ITT: the moment when a game gets serious


>first time playing Morrowind
>get frustrated by MISS MISS MISS
>Snowy Granius kicks my ass
>rage quit
>years pass
>Now I can play the game blindfolded and love it
Is there a better feeling than gitting gud?



Underrated post.

you just don't do that

if you do the mage's guild first this is your first experience of "where the fuck do i go"

the secret to avoid MISS MISS MISS is to play as a magic oriented character

seriously, they're so OP in every TES game


>Wake up
>Some assassin with better stats than you is beating you up

tribunal was a mistake


what is it with bethesda not knowing how to pace their fucking DLCs

even non-bethesda games like new vegas had this problem

>seriously, they're so OP in every TES game

>Not being a magic focused stealth archer

>tfw doing the main questline and they make you go back and forth between the fucking ashlander camps.


ok then they're OP in the only two good games (daggerfall and morrowidn)

>stun locking everything to death or making everything kill eachother or having a demon fight for you isn't easy as shit

they implemented a counter for people who rely on conjuration, it's called dragon priests. but they are few and far between.

>having a hard time in morrowind
>always get destroyed by anyone who uses magic
>enemies in general just push my shit in
>decide enough is enough
>buy a shitload of ash yams
>buy a shitload of netch leathers
>steal the master alchemy set some dumbo just left in the top room of caldera unguarded
>combine ash yams and netch leathers to create a fortify intelligence potion
>drink it, and make another fortify intelligence potion
>drink it again, and create an even stronger potion
>keep drinking and drinking the potions, raising my intelligence and create stronger intelligence potions
>get my intelligence up to over 10000
>i can make a bunch of surplrus potions and sell them for thousands of gold each to the scamp in balmora
>buy saltrice and wickwheat from that bitch in the balmora temple
>create a restore health potion that restores 90 points of health per second for over 1000 seconds
>make 200 of these
>buy some ectoplasm from her, and a bunch of sload soap from the alchemist in balmora
>with my mass intelligence create a potion that fortifies my agility by hundreds of points for thousands of seconds
>keeping making these until my agility is in the 10s of thousands
>buy some daedra skin from her
>combine them with the ash yams to make fortify strength potions
>make hundreds of them
>go to ajira in the mages guild and buy a bunch of comberry and hound meat
>combine these to create a reflect potion
>at this level of int they are about 47% reflect for hundreds of seconds

>the reflect ability stacks, so make a shitload of reflect potions and you just drink some until you're over 100% and you are completely immune to magic
>go back to the temple and buy some kagouti hide from the dude in the room on the right, and some shalk resin from that one bitch again, combine them to fortify my speed by hundreds of points so i can zoom anywhere like the wind (these potions always drain fatigue, but its such a low amount that it doesnt matter)
>finally ready to do the first quest
>my strength and agility are both above 10000
>reflect is over 100%
>he has no fucking chance
>obliate him in a single blow, doesnt even get the chance to summon his shitty bonelord or whatever it is
>march into argknthand, blow past everyone and take the puzzle box
>zoom back to balmore fighters guild in 10 seconds and give him the fucking box

We get it. You're retarded. Those directions are pretty clear.

The directions are actually wrong

If it doesn't end in a buffer overflow crash you didn't potion hard enough.

Then how was I able to follow them and end up right outside Punabi?

A good way to show that you made a shitty build.

It's the first quest in the game though, naturally if it's your first time playing many people will be caught by surprise.

i did this with DaS
>play it when it's new on ps3
>friend tells me it's REALLY GOOD
>he has shit taste so I am skeptical
>die and get asshurt
>buy it on the cheap for ps3 when it comes out on pc
>now one of my favourite games ever
