
>you give him the money in 12 easy installments
>you are the bad guy
What did he mean by this?

>friend buys me cheap indie steam games every few months
>I buy him a humble bundle every so often
both of us are too fucking stingy to buy $60 games but I think this works out better

lol wtf?

>buy a game for a friend
>tell him that it's a gift and he doesn't need to pay me back
>“nah bro I'll pay you back don't worry”
>Never pays me back anyway

Shit I didn't know people posted Stanley reaction images.

>friend just accepts an $800 loan
That's how you know he's a bad friend or that you're an overpaid athlete or actor. All of my friends have fairly middle class jobs and live fairly comfortable and I'd never accept a loan like that from them. It puts a weird dynamic in the friendship. Even if I desperately needed it and they could freely offer it I'd still decline.

literally me

>Grape Newol

>Friend wants me to buy him 60€ game on launch
>Says he'll pay me back next month's paycheck
>Remember it's his birthday in two months
>Send the gift through steam with happy early birthday message
I suck at picking birthday presents so I take every chance like this I get.

He knows I've got plenty of money (not fuck you money but still)

Also us hanging out greatly depends on his car since I don't have a driver's license myself.

I've been in pinches before where I needed 700$ for court fees from a DUI and i borrowed all the money across 6 friends.
I think everything was normal still

>friend asks me for a loan
>cut off all contact permanently

>friend buys me two games
>gets mad because i throw the word "fag" around too much
>unfriends me
lol, stupid fag

Don't bother asking for it back. If he's a true nigga he'll pay you back.

If you ask for it back he'll pull the "what the fuck is your problem, I thought we were friends" card and somehow put you at fault.

>can't even pay interest
what a fag. I charge 30% interest on anything under hundred bucks.

Forgot to mention, i'm a girl btw.

I'm not gonna ask it back until he's got a long term job for over a year. I'm sure he just forgot since we're both huge stoners.

Me too.

>friend's girlfriend hops on the voice chat while he's afk
>starts talking to us
>i'm throwing around the word fag and making crass jokes
>she gets all indignant and shit informing us about the rights of people
>call her a fag for acting like a fag
>she shuts off the computer
>next day
>get an earful from my buddy about antagonizing his girlfriend
>tell him that she was being a thin skinned no fun allowed bitch
>he stops talking to me for a few weeks
>eventually breaks up with her and complains about how she started trying to control his life
I don't understand these niggas that let women control them. The whole, you'll understand when you get married types. No, I don't think I will, because letting someone have that much control over you is bitch shit. Hell, the whole reason I'm self employed is because having a boss rubbed me the wrong way.

>Start playing an online fps
>friend gets interested
>Begs me to buy it for him
>do so cause I want friends to play with
>Says he'll pay me back in a week or so
>Its been a month
>hardly plays the game at all
>ask him about it
>"Sorry user, I didn't really play it that much so i don' think i should pay for it"
>Almost punched the cunt right there
>Told him to pay me before the weeks out and left

my friend who I rarely speak to now bought me a blizzcon virtual ticket.

>older brother by 14 years is “that kid”
>Lend him games
>Games go into a black hole, never to be seen again
>Anytime I borrow something I make it a point to know where it is at all times and make an effort to return the game once I’m done with it, just to spite him
>Stop lending him games
>He starts acting like a little bitch over it despite telling him he loses everything

Fuck you, Josh

>friend gifts me payday 2 full price so we can play
>so excited i install it before i remember my toaster cant run it
sorry Colin