I don't know why everyone is having an autistic breakdown over this.
It's clearly not Ellie; the main theories are that it's either her mom, or just a new character.
I don't know why everyone is having an autistic breakdown over this.
It's clearly not Ellie; the main theories are that it's either her mom, or just a new character.
her mom is kill though, its someone we dont know
>muh srongk women
Seriously dropping Sony for something else next gen. Can't stand their first party SJW pandering.
this is bait
she looks masculine and thats fat virgin genocide or something
Druckmann's behind this
>a woman living in a post-apocalyptic world with muscles is unrealistic
/fit/fag here
I'm all for strong women but that nigga is taking gear to look like that.
>those fore arms
>those delts
No way natty for a woman. Especially during an apocalypse. That's not utilitarian swole for a woman. That's 2000+ calories bulkin swole
is this confirmed female? the shoulder ratio looks male.
isn't that Norman Reedus? probably from Kojima's walking dead game.
Jesus Christ, no wonder Ellie looks like she's jacked up on testosterone. Her mom doesn't even have tits, those are fucking pecs.
>looks like a man
When will the female lead in vidya may may die? It's fucking boring and always worse off when this happens.
This is 100% Ellie
What they did was change Ellie's face and modeled it after her voice actor.
A HUGE mistake and such a silly thing to do.
>it's Ellie
>no tattoo
Is her mom, it is clearly a flashback just like how TLOU starts with Joel when the outbreak starts.
Either that or you have dual protagonist with Ellie being on the present and Anna on the past.
woah when did metalocalypse get a game adaptation?
So many games do this , reeeeeeeeee
I guess it's all the numale programmers
Because 1 - You are falling for obvious bait like a typical newfag and 2 - You are trying to craft a narrative with the typical idea that this faggot possesses.
No one outside this little ring a round shit/bait posting club gives a fuck.
People living in an apocalyptic scenario shouldn't be that ripped. You'd be really lean and wiry looking. Pic related. Jai Courtney was horribly miscast as an impossibly buff Kyle Reese.
This is probably the fakest and most pointless controversy I've seen on Sup Forums all year.
>No one outside this little ring a round shit/bait posting club gives a fuck.
/thread. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are filled with all of Sup Forums's most obnoxious trolls.
This is what a shredded natty woman looks like.
Those arms are fucking huuuuge for what real women can build
It could be a flashback and we will meet the asians as Ellie in the future and they will tell the story of how they met Ellies mom and the adventures they had with her etc.
It will be two parallel stories that may or may not culminate in some sort of emotional thing where the mom dies somewhere and Ellie ends up stranded in the same location here mom died.
I like this post
Sup Forums are the new SJWs and must be offended by everything
>Voiced by Laura Bailey
That's my trigger word right there
I hate this image because it isn't even the main characters of the games they are in, in all of the images.
Well...yeah, actually? If food is really scarce then people, both men and women, are likely to be pretty damn lean.
Its Sarah. She survived
I must be the only person on Sup Forums who honestly likes how she looks.
Sup Forums here , fuck you
>A second generation mercenary can't defeat a retired adventurer and habitual smoker who's been inprisoned for 15 years!
>A woman can't workout and gain muscle during an apocalypse of flower zombies!
Why do Sup Forumsirgins get so triggered by Naughty Dog?
>A second generation mercenary can't defeat a retired adventurer and habitual smoker who's been inprisoned for 15 years!
What's this in reference to?
>Senpai! I got fucking jacked for you!
why would a picture of a teenage boy trigger me?
Nadine Ross.
I know that the bullet isnt supposed to be in its shell, but what does a fired bullet look like?
t.weapons retard
Oh okay. I thought you were talking about something in the first LoU.
yeah, it's not THAT implausible that she just happened across a huge stash of roids and various other 'fitness supplements' just laying around.
guys need to suspend disbelief
yeah lol im "crafting a narrative" by making fun of the autistic freaks getting triggered over this game and taking every thread to the bump limit clamoring about identity politics
is that supposed to be a woman?
what controversy? Sup Forums saying she looks like a man isnt controversy, just Sup Forums being Sup Forums
>Be a healthy, fit woman
>Participate in cross fit a lot
>Apocalypse happens
>Have to constantly run and fight for survival
>Eat mainly protein and stay in shape
>tfw this is more implausable than the cordicep virus
Leave the house more you fucking Sup Forumstards
Wait... wut.
I see painkiller, silent hill downpour, mgs3, prototype, uncharted, and many oyher games where these dudes are mc-kun.
Nigga, that ain't a "fit woman"
That's a roidmonster with a half foot clit
>implying this is peculiar to Sup Forums and not the reaction literally 99% of people would have
>cross fit
nice bait /fit/
sure is reddit in here
The call of duty image isn't main character just one of your generals or officers or whatever. The cartoony telltale game isn't main character. There are two heavy rain protagonists. Battlefield doesn't even really have a main protagonist. GTA has several main protags, Mass Effect main protag doesn't even look like them.
I dunno man.
>Battlefield doesn't even really have a main protagonist
I'm sure you were one of the Sup Forumsacks who cried about the Harlem Hellfighters in BF1
ok that just makes me sad. hope the guy was able to replace the stuff he lost
>why would a woman who managed to be a Hunter ('shes one of them') and had access to food be buff?
Sup Forums is truly low IQ.
Her physique is normal for a woman who was physically active for years.
Getting big forearms and nice shoulders is not hard if you actually do manual labour like farm work, woodchopping, etc.
Climbing also gives you nice shoulders and back, also forearms.
And in TLoU all food Joel finds are energy bars and canned food. Easy protein.
I don't really care about battlefield 1 and i have never talked about it before. I don't frequent Sup Forums either.
Regardless i think that image is from BF4 back of the box art.
Getting as big as she is, is impossible without regular training.
Even if you are a woman, farming and woodchopping wouldn't grant you this body.
Can you please delete this? It doesn't agree with my anti-woman, anti-Sony narrative. Thanks in advance.
What the fuck is ND is doing lately? The Uncharted and TLOU DLCs and now this? I dont get it like now we cant have normal fucking people?
>I'm threatened by women that aren't little anime girls
Yeah because that trailer was so realistic
Shitposting aside the camera work in the trailer is really good, i feel like ND will leve up with this game when it comes to cutscenes and graphics
>live on farm most of my life
>sisters work everyday for about two decades
>all the work you mentioned
>don't have bodies like that at all
You're fucking retarded mate, stop reading salon
>what are genetics
>what are hobbies during downtime
>what are practical overlaps in hobby/lifestyle
>what is you don't know how she got that big because it's not a detail you're privy too just yet
>maybe she was an MMA fighter or some shit before the apocalypse
>maybe who the fuck complains about this mundane shit
end of story
what are Steroids
But is this person talented at their job or not is the question.
Id say yes.
Say what you will about the direction or the politicisation. But the talent to make games well is there.
This is the body of a bodybuilder not an MMA fighter. She is bigger than the biggest MMA fighters (trans not included).
you, see this
How the fuck do you know she is talented? little white knight faggot.
>SJWs take over vydia
>We react to it
>We're the new SJWs
Really activates the almonds
Even so, I can’t quite wrap my head around a women in a post apocalypic world being as fit as a UFC fighter.
This is a trans man, no way ND is retarded enough to give a woman this body
>as fit
try more, most female MMA fighters don't do roids like that bitch in the OP
How the FUCK would you maintain that muscle mass ? Food is scarce, so are gyms. Realistically everyone will be thin as fuck after a few months of survival shit.
I am just looking at the finished product at this point.
No one is really at the level of Naughty Dog dude.
I give naughty dog 1 more decade of quality until the hypocrisy of their SJW ways starts deteriorating to the point where the quality of the games are in jeopardy.
the 'telltale game' guy is the protag of DARK
I stand corrected.
>0.2 deposited
fucking shills
Do we get to play as this teenage boy
Joel wasn't thin.
Farm work? Heavy farm work?
Chopping wood, carrying wood?
That only gives you nice forearms. I know that, grandmother was a farm hand, heavy farm hand, not "milk the cow and do some light shit" farm hand.
Mom was a farm hand.
They both have nice forearms.
Men who work with this also have nice forearms.
that's a bad angle. she looks fine.
Imagine being so insecure that THIS is the first thing that comes to mind when you look at a woman.
Show me any other game at this level. You really can't.
Yes wood and packing hay bales all that, you don't get a body like that if you are a woman without drugs or a ton of effort focusing on that
i don't see a game shill, looks like a movie to me