Someone skipped leg day
Someone skipped leg day
>muh leg day
leg day is a meme, legs don't impress women, legs don't win fights, legs dont intimidate manlets
it is a dumb ass moronic meme for fuckers that do't want to train their upper body properly
Cute girls dont need legs
no one trains legs for any of those reasons you raging autist they train them so you're even with the rest of your body, chicken legs on a buff dude look like fucking shit more than chicken legs on a skinny guy
>legs don't win fights
this. cute girls cant say no if they cant run away
>legs don't win fights
nigger detected.
>t. chicken legs
>I've never been to a gym in my life but I'm prepared to make retarded statements about fitness
>legs don't win fights
Watch literally any combat sport for more than 5 seconds. Even boxers depend heavily on their legs for punching power.
>just trains your legs bro!, it works for me
Licking her from kneecap to vulva!
>inb4 30 replies about the mystery of the clones
>cellulite thighs
I puked in my mouth
>legs don't win fights
I could've agreed with you that normie girls don't like legs, but you fucked up thinking legs don't matter in a fight.
me in tekken
I like to think that webm is a beat em up where the black kid is the player character, the kickin nerd is a boss and the clones are the goons he summons to aid him.
>this many replies
>not even in /fit/
Girls like nice butts, and nice butts come with nice legs
legs impress old women
a lot
visiting my grandma's retirement home with shorts on was a mistake
but also a confidence booster
When I was less of a lazy fuck and moved more than once every few days, i had a couple girls compliment my leg muscles. They like that shit i think.
>get BTFO
>make another post using a highschool fight to make your point
this is just retarded enough for me to think you're serious.
Did they seriously design the character to be unattractive with cottage cheese legs?
I feel you man, I've been told that I'm atractive by the friends of my grandma since I started to go to the gym
You know, because of the implication.
hey what's up with the clones?
Girls that know a thing about fitness are very impressed by built legs. Dumb normie girls only care about upper body and are actually impressed by synthol users.
Funnily enough, the only woman that's ever complimented me on my legs was a black chick catcalling me when I was working out outside.
Anyways, you're a fucking idiot.
FFXV sucks