>Someone starts green texting in chat
How would you handle this situation?
>Someone starts green texting in chat
How would you handle this situation?
Provide an alternative to quote a other persons post, which would be, umm....
>using meme arrows
>Damn bro you browse Sup Forums can i be your friend?
Send them a dick pic before blocking them
ignore it like i do with the rest of the chat
If only there was an actual "alternative to quote" another person outside of green texting, oh wait...
>friend exclusively browses reddit
>does this while playing tf2
What the fuck, Nick
>using comedy karats
>caring about, reading, or acknowledging anything said in an online game by anyone ever
First mistake. Learn from it. The chances of anything, anyone says in an online multiplayer game nowadays being useful or relevant is so small that it's never worth it. It is a legitimate waste of your time.
I might actually have to use this
>someone starts saying the word "kek" unironically over mic
>Look at how detached and badass I am! I just don't care!
maybe he browses r/Sup Forums
detachment is to path to Enlightenment, user
Became el shaggy blanco and beat the shit out of them.
somethin like tha
Probably just treat it as normal. I don't really care if people are open about browsing Sup Forums unless they are annoying.
>Someone starts green texting in chat
>That one faggot who, without fail, replies with shit like ''>using meme arrows outside Reddit''
People like this is why I usually stay away from mainstream multiplayer games, no matter how good they are.
I feel dirty even playing on the same server as these people, or whatever I should call them.
Nick is a faggot
>open about browsing Sup Forums
>not annoying
user, I...
I guess I have high tolerance for that stuff. As long as it isn't the defining trait of their personality.
act like I don't know, and ask what they mean by 'greater than' whatever they said
If they're forced to explain where its from, hopefully they will realize their retardation.
If not, its easier to just ignore people that don't understand the value of anonymity
>meme arrows aren't reddit
Oh, but it is. It defines them as faggots.
But aren't all of us here faggots? I would rather have someone be open about browsing this place than pretend like they don't. That just shows you are insecure and weak.
You got baited m8
What is meant when people simply post "user..." or "user, I..."?
Ignore it because I'm not a fucking sperg
>friend asks you where you get all those weird images
They were probably being sarcastic to poke fun at the faggot green texting in chat, I refuse to believe people say this shit seriously
>Not knowing what is meant when people simply post "user..." or "user, I..."
user, I...
>someone in the server tells another person to go back to Sup Forums
My friend always types this but never says it over mic
is that acceptable?
I always say go back to Sup Forums to faggots in twitch chat who use meme arrows
There's a difference between simply being detached and being so used to people's bullshit that you just cannot bring yourself to give a fuck anymore.
Obviously not. Everyone is under seven layers of irony etc etc.
It still doesn't make them anything but massive faggots. Like, posting ''KEK :^)'' ironically is really no different than doing it unironically.
What's the fucking point? You're just posting retarded shit. That makes you a retard.
Is there anyone who can beat Ultra Instinct Shaggy?
Video games, motherfucker. Video games.
The difference with our faggotry is that we keep it on Sup Forums where it belongs.
this is the correct response
Sup Forums is not a secret club anymore just look at jewtube comments nerds.
Yo' mama.
instant mute/block
never join Sup Forums groups or play with people who flaunt that they visit this site
>KEK KEK kek kek
>bro you just got cucked
> (OP)
>instant mute/block
>never join Sup Forums groups or play with people who flaunt that they visit this site
>>KEK KEK kek kek
>>bro you just got cucked