Anyone else here /regret/ buying the switch?

Anyone else here /regret/ buying the switch?

>shitty third party support like skyrim and old games that have been out for years
>until now the only exclusives were just ports from wii u
>new mario looks like it was made for the 3DS and the ground textures were copypasted from n64
>forced motion controls
>more bullshit gimmicks like a tablet controller
>still no functioning group chat

I wish I could stop being fooled by nintendo bros

Other urls found in this thread:

>couldn't even wait a day

Currently intending to 100% Odyssey and leave BotW in the dust, finished Mighty Gunvolt Burst and will soon buy Blaster Master Zero, replaying Shovel Knight in anticipation for King of Cards, and Sonic Mania will be revisited on my Switch a million times over. Looking forward to Metroid Prime 3 and Kirby Star Allies.

A decent console so far. And besides, I still have three multiplayer games to go out and buy to tide me over until Super Smash Bros for Nintendo Switch.

>Sony cucks this mad they don't have 2 97 sony exclusives

I'm planning on getting one when it gets more games I want. 2 (TWO) exclusives for a single system isn't enough, my minimum is five.

>"hey, the switch is looking like it is just going to get portable ports for the first year or two, you might want to wait a bit unless you are fine with that"

Is there any ads for Switch (Christmas)?
I want a price reduction

>instead of paris expo shit, nintendo shitposting has just increased
is there nothing 4 the gamers to talk about.

>it's another Sony damage control thread

Desperate Roach shit posting.

I mean, it's useless other than for Mario Odyssey but I don't know what I would have bought otherwise

You're forgetting about the exclusives Spatoon 2, Mario vs Rabbids, and ARMS. Not to mention a bunch of exclusive third party indie games, Golf Story and Sonic Mania for example.

I'll buy the switch when the new smash bros comes out and Xenoblade Chronicles X 2

>I want

>useless other than for Mario Odyssey

BoTW, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Mario vs. Rabbids, Shovel Knight, Sonic Mania, The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth +, Stardew Valley, Golf Story, just to name some big ones of the OVER 200 games available.


Anyone else here /regret/ clicking on /vhithole/?

>shitty autistic retards spam the exact same crying wojak falseflag bait threads every hour on the hour
>mods are too busy masturbating to CP to do anything about it

roger that

Nice false flag faggot.

>muh Sony bogeyman
Its like anyone who talks ill of Nintendo is someone who only owns a PS4.

Don't forget, you're here forever.

>post yfw you stopped caring about consoles

> BoTW
> Mario Odyssey
> Splatoon 2
> Xenoblade 2
> Octopath Traveler
> Metroid Prime 4
> Inevitable Smash Bros game
Nah, it's going good.

I regret playing video games and wasting my life on this shithole.