Which is the best console to play the classic Sonic Games? besides genesis
Which is the best console to play the classic Sonic Games? besides genesis
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Saturn. Get Sonic Jam.
Don't play that Nintendo DS collab version. That is 100% the worst version of Sonic 1. The frames drop to single digits in a few levels, and no I'm not kidding or exaggerating. It is unplayable.
I love M2's 3D classics versions of 1&2 on the 3DS. Too bad that 3&K and CD aren't available on the system though.
The 3D conversions of Sonic 1 and 2 on the 3DS are pretty fun, and dare I say the best 3D Sonic games. Besides that, Sonic Jam for the Saturn or any of the Taxman ports.
I see you haven't played Sonic Genesis on the GBA.
Taxman mobile ports on an Android emulator (Bluestacks)
>sonic genesis
Is that a port of Sonic 1? Also, no I haven't. I don't see how it can get any worse other than the game just freezing completely at the labyrinth stage because on the ds game when you get to that stage, the frames drop to single digits. Only way it could be worse is if it just drops to zero frames completely.
Mobile versions of 1, 2 and CD.
Play Sonic 3 Complete on your emulator of choice.
>Emulating the android version
At that point you may as well just use a good Genesis emulator with the original rom user.
It's worse. Way worse. Forget frame drops, it's just entirely broken.
>At that point you may as well just use a good Genesis emulator with the original rom user.
The Genesis versions don't have widescreen.
PC, emulation.
If console, then the Saturn, Sonic Jam since it has all classic games + the lock on features of thsoe games+extra shit like spindash in Sonic 1 as an option + that sweet Sonic World in 3d
If you want portable you can emulate on the PSP, even Sonic 3 Complete works there.
Taxman ports are good. CD for example is much better than the original release
Get a 4:3 monitor then user.
Widescreen is better for gameplay reasons though. Especially for Sonic.
That doesn't even include the soundtrack options in CD and the extra characters (while you can easily get hacks with the characters, it's nice to just have them in a single package).
It's better sure, but if you're getting into retro games then you'll have to come to the terms with the fact that anything before 2005 is all pretty much going to be in 4:3 only. It's better to rip that bandaid off sooner than later.
I always liked the level design of the game gear games. When you strip Sonic of his speed, you get some pretty decent gameplay.
I don't think that's a good reason to not play the best version of a game.
If they want to get used to 4:3, then play a game that's only 4:3.
Wouldn't it better to play the Master System games
No. Never touch the Master System. That gamepad was the destroyer of thumbs.
What a delicate flower you are.
What's your excuse to emulate the master system versions then?
The scars on my thumb flare up. The mark of the SEGA oldfag.
Also I have better games to play now. Like Bubsy.
>besides genesis
So use a Mega Drive controller instead. Or some third party controller that doesn't blister your special snowflake thumb. The MS versions are just plain better and your unadaptability and unmanliness can't change that.
He should be forced to play with an atari joystick
I wouldn't call mobile the "best way to play" any Sonic game, but they do have the best versions of the Genesis games on there.
>It's better sure, but if you're getting into retro games then you'll have to come to the terms with the fact that anything before 2005 is all pretty much going to be in 4:3 only
But there exists versions of the games that aren't 4:3 only, so why not?
Sure, why not. That is compatible with the Master System too and I have tested it with the very game we're talking about. Of course playing with an Atari joystick is super hard mode as it doesn't register holding the button down, so your jumps will always be minimum height.
Well you can emulate android games, can't you?
Or if you're really feeling like a fucking loser, get a controller for you phone.