H-How do we stop Nintendo?

H-How do we stop Nintendo?

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By playing games meant for adults. This is shit is why normies think that videogames are for children.

why should we?

Why not embrace them instead?
Their games are good again. Isn't that something worth celebrating?


Nah faggot you just a false fagging bitch. Just made this thread to see endless Nintendo praise because you are inscure.

By watching the normies who bought the system get bored with it when all they have in the near future is weeb chronicles 2.

I dunno. Normies held on to their PS4s right?

>almost 30 years and mario 3 still hasn't been topped

it only got all those perfect scores because luigi's not in it

Normies dont have gaming pcs, so they use their ps4 to play multiplats.

Why would we? Nintendo are back to making great games and that's fantastic.

There wasn't anything around for the 1st year dude.

the more good games the better as far as im concerned

We can't
It's time to admit that we lost sonybros

PS4, Post-E3 Xbone, and Wii U

Tough choice

Fair point
But I still doubt people will throw away their Switches just because Xenoblade 2 is the next game to come out.

Shitch is flopping hard. Whats there to stop? The manchildren in the media handing out 10/10 for their favorite nostalgia rehash? Why stop it when reviewers are unimportant.

Stopping Nintendo was never an option.

Depends if you count Mario maker because that game was the shit.

The better question is, how do we stop Sega?

Xbro, here. But with any exclusives we have going to PC, we've pretty much already been genocided.

What do you mean by adult games? Are you talking about cowadoody, movie: the game: the movie, or something I don't know?

By continuing the shitposting. We need to up the shitposting.

>Only good when Nintendo does it
>babby shit
>no games
>switch? More like shit
>no support
>bing bing wahoo
>Pay for online
>toys and merch

Sega is already doing a good job of stopping themselves


xbots, sonygros, and pcbros have a very obvious reason for getting butthurt over nintendo's recent annihalation

I have my Switch plugged into my Acer montior 90% of the time. The fuck are you talking about.

Video games are for children. That doesn't mean men like us can't enjoy them. Somewhere along the way you kids let society convince you that you can't enjoy the things you loved as a kid any more and you get embarrassed.

Not him, but Sega is being completely reliant on Sonic. Kinda wished they focused on other games of theirs.

Did you know you can do the spin throw with the analog stick? Any other moves you can do that don't require motion controls?

I have my Switch hooked up next to my PS4. I'm not poor or can only ask mommy for one toy each Christmas.

They own Atlus and make Yakuza. They are aces in my book. Who the fuck even plays Sonic games in this decade?

Buy a switch if you like the games. There is no need to "stop" or "defeat" anyone. We are not competing teams.

Although you may want to hold off if you ever want nintendo to improve as a business.

It's not a zero-sum game. Switch sales and PS4/Xbox One sales aren't affecting each other at all, so there's no real reason to want to see one or the other fail. Only the really fanatical get invested in wanting other consoles to sell badly.

you can't

If you press "Y" you can do majority of the additional moves like climbing faster. If you combine ground pound with throwing your hat you'll thrown it down. You can throw your hat up too, but I'm still not positive on how to do it. I think you press Y and Jump at the same time.

True. I just like pushing Sony's buttons because of all the WiiU shitting from the last few years.

>revealing the shitposters plan to kill nintentoddlers
This kills the sonybro

>reddit spacing

Literally the first mainline mario after it did.

This is also an applicable argument for calling out Sup Forums users' irrational MLP hatred.

I mean, really, how messed up is your imageboard when your users get insta-banned for posting colorful cartoon horses?

Fucking 4tards, rofl

World is a massive step down from 3.


Honest question, does anyone actually believe this or is it always just bait?

Buy an Xbone for more fun!

Literal this.
Sup Forums has been like this since Odyssey launch and I don't see them stopping till they actually have a new moviegame on their consoles to brag about.


>Buy more Call of Duty wannabes to save gaming's image
Mah boi.

Normies love this game

Hahaha keep telling yourself that. I think you're confusing normies with numales

It's a 6-7/10 game at best, people are only giving scores like this because it's a Nintendo game. Same as Zelda.

Zelda was actually good. Mario is just Mario. A kids game.

>numales aren't normies
user numales are as normie as it gets

They're both good. 6-7/10 is a good score.

Just like the Wii and WiiU, we wait for the new Switch to be called SwitchUS. Itll take care of itself.

Not as far as Sup Forums's concerned.


t. anthony fantano
this isnt your high school grade card, a c isnt good. 9 should go to only the best, no 10 EVER. I thought odyssey is about a solid 8, but then again I can't think of a game good enough to merit a near perfect nine other than personal nostalgia favorites