this is not possible
This is not possible
Use my gamesave bruh I sacrificed that shit for you.
Keep trying
Make sure to be connected to the internet
not going to delete my 100% savefile to finish some bullshit.
cheat engine works fine.
Are you dumb?
The message here is that you can't do it alone. We're here for you user
the absolute state of piratefags
>Not just alt-tabbing the game when it asks you to delete your save, copying your current save and then allowing the game to delete it
why would i do that when i can check a box in cheat engine and finish it without moving files?
Same here; gotta help those anons.
Is the other player's data that died during my run for ending E gone for good or is it always available for everyone.
Losing my save was a great cathartic moment that would have had no effect if I had a backup. You may aswell just choose to not give up your save in the first place as the only reward for doing it is the emotional impact.
I did it solo with no help. Took me a fucking while, but I did. And then I went back for the two other main endings and never felt like playing it again.
Meh. If the protagonists were allowed to copy their minds to other bodies then it's ok for me to do the same.
>Losing my save was a great cathartic moment
i don't understand this kind of delusion
It actually is, some autist did it.
Not him but if my experience losing all of my Dark Souls savefiles is some kind of indication, it feels sort of liberating. Like, you feel that your journey is completely over and you have an open door to either start again or never touch the game again.
I've been ausent for a few days, wha is this and what does it mean?
>it feels sort of liberating
not really. it feels like your accomplishments are all thrown down the drain because Taro doesn't like completionists.
Not really. Journey, not destination (at least for me).
The save deletion isnt quite that, the fact that you can buy trophies or that it was an utter cunt to 100% nier was. Save deletion always felt like acceptance of finality for Nier:A and was used to add a significant amount of emotional weight to the final ending of Nier.
>utter cunt to 100% nier
aside from fishing how was it an utter cunt?
>This is what happens when PC gamers get their hands on what used to be console only games
Fucking hell I hope you idiots never get the first Nier
PS3 emulation will exist eventually. Taro also wants to remake the game, so we'll get it one way or the other.
PC is where every single videogame should go to.
Enjoy seeing how Demon's Souls is lost forever once the last PS3 has irreparable hardware damage.
>not knowing you dont have to delete save
holy fuck you are dumb
pc players minds arent complex enough to understand jamming x for 20 hours, hp sponge enemies, collection quests, replaying same content over, invulnerable dodge spam, and japanese fanfic storylines
the original nier is one of the worst games ive ever played
You can put your save game on the cloud with ps plus and replace it after E but only a jackass would do that
For the sake of preservation and performance, I agree. For actual discussion and a nice community? No, PC gamers shit on everything they touch and then proceed to pretend it never was any good anyway. Don't act as if this hasn't been the case with every franchise that eventually got ported to PC.
Shitposters on Sup Forums =/= the actual PC community.
I've loved, praised (and criticized when it was necessary) all the good console games I've got on PC, because I love videogames. You're just a jealous child trying to justify his anger.
Lunar Tear
>main endings
What? To get to Ending E if you have to go through every other main ending.
He's lying.
Now he'll try to save face by calling any of the gag / game over endings "main endings" and that he found all of them without any external help.
How was this difficult? Do you not explore the game world?
i dont think you can delete savefile if you pirated the game
This, I regret nothing.
I wish I was angry. Right now I'm just sad. I'm glad you have been able to enjoy console games user. I prefer my games on PC too, but it's just sad to witness PC gamers slowly shitting up dedicated fan communities. Dark Souls and the whole "Git gud" thing is probably the worst.
>Unironically being so much of a brainlet you miss the point of sacrificing your save
can I get a quick rundown?
wow i guess i'm really slow
The final ending of Nier: Automata pits you up against a nearly impossible bullet hell to secure your happy ending. If you fail enough times you are given the option to connect to everyone else that finished the final ending and deleted their save files to give you extra shots/shields to make finishing the bullet hell a cake walk.
Farming for one was a pain in the ass.
it really wasn't that bad.