Your Gaming Sins
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I enjoy playing videogames.
Tried playing Half Life 2. Couldn't finish it. God the driving segments suck
i cheat in counterstrike since 1.6 nonstop, lel
i once fapped to that part in pokemon gold/silver where misty is on a date
Bought 5 lootcrates yesterday for overwatch. Didnt get any of the skins I wanted and had immediate buyers remorse after opening the last crate
I died twice in a Mario game.
I came all over my sisters hand while she played that part. It was my first time ejaculating so it was a euphoric expierence. A little bit of it landed on the screen of her purple gameboy. She promptly licked it off. I love Pokémon
I had to read a guide step by step for Code Veronica because the constant backtracking was too much
I often ponder about why devs have such a difficult time showing boobies in games, but horrible gore and dismemberment is OK. I just want to see a decently rendered pair of tits every now and then, your honor.
I teamkill in MW2 when a teammate is calling in a care package and take it or let an enemy take it.
Bought marvel infinite FFS dragonball fighterz is right around the corner but I got it anyway.
I'm playing on the Archeage private server because I'm a gambling addict.
You cant team kill in cod you faggot
I killed him
I was on board for the Fallout 4 hype train and would argue with people who were skeptical about the game. I now fully regret my actions, what must I do to repent?
Ten hours in Fallout 2
I have played Disc 1 of Final Fantasy 8 around 4-5 times in my life. Never beat the game.
In hardcore team deathmatch you can, fucking mongloid mouth breathing faggot
Not him, but I'm pretty sure there were modes where you could teamkill.
Confess? More like this whole thread is a fucking mess!
Bring back Carlos you fuck.
yes of course that happened
Go play it and see for yourself. Unless you’re scared
My horrible gaming tastes have killed friendships for me:
Paper Mario TTYD sucks.
Hollow Knight is overated indie garbage
Bloodborne isn't best souls game
LISA was so unfun and full of cliches that I couldn't get pass the first few hours.
In the last months all the fun I had playing videogames were from FIFA and CoD
i liked it
I hate most 8-bit games.
I like difficult games, but they're just so damn cheap and artificial. Also starting frim beginning of the game after death is bullshit.
>always start my first playthoughs on easy
>Play multilayer centric shooters for the campaign
>Avoid most side content in open world games.
just end yourself
I've been playing videogames for most of my life but I'm still a huge fucking casual at them. I'm mediocre at most genres and outright terrible at some.
I jerked off to that rabbit chick in Mario Odyssey and I'm not even a furfag.
Actually, solid pick. Me and my roommate would take turns and go for magic/ranges build (nightblade I think). It was like the MMO experience without having to rely on others.
This. These fucking games make me feel retarded at times.
How did you manage to do it?
Throwing my hat in the ring. I used be solid at FPS and Melee and my gaming habits haven’t changed but I fucking suck at everything still
>fapping to a rabbit
>not furfag
"Yeah guys, I jerked off to gay porn, but I'm not gay ofc"
Every time I play this game I lose interest like 7 hours in. I want to like it, as I'm a sucker for generic fantasy, but I'm struggling.
Is there a build more fun than others? I've tried warrior shit, and I had some fun learning combos swapping between hammer/greatsword, but that wore off pretty quick as melee combat just feels gimmicky and too reliant on abusing i-frame dodging, like Fable 1.
So if i jack off to fur porn once, i become the furry?
well shit
>I exclusively shitpost Nintendo and PC despite being an idort. Both fanbases are the same people and cancerous as fuck because they know there platform is dying
>QTEs are fun if there done right Metal Gear Rising is a good example
>I buy a game digitally despite it being cheaper on amazon
played like 2 hours of this and then quit
its like playing an mmo except its a singleplayer game, dont know why, I like regular rpg's, this just felt empty
One of these green texts what a blatant retarded shit post. Any guesses?
I know the feel.
I jerked off to MLP once.
I spent the weekend 100%ing Killzone 3
I have way more fun watching dota 2 tournaments than actully playing the game
Lots of interesting plot concepts and ideas, but it turned out really fucking bland and boring after the initial zone.
Plus no player slutwear or manwhore-wear despite one of the featured characters having it.
Ive played every souls game to completion the year they came out, but ive never solod a boss i didnt have to.
Also asuka is a better waifi
Same. I just stay away from multiplayer games because I know I'll never get good at them.
I used save states in SJ frequently because the insta death spells were bullshit.
It's 2017 and I still prefer 2D games over 3D.
jrpgs are shit
i use cheats when i get tired of failing at something. most recently that was Radiance in HK.
I always hardcore savescum. I played LISA recently and whenever some bullshit happened to my party members I would just reset until I got the desired outcome. I always felt like I was cheapening the experience though.
I couldn't get into Yakuza Zero.
It felt like a soap opera, and the combat was mushy and unsatisfying.
I only play through a game once.
fuck off today is my day
I have 150+ hours logged in Fallout Shelter.
I bought assassins creed origins after not playing simce black flag and i think its fucking fantastic. i never knew i wanted a game set in ancient egypt
I'm surprised you didn't get down syndrome as soon as you came
I am not the one playing games, is my dick.
forgive me father because i have sinned, im guilty of save scumming in every RTS/GSG and 4x game i play.
i have over 2200 hours logged on garrysmod
i don't really play it anymore but every now and then i will get on to play a little bit of TTT
I only bought Fable 2 because Molyneux said you could get your character or spouse visibly pregnant. I have a hard preggo fetish and at the time was such a horny teenager I believed his lies. Still a good game though.
The last Mario game I enjoyed was the first Super Mario Galaxy
I can't stop myself from powerleveling in New vegas because I like happy endings
You must have thousands of hours logged into sims.
At least i have spent more time than im comfortable admitting impregnating every female on the game until half the town is a child of mine.
I'm terrible at Overwatch. Can't aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, and very rarely get gold medals, on fire, etc. I also get killed by Genjis and Tracers when I play as Winston. Despite that, I make it into Master rank every season by only playing Mercy/Lucio.
When I play comp, I need to have chat muted and Oney Plays, Super Mega, or Game Grumps on in the background because I have a massive anxiety problem and getting shit on for fucking up destroys my ego.
I also refuse to play notoriously difficult games like Cuphead or Dark Souls for the above reasons.
I also think Danny is funnier than Jon
I bought Soul Caliber 4 just so I could jerk off to Ivy, Cassandra, and Taki. I hate fighting games other than Smash and haven't played a single match to this day
I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I pubstomped for years with LMAOBox on an alt account in TF2
I've played through Fear 2 three times but gave up on the first one after an hour
The Last of Us, Ocarina of Time, and Half Life 2 are my top 3
I've spent around 100 dollars on girlfriend audios and I write shipping fanfiction. I've written fics for games I haven't played because I like the characters
I love Devil May Cry 3 and 4 but despise 1 and haven't played more than an hour of it. I also absolutely love Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but dislike the original Deus Ex
I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.
I find a lot of retro games unplayable as they lack the polish and streamlining of more modern games
The only turn based RPGs I've ever played are the South Park ones because I used to watch the show
I hate the Sonic franchise. Every game is complete garbage
In every Zelda game I play, I use a guide to make sure I get all the items and see all the content
I have over 400 hours in Left 4 Dead 1/2, all of which is solo play on normal
I donate to streamers on occasion
The only RE game I like is 4
I savescum whenever possible
I've bought cosmetics in multiplayer games
I have never played Deus Ex even though I've had it in my Steam backlog for years
i use a black separation crystal on my summons right before we kill the boss to deny him souls. (dark souls)
I pretty much only replay old games I've beaten in my childhood/teenager days but can't stop myself from buying games that I tell myself "will play once I get on the mood" and "it's on a good price so who knows when it's going on sale again".
i've only played the GBA version of yoshis island
I spawn kill when I can get away with it.
I used to savescum a lot but now I try and avoid that
I started but never finished morrowind, planescape and arcanum. It's not the fault of the games, but I really have to restart these games someday.
I save scummed the whole Xcom campaing.
I fuck bees
i use wasd
i like to stare at the penis when watching sfm porn
i think pharah is ugly
i want to cum in mei-ling zhou's butthole
i think diablo ii is the best dungeon crawler ever made
resident evil hd is the best game
star wars 1313 would have ruined star wars video games
I think the only games I've played in the past two years are The Binding of Isaac and the new Battlefront.
I play PC games with a controller.
Stuff like Civ I will play with a keyboard, but any other games gets ye olde 360 wired controller.
I drop shot
I played Final Fantasy 7 for the first time earlier this year, on PS4 with cheats, because the regular game got too tedious for me.
I always exploit a bug if i find one instead of reporting it, like infinite money/items or unfair advantages over other players.
I've always been a casual.
My favourite FF is VIII
I played WoW for a good while even though I always thought it was complete trash and tried to pursue the fun in it
I love to shoot in the face of my AI allies
I unironically think DaS2 apologists should be hung in public
I sucked a dick once and took it in the ass
I can't stop consuming and paying for videogames knowing it's the reason I'm always broke
Cum tastes too salty
I will buy every Treyarch Call of Duty game that will ever come out, purely for the Zombies mode.
I spent 20 dollars on h1z1. Other than that I'm pretty much perfect.
holy crap what a gaylord
get out of here you man
I played it only with a fuckload of graphical mods on PC. FFVII was by far the worst agging final fantasy tittle, I couldn't handle the 5 polygons NPCs, so I modded the hell out of it.
The final result was pretty sweet, actually. Posting the screenshot on Sup Forums was a nice way to bait butthurt fanboys too.
In WoW i roll need on all items in low level dungeons while leveling an alt.
>I once played through Arkham City 12 times in 2 months.
I bought all the DLC for Destiny.
I bought the strategy guide for Diablo 3
skipped cutscenes in games like GTA
I'm sorry.
In my opinion:
>3D Zelda games are superior to the top-down
>the best sonic game (whatever you think that is) has never been more than a 7.5/10
>Even with all the SJW crap you Sup Forumsirgins keep screaming about, I have no worries that Naughty Dog won't continue to release solid games
I hated Crusader Kings II. Warring is no fun