FFXIV Stormblood

>FFXIV Stormblood
>Subscription MMO
>Cash shop
>Level skip potions for both you AND your retainers, now

I'm so glad I'm finally given the option to buy my way to the end!

Shame you can’t buy your way into a Static.
Buying farms of real raid content is still impossible.

It's okay when wow does it

Post more of the chick in red


What are you talking about? Top groups sell carries all the time.


>Burned myself out raid logging on Gilgamesh
>Make an alt on one of those dead preferred servers
>There's actually people running around doing stuff

I'm starting to enjoy the game again, even if I know this is mostly a waste of time.

I just started HW, do dungeons start to become less common? 2.55 content burned me out with how boring it is and the constant dungeons didn't help.

sell me an unending coil clear then

Shinryu Ex is literally unpuggable. Even with discord and shit you can't clear with anyone unless they come from your FC or static and you know firsthand they are competant

Listening to the NA community was the worst shit SE ever did. They should have stuck to the XI model and just cater to the japanese crowd.

Americans are unable to not cry and demand making classes completely homogen, make content easier and improve "accesibility".

Fuck each and every one of you.

HW and Stormblood MSQ content is almost entirely story-based. There's a few dungeons and primals sprinkled in, but far less than in ARR.

HW is the high point of the game, Stormblood starts to get a bit fetch questy, but they're both far better than the 2.X stuff.


Reminder that Eorzea is rightful Elezen clay.

That raid content doesn't even give you any better gear.

Nobody's cleared it, retard.

literal perfection

>tfw tried to fight the cash shop
>people fought me saying it's only cosmetic
>tell them it will be pay to win if they let this slide
>get shit on for trying to stand up for us against corporate greed
>more and more shit starts getting put into the cash shop over time, and the prices keep getting higher
>when they put rare dyes in the cash shop, they "mysteriously" stopped dropping from retainer ventures by a significant amount
>now you can just full on pay to win by buying paid level boosts
>people defend this and shit on me when I tried to challenge it and tell people that it's cancer and literally pay to win
These fags and Square Enix literally ruined the game I loved.

What an boring ass, uninspired character.

I spent a month not doing dailies or savage content and just logged in every once in awhile to gather/craft/shitpost in fc chat/fuck around in the gold saucer and unironically had more fun than when I was raiding 3 days a week

>post on reddit looking for omega savage static
>get a response within the hour
>run 1-4 flawlessly
>get my weapon and mount
>leave static

Wow so hard

I want to be the best healer I can possibly be, what can I do?

posting best race

then the point of it being impossible to buy a clear for it stands



>NA community is why the game is homogeneous

Except it's been that way since ARR, so blame the new overlords of the game for taking it that way. It had a little uniqueness in later installments beyond 1.0 but not enough to keep it sustainable. It's stayed that way because people don't care enough to ditch the game til it has a soul of its own.

>why can't I buy a clear for this content that nobody has cleared yet
Gee, I fucking wonder. You also can't buy 5.0 yet either.

wrong manface

How's the grind of Crafting/Gathering in SB from 60-70? Still Leves/Beast Tribe dependent?

DPS as hard as you possibly can without letting anyone die.

Don't look at party / alliance chat so you avoid people complaining about how you're not playing healer "the right way".

Yeah paying to get to not even the level cap sure is pay to win


>Clear group was the single most competent group I've seen for shin ex
>Every """"""farm"""""" group is utter hell
I just want the craft mat.

There's nothing pay to win about it. You either buy a potion for an hour and a half of minimum wage or you spend 50 hours in POTD to get to max level.


>My instance of the stars of fortune aligning is the norm

farm groups are just traps from shitters hoping to get carried

t. ranny

Lets see, you need to beat parts of the game to level up and advance the story. Beating content in a game qualifies as winning within the game's rules. Paying to have this automatically done for you, regardless of whether it's for convenience or because it's too challenging is still pay to win.

>shitty global cooldown
FFXIV is a disgrace.

I know everyone shits on lizards as the tranny race, but mental illness among fem roe players seems way more common.

Best race is actually highlander.


um sweetie you still need to actually get to the level cap
it's not like wow where you can just buy level capped pregeared characters

okay, but I don't know half of the dungeons because I just started.
Is there a tutorial group I can join? No one ever let me into the newb chat.

I'd say it's more pay to not grind than pay to win

That's retarded. You aren't "winning" against anyone. Paying for level ups is only cheating yourself out of the best content in the game.

Pay to win implies an end game advantage for the paying player.

I know this is an epic meme reposted by people who quit at level 20 but I can't imagine playing bard with a 1.5s gcd

mnk rework like smn when

Is that yours? pretty.

There's a guide for literally every dungeon on youtube. Just Google the dungeon and you'll get plenty of guides to choose from.

>arr is the best content in the game

it's not really anything new
you can just do it with real money now

D2 had a system for leveling new characters to end game Hell content

Hello fellow ubermensch
These anons have no taste

There will be a tutorial you can do called the Novice Hall around level 15. You get there as part of doing the main story quest.

If you're running something for the first time, just focus on healing and dodging stuff. Try to throw out DPS here and there when you're comfortable.

In low level dungeons, nothing hits particularly hard. As long as your tank has more than 50% of their HP, you probably have time to throw in a stone or aero.

Feel bad for that turtle :(


Monk's rotation has been largely the same since ARR because it's fucking perfect. It doesn't need a rework.
Nah, just some slut I found who I thought looked good, minus too much lipstick.
This is mine.

aryan goddess

Your character looks like he has downs

>neo-Sup Forums literally defending pay to win and pretending it isn't pay to win
It's not just sad what this place has become, but sad what the entire video game industry has become that people actually defend this bullshit on top of trying to convince themselves that it's not pay to win.

>b-b-b-b-b-but you still have to do the last 10 levels
>b-b-b-b-b-but it's not raid gear so it doesn't count cause lolimastupidraiderfaggotretardwhothinksraidingistheonlycontentinthegame
>b-b-b-b-b-but it's just pay to not grind, even though that argument could be used to justify selling literally anything in the game for real money
I fucking hate you cancerous fucks.

go away balmung

servers up when
fucking need more fireworks

It was perfect, they ruined it by removing Fracture.

>half mhigger
hold the fuck up


post cute girls

no potatoes please


no riddle of fire is shit
please make it go away

>MCH with Blunt Damage to pair with MNK, when?
>Magical Melee DPS, when?
>Tank Job with Giant Hammer like the Garleans, when?
>Crafting Dungeons because oh my fucking God my Leves can't recharge fast enough, when?
>Gold Saucer Shooting Gallery, when?

Fuck fracture.

haha, you aren't even going to clear that weather you pay for it or not.
2/10 though you got me to reply

Take your own advice fag, this thread was made with the cancerous micro transactions as the topic

Yours is cute, same hair as my cat

housing is for autists and or erp'ers
i have an apartment with stone walls and floors an a fireplace and i make it cozy to autocraft or just afk while sorting retainers

Yeah man fuck actually applying Demolish properly, it's much better to constantly miss ticks because the dev team doesn't even know how to play their own games.
Same applies to DRG, boy I love double impulse drive every time I have a buffed Chaos Thrust!

Daily reminder that the garlean empire did absolutely nothing wrong

>Subscription MMO
that will change soon

Neither do you? You sound like a cheap catslut who joined an FC solely for their plot.

I know that because I sure did the same.

actual fucking content when

they were going to give you greased lightning 4 so you could go faster but they gave you riddle of fire instead, so you could go slower
based yoshi

The only people buying those jump potions are people that have multiple 70's and have cleared most the game

>tfw blood pepper farming


>muh recused skill speed
Use the gcd to double weave ogcd skills, you dummy. Doing RoF in your rotation felt fucking good. The only thing I'd change about monk though is that it's only at it's best in full parties. would be nice to feel that good without the need for 3 other dps.


and it's been hijacked for less shit topics, OP = faggot

More like blind corporate cocksucking FFXIV fanboys = faggots.

its up

t. omni 70 that wasted hundreds if not thousands of hours leveling every class that's ass blasted that other players now have the option of not grinding autistically like he did

t. shit taste

but we got it anyway thanks to glorious leader's effort

It's a good hair style. People of taste use it.

>tfw you bought some for your alt

I make a lot of money and fuck grinding PotD for your last couple jobs desu

because for some fucking reason they need to take down the servers to apply "hotfixes"

I will find you and murder you.

Is that real?
I don't fuck with DRG, do you actually double Impulse if you have a BFB Chaos active before it?



>fag buys video games and wants the choice to not only pay to skip the playing and earning things part, but also to force everyone who hates his kind to have them polluting the entire environment and experience of the game cheapening the entire world within the game