more like women who only work out. look at the body double's instagram page. she doesn't do jack shit besides build muscle
The Last of Us 2 "Real Women"
>she works out
>she's badass
genetically gifted if triceps are real
don't be delusional. she's definitely on steroids. If you even doubt, then it's almost guaranteed to be steroids.
post this on /fit and ask if it's natty. they'll laugh in your face and call you a faggot
Are you upset she’s fitter than you? Post a time stamped photo of your arms, now.
hell yeah im upset. she's 10 times my size
>TFW no fit gf to bully you
Absolutely disgusting but I gotta say I want to rimjob that ass.
She looks more attractive than the game character.
ITT faggots that do not like fit girls
>all muscle no ass
you tryna break your dick and hips?
>genetically gifted
>not just on a shit ton of gear
god non-lifters sound retarded when they talk about exercise
show a fit girl that doesnt look like a man from behind
God i want a fit gf who want to toture me into getting into shape.
Too bad they didn't use her face too, because they ended up making her body look bad with that awful in-game face.
The only face I've seen is with an angry expression, nobody looks good with expression like that.
I would, but I don't want to get banned.
since when'd they ban niggas for ass cracks? 2017 really crazy
>Those deltoids
It must take some serious body dysphoria to not only put the effort to lift but also cheat your way to looking like a man
>People think it's possible to get that toned body in a post apoc world where scavenging and thievery is the only way to get food and survive
really makes you think
People can keep that shitty still image of the fit girl and call her ugly all they want but in motion she looked really good. She's kind of plain but she is fit, in shape and when they strung her up and she was trashing her legs around trying to get air in her lungs, her body twisting and her feet kicking... That was the good stuff.
You guys are way too negative.
>reddit spacing
Are you implying she's not 100% natural? That body is achievable by ALL women if they do push ups once in a while
>if they do
>reddit spacing
lol man I've probably been here longer than you
>not liking muscle girls
I feel bad for you guys.
>fit girls are best girls
unfortunately ellie's mom looks like a dude
>Sup Forums hates fit girls
>Sup Forums hates skinny girls
Maybe you guys should switch places
Why didn't that fat fuck Hurley in Lost lose weight despite the lack of food?
that looks fine
triceps that look like you were in a gym for 3 weeks straight does not
Sup Forums does not hate fit girls, but everyone is throwing a shitfit because she wasn't designed purely for sex appeal and it being a Druckmann/Naughty Dog game people can collectively hiss at the sjw boogeyman whether it's warranted in this case or not.
Chris Redfield is the only sane protagonist of Resident Evil
cause he was dead
>no trigger discipline
has to be a woman
>>People think it's possible to get that toned body in a post apoc world where scavenging and thievery is the only way to get food and survive
>really makes you think
If you find a warehouse full of protein powder you're set for years.
Similarly, a dairy farm.
Similarly, steroids.
Similarly, cannibalism.
>Similarly, cannibalism.
Cannibalism works?
Meanwhile this is her VA...
How does she even make a voice to match the character?
>low effort bait
>I was doing it on purpose I swear
>Linda Hamilton didn't want to return as Sarah Connor in any of the movies because she said working out that intensely was too much for her.
>only achieved this level of bulk
yeah, Naughty Degenerates under that kikepig's rule pull such faggotry.
She's also obviously on extra special supplements.
She's pretty uglycute though. They should have used her face too.
Linda Hamilton didn't use steroids.
There's only one problem you shitposting cunt. i don't see the words "real woman" posted anywhere in your image. so you're creating an argument that doesn't exist so you can circlejerk on Sup Forums over a non issue. is super mario oddyssey so fucking shitty that you'd rather create god awful threads than play it? sad.
did anyone jerk off to this scene? Asking for a friend
Muscle girls are gayer than traps but I still like them.
Yep, this is natty limit for a woman.
For a steady supply of protein in the absence of the ability to reliably hunt? Incredibly risky. Highly inadvisable. Puts you at risk for every disease or condition under sun and moon. But potentially.
Basically, do anything else. Cannibalism was only listed because it's a potential source of large quantities of protein. Stick with milk.
>liking women is gayer than liking men
>a woman this huge struggles with two 60lb dbs on incline bench
Even on steroids female muscle is super weak.
My goal in life is to eventually die by being snu'd snu'd in a leg squeeze by someone like pic related
Not enough proof. Post more.
>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>Yep that's me, you're probably wondering how I got into this situation...
Woah... so this is... 4theplayers...
My dick is hard...
I want to punch this woman in the stomach over and over again
>Bailey is going the hollywood way of Troy Baker
>she'll stop doing weebshit eventually
Date girl like this
Hands rough as sandpaper
Holy shit those calluses
Boobs are hard and square and can't be played with
Sex feels like you're holding on to another man
Never wants to stay in and cuddle, just gym 24/7
nahhh never again
She played fucking Nadine bro, she'll be fine
It was a dropset you faggot, you can even see one of the 80s she just used at the start.
>Husband is good friends with Troy Baker
>Ashley Johnson is one of her best friends
>As soon as she started randomly retweeting shit from TLOU Twitter, and then her husband went as Joel for Halloween I figured she had a part
As long as she stays a regular on Critical Role im fine
God the backlash for that was so awful
She is Anna, Ellie's mother. They are most likely modifying Ashley Johnson's face in order to make both character look like mother and daughter.
women don't have to take a lot of gear to get to that size
Sup Forums hates anything over 12 years old.
Liking a woman that looks like a man is gayer than liking a man who looks like a woman.
80s are still very light for how big she is.
>They got a female weight lifter to model for a video game set in an apocalypse setting where food and weight lifting equipment is hard to find
Why though? That's pretty unrealistic.
>Stronk Womyn meme
Are you upset that her tits are bigger than yours? Tits or GTFO.
>strong women aren't realistic
>lewd women with unrealistic proportions are
Explain this.
maybe i did it to shill for the model. who knows?
I want a 6ft muscle woman to get me a blowjob and throw me around the room
>reddit spacing
Jesus Christ what a bunch of lower level normies
now THIS is how real Chads spend their holloweens
That's some roids right there.
I can't digest OP but I completely accept Sarah Connor
how is this uncommon in media/hollywood/society? bodybuilders and buff people are always referring to themselves and getting referred to as "badass". everyone calls the rock badass despite being a big homo. why do you guys get so triggered by the dumbest shit? is it literally just because somebody called a woman "badass"? really??
liking traps is more heterosexual than liking fit women
dont @ me, thats a fact
i could honestly tell from that one sentence that you hate yourself and your life lol
pack it up folks
As others have pointed out, proper body building to get a body like hers is as much diet as it is gym time. Both the proper nutrients and the equipment needed for that sort of physique aren't going to be found readily enough in a zombie apocalypse. You also wouldn't have top tier male powerlifter physiques in a realistic zombie end of times.
People (myself included) get autisticly obsessed with everything being realistic in a game that claims to be realistic. Post-apocalyptic roided musclegirls aren't realistic.
I'll still play and enjoy TLOU2.
this is my perfect, adopted, blonde-haired, blue-eyed sister and she thinks women shouldn't be portrayed like that. she's right, too, because most girls don't look like that. we enjoyed the first game's multiplayer on PS3
>no fridgemode gf
and what was wrong with the design of the woman who died in the first one? she looked fine and realistic enough
> Muscular "women"
Might as well fuck a man
Give me thicc or give me death
do they have steroids in the post apocalypse?
nothing but physical labour?
you mean like an couple of hours a day of physical exertion, probably anywhere from 5 to 7 days a week?
you mean like a stone-cold survivor living in the world of the last of us?
(((druckman born in israel)))
What are some games that let me play as a jacked musclebabe?
Of course not. It's not physically possible for a woman to reach this level or shape of muscle mass without gear.
Reminder, It is possible for women to look like that girl!
It's IMPOSSIBLE to do it naturally!
If people ever compare this trailer-female towards being a "strong, real woman" it's impossible. Not only would you need to compare the fact that woman is in a post-apocalyptic world filled with instantly deadly fast-moving zombie monsters and society itself has crumbled as a result where literally 100% of your life is scavenging...the only women on the planet that look like that are professional bodybuilders. Not even powerlifters, bodybuilders. And to compete professionally, you must be on controlled doses of steroids and other gear, have an IMMACULATE diet of perfect nutrition and huge quantities and they spend zero time scavenging and all their time lifting weights (mostly isolation exercises) for hours and hours every day, all week, all month, for years and years. With tons of sleep.
Yeah, it's possible to look like that. But not without steroids, and completely incompatible with a video-game world of post-apocalyptic life.
I like fit girls, that's why I'm not attracted to the man in the OP
how long until Druckmann is outed for being a sex pest?
there are orders of magnitude of difference between your pic and op's pic
who here doesnt ?