Should I pull the trigger??
Should I pull the trigger??
Dead Island isn't worth 2.850 Claps. Not even for free.
get rid of SOMA and Dead Island and bit the bullet
Don't get Dead Island.
Darksiders is fun
Dead Island is dogshit.
only 2 amigos?
why SOMA?
>2 friends
>forever cabron
If you want to play a game like dead island, get Dying Light. Made by the same people and the same damn game only with parkour
2nding this, Dying Light is basically Dead Island 2: Electric Boogalo. Better in every single regard
Ok, dead island is out
Yeah, I made my steam this year and I dont play a lot of multiplayer games
Is baldurs gate worth the money? What about Pillars of Eternity??
Coming from a guy who really enjoys first person horror games, It is terrible. Get Amnesia, Outlast 1 or 2, Alein Isolation, hell even RE7. The story is lackluster and never really pulls you in, the enemies aren't very frightening, there is never really a huge sense of urgency or fear. And the ending is absolutely terrible making the rest of the game feel pointless.
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 are the best of their genre, so if you like that style of game, absolutely play them
damn user, dodged a bullet then
anda a laar conchetumare
Ok, I will have this in consideration
Then Soma is out
Nice, then I will get the pack with the two
Sólo si prestas el poto primero
Don't fall for the jew's trickery, user. Just because it's cheap and is famous, it doesn't mean that you should but. Most of the shit you picked up is mediocre at best.
You must be crazy, it’s the opposite of everything you said
>Dat qliao
take that fuciking dead island out of the picture and you might have a nice deal there
Dying Light is the good version of Dead Island, so if you're still interested in getting Dead Island get Dying Light instead.
Is Grim Dawn good?
i would remove dead island, still this sales were garbage