>Not making one of these threads yet
There's still time though
Make it vidya related user.
Not making one of these threads yet
Here's an example of a good one.
Fuck the police
just made
Whoops, accidentally left some margin in the first time.
this guy thought he was such hot shit with his stupid OC
Does anyone have the young lad pokemon one? I laughed my ass off the first time I saw it
damn you, haha
Go away
love it
Pffhahahaha not vidya but I love it
Does anyone have the Bites the Dust version?
God damn it I was trying to make one just like that
This one is perfect
Post it anyway user
Could probably be better.
You win. God that one was a magnet to death.
>haha I died again
Such an underrated game. Really wish capcom would make a spiritual successor.
>spiritual successor.
Stop that
The person I wanted to die the most finally died and the one I wanted to die the least died too. Mixed feelings about chapter 5. Then again, it's all fictional bullshit.
>No Bing Bing Wahoo
I'm surprised and disappointed, Sup Forums.
That's pretty good
you missed here
I hate to be that guy but... source?
Fiora is best girl, but that's just mean.
I'm too drunk to make a new one, here's one I made a while ago.
One of my favorites
I'd tell you to reverse Google image it, but I too would be too embarrassed to do so.
30 minutes in paint for this
Could have sworn there was already one of these but I can't find it.
This game made me realize i suck at rhythm games.
why is this the only one that made me laugh
Read this in his voice, its perfect
Post the jjba part 4 one
i am not good at this
personally the spoilery one is better
Someone post the one with Dio and the Snickers please
This ones great but remember "Marche did nothing wrong".
nice post double nigger
This would be slightly higher quality if the trackpad on this laptop wasn't designed by someone who doesn't use trackpads.