Melee thread
Melee thread
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Post your mains and secondaries boys
Young Link
To be honest, I main Fox but I'm playing this shit since day one and last year decided to stop playing him.When I can't beat somebody i have to switch to Fox. Puff used to be my secondary.
>tfw competitive scene is dead in my town
Do you like Puff more then Fox? The secret to getting gud is literally only playing a character like an autist.
Also netplay exists for a reason user.
Inspired by my god PPMD
>tfw you try to running shine and just side-b off the stage
Falco, Puff
Captain Falcon, Ice Climbers
Running shine isn't that hard.
Now try running jump canceled shine.
How can i tell if my controller is shit or if i'm just shit?
Playing Link but I need a secondary for Puff. Obvious choice is young link, but that matchup is so fucking boring and miserable. I might try doctor mario.
>all these people who actually pick puff
Roy main, Falcon/Kirby Secondary
>playing puff
Honestly doesn't matter at your level lets be honest. Unless you are top 100 you can't really complain unless you are using some SUPER broken in controller or some third party pos,
Also unless your controller is modded its shit.
Thankfully UCF is becoming huge so you won't need to spend 100 bucks for a good controller.
>makes fun of people who choose a good character that doesn't limit there potential
>Chooses just CC me to death the character.
Is this the best smash?
>Using kirby in melee
Trying to learn Shiek
not making fun of people, im just genuinely surprised. she seems useless any time my her
This is mew2king, slayer of Swedes
>all these losers maining A-SS tier meme fighters
>not maining pichu
explain yourselves metafags
*blocks your path*
why does he look like that
>he doesn't know
any florida boys want to netplay?
falco main
samus secondary
post tech you need to practice but dont want to
for me its ledgedashing and ledge stalling
i know it would make me like 5x better but i for some reason cant be bothered to ever attempt practicing it
I hate this faggot so much
>tfw wobbling really got old but i only like icies
i love him so much
Just learn different wobble setups and work on your neutral game.
>one of the only socially well adjusted melee players
>is actually successful in life
>Sup Forums hates him
like pottery
Easily the most boring player to watch. Plus, didn't he quit his job?
i was pretty decent, it just got old having to wobble to convert when their punish tree without is so rich
Used to be until it became a solved game.
I have yet to play with anyone who is as good as me
granted, I haven't sought out actual good players, I just make it a point to play with friends and extended friends when we get the chance
We main randoms since they come from the NHL/NBA2k community where it's commonplace to get to choose between two randoms or "do or die" where you MUST keep the third random
Does anyone else know this feel?
oh shit it's the #1 undisputed player in the world
>socially well adjusted
Guy is an annoying fedora autist, theres a reason legit no one likes him except his extremely beyond beta male orbiter “friends”
The bird
The bird
You are probably bad nigga.
he turned down a big job offer to play melee and was told the offer was there if he wanted it later
Link main here
maybe someday I'll learn how to wavedash
no shit I'm bad, and I know this
but being the best melee player that I and my friends know feels fuckin bad nobody wants to play with me and git gud ;_;
ICs have a shit ton of cool DI mixups with hand offs that look sick AF but if you want to get far you gotta wobble niggas. Still getting a sick hand off is the ultimate mind game in melee.
hey I've got a website I want you to check out
www. smashladder .com
check it out, it's got all your favorite people that are better than you
>implying I'd ever netplay
what the fuck do I look like to you someone who wants a shit experience?
Roy our boy
Stay shit then unless you make an effort to do any of the below.
1)Netplay good players
2)Get a pratice partner who actually wants to git gud
3)Go to locals
4)Analyze top 50 MIOM melee
5)lab the fuck outta your main
why play characters that aren't the best and most fun
well where do you live then bud
I only play Melee casually though
I just fucking love having slick movement options
that's the thing
the point where you have to wobble feels like a different game, no fun allowed
>>dicking around/friendlies
its 2017 nigga you do what gets the W. Not everyone can be mango.
It's barely worth it on Link, his wavedash is one of the worst in the game.
DK against ultra shitters
What ever I feel like but I've been mostly grinding Fox.
I want to get PR'd in tristate by next year.
Peach, Luigi
Game and Watch
Marth/sheik only in friendlies
>pandora's hitbox
Basically being able to extend the hitbox on the pan of G&W's chef so it lasts a while.
Dr. Mario
Smash 5 when?
>playing this dogshit game
Look up TechBoy, he's a Michigan legend. Doesn't wobble, exclusively handoffs, got top 64 at TBH7
>tfw Ganon's been doing amazing recently
>he gets a huge Buff from UCF
Yet some fuckers out there still have the balls to say that Doctor Mario is better.
>socially well adjusted melee players
I'm not exaggerating when I say this, HBox is the least socially adjusted person who has ever played Melee. He makes m2k look like a Chad.
Anyone been watching Summit 4.5?
Where is Melee HD? Is Nintendo alergic to money?
Falco/Marth PP combo
anyone got a working iso link? all the ones off google don't work.
Wait is Summit this weekend?
I swear I missa tourney every single weekend
>second main
How to beat fox as falco
keep in mind I'm shit
Threadly reminder Hbox is a notorious cheater and a fake fuck and if like him then you're falling for his trap. Literal Sociopath.
Hungrybox is a fucking reptilian
I only play with my brother who mains Marth, so Fox vs Marth is the only matchup I have knowledge of
Dair, shine, dair, shine, bair/nair, laser below ledge, dair.
>yfw amsa got into summit
Full hop when he approaches = win the match up
Thats literally it.
also practice movement and tech skill you lazy fuck
>that wholesome and pure aMSa/Axe stream
>yfw Axe introduced aMSa to the big mulatto cock afterwards and turned him into his Asian twink fucktoy
when he approaches with short hop***
the fuck what does ucf do to help ganon
Okay but also how do I get out of Falcon's downthrow tech chase because it's really annoying.
i think you can hold away and buffer roll
don't be predictable in your tech patterns
tech in place spotdodge shine
Doc's cape and zoning pills as well as having a better chaingrab and movement make him better. Ganon has range and recovery over Doc but neither of this make up for his sluggish movement and attacks nor give him strong neutral tools and neutral tools are basically what win Melee at this point.
shit i thought you said falco my b
Oh I haven't even thought about spotdodge shine on falcon thank you user I will try it soon.
>mfw my friend insists he's going to be a Mario main
>mfw I pick Marth on him and 4stock abuse Mario's stubby arms for streaks of tens of games until I get bored and want to play other characters
>he's never gotten any closer to beating my Marth than when we started despite talking about how he can improve his anti-Marth game afterwards
Why do people init on playing shit characters?
Im retarded nevermind I thought you meant beat Falco as Fox. Learn how to follow DI after shine, CC shine his moves, smash DI drills and up air, and definitely platform tech chasing. Also learn how to convert off of when Fox Smash DIs you dair or shine, even if its off of a tech chase. You can dash attack if he misses a tech and then shine him on a platform. If youre a noob then learn how to combo, how to place lasers correctly and not fall for full hop baits. Thats what fucked me up when I was first beginning.
What is Fox's full hop supposed to bait me into doing and how does he normally punish when the bait is taken?
nairshine is like their go to on your shield after they fullhop your laser
it catches falcos spamming laser in place so just do backjump lasers, dash in/out lasers, or fullhop triple laser all as mixups
if you're nuts you can try to catch his nair with turnaround uptilt but itll probably trade
make sure you're not running out of stage behind you when you start lasering so you're not stuck
This is for vs Fox, for Falcon I dont know because that's my worse match up along with Marth
If theres something I do know is dont fucking spotdodge vs Falcon unless he's 100 percent a reaction tech chaser. Even then use it only a handful of times. Learn how to move out of shield and dair his approaches. If you're in a tech chase situation learn to read what you think he's looking for and if he's baiting like if he down throws you and back dashes like hes predicting you to tech behind and then just goes back and reads your tech forward. Mix up your tech choices and worst case scenario roll the stick like mango does. Sometimes miss the tech to miss him up but not too often because they can cover it with stomp and still convert a regular tech chase if they're good enough.
Well not baiting per say but when you approach with a short hop laser or aerial Fox can easily full hop over it and punish you. So mix in dash dances and undershoot (hold the stick back after shooting the laser) lasers to bait his full hops and either CC his aerial or dashback into reacting to whether he shields or not. Shine grab is a good option in that case.
Falcon or DK
Where are all the Fox players? :-(
Fox main, Falcon secondary
Reminder you're all obsolete autistic retards who can't move on and cling to your moldy old game because you can't possibly adapt to anything new. Sm4sh is a dynamic, balanced, improved successor to Melee with better gameplay and more characters. Making these threads to mumble about your old garbage simulator is pathetic and to everyone on the outside of your circlejerk you look like tiny IQ, sad children who are obsessed with what they know and can't accept change.
I play both, what's my IQ?
>I drive a brand new car and a shitty broken down rotting old one that's a danger to me and others and smells like cigarettes and should have thrown out for the new one years ago!
What do you think?