What are you guys currently playing for Halloween?
Dead Rising: Off the Records for me.
What are you guys currently playing for Halloween?
Dead Rising: Off the Records for me.
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muscle berry
I was thinking Dreadout Keepers of the Dark, but the first one wasn't scary at all.
Anyone know if it's better or not? Otherwise I'll just play VTMB.
Risen. Breddy good so far.
I'd love to Dora Explore her if you can interpret the implications of this post.
Only the scariest horror game ever Family
I'm playing the game called love, and im fucking winning, losers.
pic related.
Cod zombies
The best Action Horror ever made
whos this literal angel
You lost the game called "photoshop" though.
Just beat Serious Sam, was a blast. It might be my favourite shooter
Not sure, but look up a Dora the Explorer porn parody and I'm sure this will be the actress
>didn't even realize this was Dora's outfit until you pointed it out
oh shit
>reverse not working
Fucking hell
I got Deadly Premonition in the steam sale. I wish I'd heard about this game sooner, it's literally Twin Peaks: The Game
I am afraid I am unable to decipher your intentions good sir. May you please explain in greater detail?
>tfw no 20cm babes to party with
thought this was demi lovato for a second
b-but that's Leon's RE6 jacket...
you know they made a super special edition of RE6 that has that jacket, for like 10k?
Nothing, going drinking
i played code veronica x. its easier than i remember. i last beat it when i was in gradeschool. jm playing on my ps2 becuase i dont believe in emulation
Playing Sup Forums and trying not to kill myself
you guys should be hitting the gym so you can bang broads like OP pic and not fap to them
I like Res4 more as horror survival but 6 is better as an action game. Wish I was good at the original ones but I just suck at those retarded tank controls
Dora the Explorer looked like THAT?
i don't gym, but i started lifting and jogging
gonna lose the 50lbs i gained and go back to looking like a person again
Can't find shit, so I guess this is just a halloween costume.
>"that bitch Dora?"
>"I'd explore it"
say that to my face and not online! just see what happens, chump.
I couldn't get into 6. All the weapons felt so weak compared to 4 and 5. The separate campaigns were very hit and miss.
Didn't she get in trouble for doping?
And then still with all the doping, still couldn't beat the black sisters?
I'm playing Bloodborne again
Moaner did it better
/fit/ doesnt bang broads
but you're righ that it wouldnt hurt
You and me both, bro. Two weeks without beer and staying strong.
desu everyone wants to fuck Dora
Sonic Mania
your image has nothing to do with them.
let me extrapolate: I would like to copulate with her genitals
yeah but it was something like poppy seeds or whatever, during the australian open
You make a good point
>videogames your image has nothing to do with them.
doesn't matter neogaf the subject is about video games
What the fuck is that ugly troll trash heap of a living organism?
That's because they are balanced based on the skills you can choose. You basically HAVE to buy upgrades in the skills menu for any weapons you have to be worth anything. Annoying at first but rewarding after you can obliterate anything with ease.
I'm going as Heather from Silent Hills 3 since I kinda look like a boyish version of her already. My friend is going as Pyramd Head.
Rate my costume bros
back in the days before we had kids like you migrating here from Sup Forumseddit you could and would be banned for posting images like that. at the very least the file needs to be deleted and OP warned.
i don't drink and i been drinking almost nothing but water for the last 3 years. i touch soda every now and again, but nowhere near as much as a used to. im down from 212 to 205 in the last 2 weeks or so.
also, walking with my dog is apparently a chick magnet. i always thought it was some kinda lie, but they flock like crazy, especially tonight.
>hit gym
>become a gay
No thanks dude, i like being str8
How much do you charge per rub n tug?
What if I think woman are very attractive, but find masterbation to be more pleasurable then sex, in most circumstances.
We're all gonna make it brah
Well you weren't joking I guess
LMAO I'm a dude, dude. I don't do that stuff!
nah, she looks like a trashy hooker DRESSED as dora
/fit/ is ripped and full of virgins. Still, it's good for health, I guess.
>implying /fit/ isn't full of aesthetic autist permavirigns
Lifting can't cure the 'tism user.
if you have anal sex like twice a week for an hour you can lose up to fifteen pounds in a month.
any sexual activity for longer than fifteen minutes pretty much guarantees you weight loss
How could you even turn a chick stopping to pet your dog into a date, though?
/fit/ is just the blue board version of /r9k/ that ostensibly discusses health and fitness but all the busy threads are about feels.
if that was true, they wouldn't bother with gym and shit
Sex actually is great cardio.
/fit/ is like the gayer version of /y/ where fatties share pics of shirtless dudes and use weightlifting lingo to get each other hot and bothered.
Are you sure about that
For me, it’s the first Dead Rising, the best Dead Rising game.
nah, that shit is stupid, it'd be called a fucking movie at that point.
you build it up man, you don't just go for the kill when the prey is right in front of you
Some people who goes to the gym aren't looking to LOSE weight.
would love to service your penis.
>That pumpkin that says "Has tricked 25 users" when I hover over it
What is this? This is the first post I've seen with it.
why build muscle though?
you can still have fat on you and be stronger than you would if you worked out constantly
its a (you) counter for retards who pay for this shithole
All these posts and no one knows OP's pic name?
>tfw you can pay for a you counter
damn how much?
See . Typical /fit/ poster.
It's a Sup Forums pass thing?
Maybe you're a pro athlete. Maybe you shoot porn, maybe you're just a model. Who knows?
>you can lose up to 15 lbs per month
>practically guaranteed to lose weight
not if your fat ass doesnt know what a calorie is and how to not stuff your face full of them
So, is there no source on this bitch? Just a random hot woman?
Some random instagram thot I assume.
true sometimes people who are having lots of sex take no care of their diet
Nigga, what you know about Katya?
gran turismo sport
any guy that runs a strength routine for a year (probably even less than 3 months) will be overwhelmingly stronger than any fat loser on Sup Forums, nice cope.
Sup Forums pass users get a (You) counter for halloween.
>literally just searched dora on instagram
I would buy a Sup Forums pass if this were a year round thing.
I think its Cardi B
the only reason i pay for it is because otherwise i would never report posts. i'm not going to do captcha for that desu.
Holy moly i was not prepared
Thanks user
how can white, asian and black women even compete?
bless your soul
semen magnet
We're still doing this, huh?