Is this the most non biased WW2 game ever?

Is this the most non biased WW2 game ever?

>Showed Swastikas
>Showed the brutality of the red army
>Showed the gritty and ugly fighting of the Pacific
>No heroic soundtrack, just a depressing atmosphere of war

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>Is this the most non biased WW2 game ever?
Not really kid. See Frontline, Medal of Honor, or DoD.

>Showed Swastikas

Woah, calm down! This is a WW2 game!

>Showed the brutality of the red army

Showed the brutality of the .

>Showed the gritty and ugly fighting of the Pacific

Literally how? All WW2 combat is gritty and ugly, you can't fuck it up.

>No heroic soundtrack, just a depressing atmosphere of war

>glorified americans
To answer youre question, no.

Most of those had an unrealistic portrayal of the war and were basically saving private Ryan the game

That song isn't heroic at all...

Don't think you played the original MoH games then. They were very advance and the Nazi ai was very smart. Threw grenades back etc.
DoD favored the Nazis if anything.

Define "heroic". Do you even know what the vocals are saying? If you want a non-heroic soundtrack, stop being underage and go play the old Medal of Honor games.

>Showed the brutality of the
The game showed the Japanese being very brutal. The game starts off with you watching a Jap slit someone's throat for goodness sake. Not to mention the banzais.
You're also forced to kill surrendered axis soldiers in the Russian campaign.
Neither side is portrayed positively.

imma play rn

>>Showed Swastikas
no it didnt


if you're smart you run away from a grenade, not towards it

thats not a swastika. why is it mirrored? idiot

to avoid an automated nazi detecting German missile strike

Who cares if it's mirrored? Most people who don't have Autisim won t see that

people who finished high school would know, brainlet

What made WaW stand out so much was how it presented itself. Yeah there were things like Medal of Honor and CoD 2 but WaW was meant to show the brutality of the war, and has probably the best atmosphere any CoD has ever had except for maybe Black Ops. Most, if not all other WW2 vidya take a more lighthearted approach to it, you're the hero who's saving the day alongside your valiant allies. In WaW you're burning people alive, blowing limbs off of everyone like it was going out of style, and bringing an end to a god forsaken conflict. Plus it had zombies and a coop campaign.

WaW was perfect, loved the body gibs and oppressive atmosphere. the Japs were fucking crazy back then.

Now we have Black Female Nazis, female paratroopers, and no swastikas in the new game which claimed On Stage it was """Historically Accurate""". Historical revisionism maybe... knew WWII was fucked when Anita Sarkeesian was photographed at the development studio... wondering why they didn't add in a muslim Tranny at D-Day for diversity bucks

This. Damn shame


Best part was your character would blow his brains out with his own gun if you quit the match early. SJWs bitched however and it was patched out. I am excited to play the new CoD WW2 and I honestly don't give one fuck if you play as a female or nigger, I doubt you'll honestly notice or care when playing. Removing Swastikas is dumb, but again it doesn't actually matter if it feels like a World War 2 game. Not to mention Zombies has been redubbed Nazi Zombies. Hopefully it's not like the overly convoluted bullshit Zombies from BO3.

also, the original WAR game mode was fantastic fun imo. it felt badass when your team got momentum and the hell marching started.

Keep in mind that the campaign is the historically accurate part of the game. It even has swastikas.

It was literally the only Call of Duty truly worth being in the top 3

>anita photographed at their development studio
nigger what

That's only in the MP

The campaign will be the most historicly accurate COD ever was, as in they'll trade in over the top nonsense to give a better view of the war

The guy who worked on band of brothers talked with them a lot about it
There's a lot of scenes that huminize the German soldiers as well, for the first time they're not just targets all the time, but they'll also show their cruelty

Also static HP bar is back
Can't wait for the campaing desu

Aren't you aware of this?

I know I'm not the only one who used to stay on the menu just to hear this haunting song.

holy shit the samefagging shills are real

SP campaign seems like it might actually be OK. Will pirate and then delete so I don't have to deal with the retarded fucking MP

>communicate with people
>samefag shill!

Video games are supposed to be fun, not realistic and non biased

Man I miss this game. Easily my all time favorite CoD multiplayer. It's also the first time I ever encountered a game being hacked on a console.

Least they went out with a bang, COD WW2 looks like everyone's pretending to be soldiers on fucking Halloween night.

>No heroic soundtrack, just a depressing atmosphere of war

You're very wrong on this
There's a lot of that throughout the game, and every time it's forced and ruins the moments of horror
Like when you're burning Japs with the flamethrower, of course what better insturment to use then than a fucking GUITAR RIFF, stuff like that

Reznor was also a jarring character
Put him in the same room as the Pacific men and you'll see what I mean

His fake Russian accent (he's voiced by a damn Brit btw) took me out of the game a bit

He's also a basic embodiment of everything Soviet russia at the time, he's more of a reflection of their mentality than he is a real person
That's fine but again, compere it with the Pacific crew, it's jarring

It's a good campaing that looks and plays incredibly well
A gem that I think WW2 will out-do, at least I hope so