Install game

>install game
>"Please select a language:"
>English has a British flag next to it

Other urls found in this thread:

>english has an american flag next to it

fucking dirty 56% cunts get off my language

That's where the language originated, so I don't see the problem.

>simplified english (US flag)

if it was an english flag then dumb am*ricans wouldn't know what it is

>two different englishes
>one British flag and one US

>Canada flag


>says Muhammad

>"Please select a language:"
>Swedish has a Muslim flag next to it

>Chinese has a Chinese flag next to it

>english flag next to it

>English has a half-british half-USA flag next to it

>every language except English has a Canadian flag next to it

>click the english with the british flag
>everyone in the game calls you govna and chap
>what a good lad I am

fucking bongs

>Game install
>"Language, please select."
>British has an English to it next.

yeah but we perfected it

Name one game that does this.

Xenoblade Chronicles.

>British flag next to it

What about a Irish flag idk it might make the 7 people that live here happy.

>American English
>there’s a bullseye next to it

>Brazilian flag next to it

Why do americans dumb down the english language for their people?

>portugese has a brazilian flag next to it

>tfw a once glorious empire that ruled half the world is now a laughing stock that houses Muslims and Pajeets

We always had our niggers but at least we know how to section them off from everyone

You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>American has an English flag next to it

Dragon Quest 7

You allowed your nation to be controlled by niggers for 8 YEARS

>game installer from a crack team starts up in russian
>american flag as the back drop

Why do bongs get so easily triggered?

>democrat run cities
Cman man play fair

>american flag
>"It's yo boy, Mario!"
>"Daaaaaamn, that old blood be some motherfuckin scary ass shit"

*blocks your path*

>American level
>picture of burger for the select screen

fuckin kek


fucking Bioware

Show the updated charts were 70% of UK cities are Middle Eastern.

>Eurobsessed thread
>They can't even come up with good insults because their government will imprison them for hate speech online

>Isn't an option at all


>spanish has a mexican flag next to it

>boot up Sup Forums
>Anonymous has a pumpkin next to it

>this is what americans believe
Do you also think dinosaurs are a conspiracy?

>5 cities is a whole country

Nothing wrong with that.

>be american
>go to Halloween party
>get shit

>Ukrainian has a Russian flag next to it

Your arms must be tired from moving those goal posts m8

name one game where this happens

London is one City

>"Select your country"

>USA is right on the top instead of in alphabetical order like the rest

>inb4 pretending
nobody said otherwise

You must be buthurt, i said nation, london isn't a nation. Also he hasn't been incharge for 2 years let alone bloody 8

it's sad because british english isn't even british english anymore

the irish and scotts speak english more understandably, that says a lot


Tell me how Obama wasn't the president of North America



Hey leafy, go back to twitter shitposting.

*clears throat*

>comparing the total term to the years since a term
Keyword: was, or in your poorly written sentence's case, "has"

what that pumpkin

Moors BTFO.


seriously, how are euro's even allowed to view or post on the infamous hate site known as Sup Forums?

isn't it illegal now and you're only allowed to view it once by mistake? thought they would have firewalled this side of the internet from you by now

you are repling to a ghost

Don't they speak Russian ?

>"Please select a language:"
>Portuguese has a BRAZIL flag next to it

>This post has been flagged as hate speech as accordance to UK law.

I'm surprised you Americans haven't been wiped out by the hurricanes since even the natural world hates you

>but at least we know how to section them off from everyone

Then don't delete your post everytime you make spelling errors, britbong

right, it should have st george's cross rather than the united kingdom flag. in america the only language we invented is ebonics. it also bothers me that people here think that "few" and "couple" mean the same thing.

not they have their own language, it's similar to russian like spanish and portuguese, or swedish and danish

>faces of the UK

once day the USA will be free of blacks and gays, then the storms will end

Spanish and Portuguese aren't similar

I have no idea what BRs are saying

yea but they can understand you well enough, similar doesn't mean fully compatible

>moving goalposts like a damage controlling cunt

khan will get kicked off soon but america actually liked Obama lmfao, there people who still want that nigga back, you people actually miss being lead by niggers

>not knowing what moving goal posts means
>America actually liked Obama

>be english
>go onto english language website
>full of quadroon yank mongrels shitting the place up
Cannot wait for you to adopt spanish and fuck off the anglo net forever

8 years of reconstruction, Pajeet

>be english
>give free land and housing to returning ISIS veterans
>be english

nah your people died out a long time ago, I don't know what you are but you're definitely not english

>daily mail meme articles are how americans learn about other countries

Utter brainlet

>install game
>"Please select a language:"
>Turkish flag is just garbled ascii

>britbong lecturing others on what is white when they paved the way for anglo and western civilizations downfall
Makes me laugh

but you are an american? Do you wear feathers on your head?

>This post has been reported for Whitewashing the U.K.

>British """police"""

How can you NOT feel safe knowing these are the people protecting your country?

do you hear the call to prayer in the morning yet?

I feel a lot safer knowing they can't shoot me

>all cops with guns want to kill everyone

>England is whit-

>all cops with guns can't kill anyone

britcucks everyone

Whiter than america, sure. By a large margin.

>Oi! Govnuh! Be a goot chap and groind on me waist now, yea?