Stuck at my gas station job and I'm bored as all hell. I'm looking for some mobile games to play while I'm sitting here...

Stuck at my gas station job and I'm bored as all hell. I'm looking for some mobile games to play while I'm sitting here. Let's have a mobile game thread.

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get back to work faggot

If 7 you get robbed

if 4 you get shot as well

if 9 you go into a coma

if 2 you die tonight

How do you like your job, user? Full-time or part-time?

Watch out for Tyrone.

Part time. It'd be fine if we had more people come in during my shift. But we're dead as fuck.

Anyways, I'm currently enjoying Titanfall Assault, but I'm getting bored with it.

Get bluetooth controller and emulate

You could play digimon world without a controller though

i recognize that place
hold on, bro

Bring a laptop and play MMOs. It's perfect if you manage to get the night hours.

How are the petrified hot dogs doing?

Power Rangers: Legacy Wars isn't too shabby if you like fighting games on a phone / tablet

Working at a gas station is not interesting or impressive. Go do some actual work, nigger.

If you can actually find me I'd be surprised.

I could do that. Dont want to be "that guy" though.

Do you just get that on amazon?

Never said it was. In fact, I said the opposite.

Gross as fuck

I'll give it a shot.

It's on amazon, you can also go OTG with SNES USB clones from Buffalo

Or get better 8bitdo controllers with joy sticks

>cash register is using windows 7
>ability to tab down from the default sale software in order to access the rental program
>bypass admin control and install emulator in hidden folder
>plug in usb controller
>play vidya between customers

I've seen tons of gas stations that have identical interiors like that OP prob isn't at the one your thinking of

Cool. Ill look into it.

Register has a built in OS specifically for it. Otherwise I'd do this.

That user is probably just lashing out in jealousy, being a smelly NEET.

shut the fuck up and get my white owls, pajeet.

Do you fuckers not have CCTV? I'd catch you in a day doing this. I recently had to do a disciplinary while trying not to laugh or remember BING BING WAHOO threads on Sup Forums because a new hire was fucking about behind the deli counter with a vita.

and if it was a shitty petrol station let you off, especially on the night shift. I used to do those 5 years back and you'd have maybe 4 customers in 6 hours. Fuck that.

It could always be worse fellow gasbro.
I’m stuck in a tiny shack that gets incredibly crowded when I bring the 2L cases inside.

Sounds comfy af

I wanna work at a gas station desu
>long periods of doing absolutely nothing
>don't have to talk with many people aside from occasional customers
>could browse Sup Forums during your shift

No, I'm an adult that's been working for over a decade steadily and I find this topic kind of pathetic. It actually seems like something actual "smelly neets" would be interested in.

Not OP, but it helps when you are the only one who knows how the CCTV works

It’s comfy until you have to use the toilet and there’s a 7 foot tower of Pepsi in the way that I just know will one day fall on me and il die the way I lived, consuming too much soda.

Pack of smokes my good sir

night shift gas stations is the worst. The only exciting thing that happens is robberies where your boss gets mad at you. Worst job I've ever had.

IF you have a 3ds, definitely get Picross 3d round 2.

Lara Croft GO and Hitman GO are both good. Reigns is fun for a few hours too. Otherwise, I found puzzle games like sudoku to be my go to

Since this thread has had a total of two fucking actual responses and the rest isn't answering your question:

Fieldrunners 1/2 is always a good way to go if you need a time waster
Lost Frontier
Peggle Blast
Steppy Pants

even seemingly trivial locations like gas stations need to be maintained by people. do you think life would change for the better or worse if all gas station employees retired tomorrow?

>he doesn't play glorious live2d jiggly titties
baka desu senpai

We've got cameras but our manager doesnt care. As long as the moneys all accounted for.

I'm sure like everything its a variable experience but.

>Do literally everything yourself, by yourself.
>Essentially impossible to take an actual "fuck off" break. At best can sit down with a view of the store so you can jump back in if one turns up.
>accountable for anything wrong found by the next guy on, probably have to set up everything including the cash for the till and everything cleaned and stocked.
>You will inevitably get fucking weird customers. Everyone buys car blood, this includes but not limited to: Mentally deranged, criminals, People who spend an hour telling you about how they used to beat children, people who know your name even though you don't wear a fucking name badge for that exact reason and know where you live, gypsies, people who do not speak a word of your native country's tongue but expect assistance, people who do not know how to put fuel in their car, people who literally should not be driving under any circumstance, because of mental illness, drunkness, or basic fucking retardation.

Admittedly the bonus points are: Do your job pretty much however you fucking want as long as it all gets done, tell customers to get fucking rekt as you close for the night, learn how to properly swing a fire extinguisher at thieving schoolchildren.

If they actually fucking paid me properly I might have stayed, but it's a lot of work for the pay, and there are much less demanding jobs more easily obtained.

Unison league is pretty fun

>retail store manager for several years
>"We got recordings of associate here playing on their phone."
"Did work get done?"
"Anything missing or stolen?"
"Any customer complaints?"
"Then I don't care."

Goddamnit why do I end up working with people who give a shit. You goddamn hero keep on shining.

Meanwhile I'm here trying to work out how we fire a deaf guy I said specifically not to fucking hire by my boss who now wants him fired but didn't do any paperwork that says anything but "he's great" when he is a fucking nightmare on steroids and is going to burn down the goddamn shop at some point.

I'm pretty much at the point where I'm going to leave my keys next to the fireworks and hope he either tries to get them himself or blows us all up so I can finally embrace the sweet clarion call of hell.

There is no better feeling than telling people you are closed and can’t pump any more gas when they arrive a couple minutes after the set closing time.

>Working nights at a gas station on Halloween

Sounds like hell.

I've actually done this for a guy who takes 10,000 smoke breaks a day. Man does double the work of the rest of the team.

my point was more "Do you genuinely want to fire this guy who easily makes your lives easier?"

Bing bing wahoo man is more fucked because its goddamn food prep.

Too cold and I get paid, but its close.

what sort of hellhole isn't self-serve 24/7

What else am I gonna do?

when im bored i usually just google things id like to know more about like what finite potential wells are and the different types of heat engines that exist

you know, not being a literal waste of space

I heard they censored everything even in the Korean version, though.

for those without debit or credit cards, thought there are a few places where I live where the pumps don't take those and you have to pay inside.

I work here after welding and working towards an electrical engineering degree. The last thing I want to do is google useless shit that I'll never use.

>In complete darkness, no street lamps
>All the pumps are clearly off
>Locked down so you can't take them out of their sockets
>only a few LED lights on in the store

50% of the time one fucker would pull up, yank impotently at the pumps, and look at me. Their expression reflects the absolute bottom dregs of humanity. Sup Forums you are terrible, but you are not these people.

can i get a pack of swishers and the rest on regular gas on pump uhhhhhhhhhh

Can you legally report or stop someone from leaving your store if they are obviously drunk like you can with a bar? I need some cash and a gas station cashier sounds tight to me.

World of tanks or world of warships blitz. I find WoWS plays better than WoT on mobile


Fucking. Spot. On.

I'd love to work at a gas station. How did you do it?

>tfw parents and their children come asking for free halloween candy


Also, gas stations get held up a lot.

I'm UK based, so bear that in mind: You are legally obligated to report to the police anyone you suspect may be under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.

That's it, you can still sell them the fuel, and you not say a word until they've pulled out of the station. I didn't report it because my goddamn franchise owner was a skeevy shit who didn't want police attention. I'm now in a different business and high up enough to literally tell people who come in drunk to fuck off.

My friend who used to work late night gas station once brought a TV and PS3, hooked it up to the store internet and we played Borderlands 2 all night. It was Christmas eve night shift andhis boss let it slide cause working night on christmas sucks.It was pretty funny when the few customers would come by and I could hear it all over the mic.

Oh yeah, it's all situational.

Had a great kid who worked his ass off and even ran other locations in the first store I worked, was only an assistant manager then. He started to have health issues and missed a few days. Store manager wanted me to find a way to fire him, told him "I'd look into it" and instead I contacted HR and shit, store manager ended up getting sent to another store and I took over.

Come to find out he was sacking just about anyone that "could be a problem" based on health. Kid ended up having some issues with seizures and eventually quit on his own.

I was always happy to talk to associates who weren't happy and hated to see anyone in my position abuse the actual workers over health or even personal problems. So many think they can hire people on the fly to replace another and things will work out.

You should read about late night spooky stuff or listen to podcasts about it, humanoid encounters mostly

Posting in thread because I just started working a similar job and I have fuck all to do most of the day in between dealing with customers.

Only mobile game I have on my phone is Super Mario Run and I actually like it. Probably the best autoscrolling game I've ever played but I don't really want to spend $10 for the rest of the game.

How is FE Heroes? Are there any good lesser known mobile games?

Wait a minute, I recognize that gas station.

jesus christ am i glad i have rich parents
wageslaving is a fate worse than death

look into puppy linux, it's a build sp[ecifically designed to be stored on a flashdrive, you can have a spare register boot from USB, and this has steam capabilities.

figures its dumb kids working at gas stations playing mobile shit

apply for the position, dumbass

I spent a week last summer house-sitting with a country girl named Makenzie, she was so fucking cute.

tell the manager you're a dumb piece of shit that'll do whatever he says

100% you get hired

Where and how? I can't find any jobs online. I don' want to work part time.

Anyway, where I was going with this, had a section of the store there always had to be someone at the check out, but it was dead as shit 90% of the time. So I didn't care what anyone did there. I'd often rotate cashiers around and let them have 'extended' breaks by sitting there for an hour before rotating them out for someone else. Pair of ladies would work Sudoku puzzles and someone tried to report them. My response was pretty much what I said before, didn't care as long as work got done, shit wasn't stolen, and customers didn't complain.

you will never be my manager ;-;

He had it light cause his boss didnt give a fuck as long as work got done and he was cool with being a nightboi.
He has a better job at car dealership now tho getting to drive a bunch of different cars.

Pocket camp is a decent time waster. Dunno if it's out where you live (aus and Jap only ATM) but there is an app mega link somewhere for it.


What the fuck do you do during house sitting? Just make sure no one Rob's the place?

I'd love to argue but I was robbed once, had a ciggy raid before dawn (absolute profesionals, in and out in 1 minute, took £3000 of the stuff, absolutely no damage or breakage) and one guy who I won't describe beyond "Dressed as a cartoon villain" who was insane and told me "You'd better leave because I'm going to blow up HOMETOWN" and had clearly fake fucking explosives under his costume.

I did in fact leave, guy had a goddamn knife. Spent 10 minutes impotently trying to get pumps to work and 1 minute slashing a pump and trying to drink the fuel before the police actually turned up.

It was awesome, the best part? With the police FUCKING THERE and police tape EVERYWHERE I still had 80 year old shambling mummies breaking through tape to ask for their newspaper. They literally couldn't handle the idea of not being able to get one.

Cool story user, good for you. As for the last thing you said, oh fucking how right you are. My recent place of work had an intake of 30 people in the summer, got REALLY BIG for its britches and fired most of them before probation, and now nobody will touch us except the unwashed and the deranged.

It feels pretty good to be ringing the "I fucking said so" bell except now its actually my problem, I'm trying to fix it by calling people I've known locally and worked with and offering them a little extra to help us survive christmas or recommend someone worth building up that isn't going to skip out after six months.

Hold on for dear life to anyone who can just do their damn job, you will be amazed at the lower pay ranges how few can do that.


Fire Emblem Heroes
Puzzle and Dragons
Super Toss the Turtle

Or just buy a Switch and an external battery. Mario and Zelda should be enough to consume the boring hours of your job for at least the next month.

look in your local newspaper then. many places won't hire you full time because then they'd have to give you health insurance, at least in the us

Speak passable english and demonstrate you can operate a computer and lift a six pack of 2l coke. You are now fully fucking qualified.

Nope. I'm a landlord now, married and have a kid, I won't go back to that, but I feel for those I know who still do.

Exactly, even super heroes have their bad days, don't lump up your hard workers with the trash they have to pick up, or you'll only end up with a dump.

There's a new 8bitdo SNES controller with sticks coming out. Looks much nicer than the NES version

I'll try, but I know most jobs like this won't hire people full time, even though they don't need to pay for health insurance in Canada.

I'm qualified for a ton of jobs, including basic office jobs. But because I have little official experience, they don't give a shit. I don't know how to put "Have spent 8 hours per day on my computer for the last 5 years" to let them know I can work a computer.

8bitdo makes ass controllers

It's a fucking gas station, bro. If they have an opening, they will hire the least deranged person who applies.

Yeah... about that.

when i was working at a rinkydink gas station innawoods of georga two lesbians went into the bathroom to "put on makeup" and stole the light bulb to smoke meth out of. my boss made me pay for it out of my pocket

They're not bad quality tbqh better than the majority of Bluetooth controllers.

Their controllers are fine

>Always thought Gas Station clerk at graveyard shift would be a dream job in my late teens/early 20's
>Realize they have to constantly take inventory, count cash and clean a store thats open 24/7
>On top of this hot foods and coffee are expected to be ready as well as half a dozen soda/frozen beverage machines
>Graveyard shift has to take in trucks, deal with drunks and do the bulk of deep cleaning/stocking
>Chains are cheap and make you work alone or with one other person
>On top of this you get fucking morons who spend 20 minutes buying lottery tickets or throwing fits because you don't have their favorite cancer products
Thank god I never applied.

From the sounds of it you probably fuck like animals, user.

>expecting you to confront meth addicts

Worth the price of the lightbulb desu senpai

I'll give you my favourite personal story. I assure you this is 100% true, and I hope it serves of some use to you.

When I was looking for my first job, I lied on my CV, I said I had "5 years of yard-work" experience. Because I had occasionally mucked out on my parent's equestrian estate. I had literally no actual useful experience. I had no references, I had nothing. I wasn't even very confident because it was my first shot as applying for jobs.

I applied for fucking everything that sounded interesting or viable, and things I was absolutely not qualified for in the pre-requesites. I didn't fudge my CV for them beyond what I had already done, I just prefaced with a covering letter mentioning the company, a genuine desire to work on something so engaging, and offering to come down to say hi to give them a chance to see what I'd bring.

I ended up in the final round for the job of head park ranger for a local council in England, and lost literally because "the other guy actually was a park ranger at the moment" and they gave me a consolation prize job with the council, this job would have been £40kpa.

I've been on the other side of recruitment for about half a decade now and I can honestly tell you to just fucking go for it. You're looking for the ones who don't know what the FUCK they're doing and will just hire you because they like you, and I promise you they're goddamn fucking everywhere. Not every company is smart about hiring, hell it even works out sometimes.

should've just walked your double barrel to the bathroom and blasted the door
would've been doing your country a favor

I have never seen such pointless rage as a man who can't get his favourite cigarettes in "normal length" when he can get them at the same fucking price at "slightly longer length"

i worked nights at a gas station for 3 yrs, now i sit on a computa and make almost 3x the money for 1/10th the work, also benefits AND lunch breaks

Movies and tv shows made it seem so chill

I'd love to work at a park actually. And I've considered lying about experience, since I'm already exaggerating some of the time spent working. Any tips on making this believable? I know about quite a few things, but most of these skills don't have any jobs associated with them. Let's say that I tell them I've worked fixing computers professionally for the last 3 years. How should I frame the lie so as to not have it bite me in the ass later?

If 8 you eat worms

Speaking from experience: Admit to anything in the interview stage and paint it as boyish enthusiasm, everything that slides under the radar is safe or you won't get the job anyway (because they're good at their job)

There has to be a grain of truth because if you can't at least sound like you've done it (even if you haven't) you're going to look silly even to those who are shit at hiring.
Take ten minutes to think about the job you're applying for: what are you actually going to do on this job? What's probably their biggest problem? How are you going to come along and fix it for them?
Most places want you to make money somehow, have one idea to make some fucking money for them, or if you can't do that, save money.
and remember: if you don't enjoy it or can't do it, it's not going to ruin your life if you quit before probation ends. You literally never lose.

>Thank god I never applied.

Worked 2nd shift 3-1130 at a war house and after 4 months was upgraded to sectioon supervisor making $16/hr. Super easy job with a group of 20people and often there would be 30mins to 40min lulls with an hour long break on top. Would have stayed there if the company didn't move across state.

Pissing off reddit is the best mobile game