Who was the better attorney?

Who was the better attorney?



The answer is pretty obvious, but I'm not sure why you posted either of those jobbers

Literally who?

The one who wins.

Pheonix has literally only won a handful of cases in his entire career, half which he didn't even get paid. It's amazing how the guy makes a living.

Maya was definitely loaded and I’d bet Lana was as well

Phoenix takes out life insurance policies for all of his co-workers

When the fuck is Maya going to get married to Phoenix? She's back now, there's no excuse anymore.

The one on the right isn't an attorney dumbass

>you now remember this faggot and his game exist
muh common sense

A prosecutor is still an attorney you absolute retard. They’re an attorney for the state

They don't even compare.

Apollo no contest

He didn’t have a tragic backstory that needed everybody else to handhold for him

He solved his own problematic case and has the biggest shit eating grin

He's not a attorney.

Edgeworth in AAI2 while badgeless

Edgeworth by miles

Depends on what their most desperate situation was and how they handled it

Wright wins just by the sheer Boogaloo of having to deal with Matt Enguarde and De Killer’s bullshit.Watching him suffer internally during court was Fucking heavy

Haven’t seen anything like that since until only recently with Apollo in Spirit of Justice when you realize you-know-who was actually you-know-what

You rascal!


>he didn't have a tragic backstory
Did you not play SoJ? His backstory feels like a messy retcon thanks to kinda being one but it's still fairly well executed and it is tragic
Hell in his own game there's the Lamiroir shit

>tfw a dragon never yields

Apollo's backstory in itself isnt tragic, as in traumatized him to become a piece of shit, like literally everybody else

and whatever loose ends he had he fixed it himself

>when you realize you-know-who was actually you-know-what

Has there been any other case that was able to build a single character so much in just 1 case that made you legitmately angry at their demise?

Some people could argue Turnabout Revolution was too long with pretty much 2 seperate cases, but the entire point was to establish the character

>an attorney
best girl though.

What a garbage character, im pretty sure crapcom went back to Phoenix because they know Apollo fucking sucks. I'll miss hobo Phoenix tho

You have to realize that the majority of the shit that happened in AJ that devoided apollo of develpment was because the higher ups didnt have faith that the series can survive without Wright

Edgeworth isn't an attorney, he's a prosecutor.

Anyone feel like ace attorney has kind of lost its charm in the 3d versions? It's still very fun, but I always feel like it's missing something.

Technically he's the Prosecuting Attorney

while Wright is the Defending Attorney

the word attorney is general for both sides

NOPE, the charm is still there, i would argue the 3D games have better witness character designs with even better charms

The interractions between Apollo and Athena, especially with SoJ's background dialogue, rivals Wright and Maya

>Finally finished Dual destinies
It was okay i guess
>Start extra chapter
>hurr durr hurr
>Close game
Does this shit gets any better or can i jump straight into Spirit of justice?

It may not have made him into an asshole but it doesn't make it not tragic. He's an orphan whose father died in a fire when he was a baby and he never knew his mother. The man who raised him as a child eventually ditched him in another country to focus on the revolution.

Also regarding loose ends, he STILL doesn't even know who his mother is.

I think it's the fact that it feels like there's no real direction or focus, and as a result, the writing and general character designs suffer. DD was the worst case of this, but it was still present in SoJ to an extent.

PLvsAA wasn't the best game, but it was way more concise than DD or SoJ during the second half (so basically, after the first Witch Trial), and as a result, it's a lot more fun.

DD's extra chapter is the best in the game, and it makes things a lot better. It was originally part of the game anyway, and should be played between Case 2 and what is now Case 3.


What the fuck? DLC case is easily the best part of DD, and I say this as someone who liked case 2 a lot.

SoJ is several times better throughout, though a couple of the cases end up feeling a bit drawn out.

>but it was way more concise than DD or SoJ during the second half

I have to disagree, the game went to straight shit after the first Witch Trial, the first Witch Trial was in fact the highest point of the game

What? SoJ has a very strong direction and focus. DD is very much unfocused, yes, and it suffers for it. The real issue is that both DD and SoJ are cleaning up the mess left by AJ.

PLvsAA was just trash, writing wise and puzzle wise. Court segments had some good bits though.

Your gonna need to be specific, what exactly about the originals did you feel was lost.

There's a difference, but i feel that both saga's have their own charms.

Mia best attorney, also lewdest

Nah, that's completely horseshit
SoJ had a very noticable sense of of direction and focus, ESPECIALLY with Case 3 and 5

Vs Layton shat the bed in the finale, it was great before then

I liked the first trial and the golden court, everything else was just eh

>you will never suck her breasts

So we can all agree that Pearl and Gumshoe are the best characters right?

My issue with vs Layton is that the entire theme isnt finding contradictions but rather confirming what they actually saw

>disliking The Golden Turnabout
>disliking the 10-man Cross-Examination
The final trial was fucking great until Layton showed up, because then they actually had to try and explain everything with Layton (which really goes against the entire point of AA, where YOU figure shit out as the trial goes on) and in typical Layton fashion, they come up with the dumbest bullshit that leaves a huge plothole. The Golden Turnabout was basically the best trial in the game because of this - it was Wright doing what he does best, and you don't have someone over your shoulder telling you that he knows everything.

Plus, you have to deal with Layton handholding Wright through the first Witch Trial, which really rustled me pretty hard considering not even Mia gave him that much hand-holding.

SoJ is better than DD, but the game suffers from having to use Apollo's backstory as a crutch to bring everything together while ignoring him for parts of the game. It also suffers from having to swap between both countries constantly. And while the last case made up for it, and the gimmick was interesting, it really didn't make up for the fact that the narrative was split between three (!) people between two different countries. I feel like the game would be much stronger if they had either focused on a single character (ala. the original trilogy), rather than attempting to give each character adequate development and screentime so everybody is happy.

I worded it incorrectly, but my issue is a lack of direction and focus on a specific character which both games suffer from. Apollo should have been the main-character in SoJ, yet we're split between the three. Hell, the devs basically ignored Athena for the vast majority of the game and then put Apollo out of the limelight for when we get the inevitable Khura'in spinoff - probably because trying to develop three characters at once was too much of a pain to actually do.

>the first Witch Trial was in fact the highest point of the game
I'm going to disagree with you there, the highest point was the Layton segments.

t. never played an actual Layton game
Flavor text was good and everything but the characters looked great but the puzzles were really weak

The narrative was split between two characters. Case 4 is a breather from the narrative. It's great but it's pure filler. Athena didn't have a place in the actual story. If anything that was DD's problem, with Apollo's dumb shenanigans in the Phantom's case, Wright making his comeback AND Athena's backstory being the actual focus.
You can't really claim the narrative was split between anyone but Wright and Apollo, and while I think you're right on that front, I believe that's because the Khurain kingdom was just really not as enjoyable as Japnifornia's regular trials. I do think playing only as Apollo would've worked better but I also think it would've been a bit too jarring to only base the last case in Khurain and Apollo only going there after reconnecting with Dhurke added a lot to their relationship.

Franny! I love Franny! I want to marry her!

Phoenix is undeniably better. Nick fell off a cliff into freezing water and went back to court a couple of days later. The guy is really dedicated to his job.

In the trilogy, Maya kept having him take everyone out to dinner after cases so he was always broke.
New games just have him "bad with money" in some undefined manner.


Courtney fucking blows, that dopey cunt has zero interesting expressions and her speech patterns are retarded. Would take bullying Debeste retard over her anytime.

I suppose you're right with Athena not having much of a presence, but I feel like that Case 3, or even 2 for that matter, satisfied the "filler" case niche, while also progressing something in the story in terms of character development, while not being overall incredibly important to the overall plot. You could cut out Case 4, and the only thing we miss out on is Athena screentime, which we only have because we need Athena in a case as a lead or else Athenafags might get angry. If we had established a central protagonist from the get-go, then we could have just ignored that issue entirely.

>the Khurain kingdom was just really not as enjoyable as Japnifornia's regular trials
I feel like they were alright, but far too much time was spent on differentiating the two locales with new traditions and the whole "we've literally never had this happen before, how could this happen to our fair country?!", rather than on the murder mystery. It also helps that Japanifornia had two fully-fledged cases in Kuhra'in (technically three), whereas Kuhra'in only had one (although, again, technically two).

>it would've been a bit too jarring to only base the last case in Khurain and Apollo only going there after reconnecting with Dhurke added a lot to their relationship.
My idea would be to just dump Apollo in Kuhra'in and have the story develop from there. You'd be able to connect Dhurke and Apollo throughout Case 5 much like how it first happened (although, maybe in the area that Apollo spent his childhood), which also makes Wright appearing (if we follow Case 5's structure) have more weight, as we see Wright again after a game where he's been absent and Oh SHIT he's on the opposition AND ready to fuck our shit up despite the guy he's representing being sketchy as shit.

Who cares who is better. What matters is who is sexier and it's clearly Edgeworth.

Neither is Edgeworth.

>tfw experienced "Farewell my Turnabout" for teh first time

Phoenix going after Adrian was absolutely brutal.

It's all the same thing. A prosecutor is just a lawyer/attorney representing the government.

Is there a virgin Edgeworth vs Chad Wright edit yet?

How much more spotlight does Apollo need for you guys to accept him already? We have characters with a fraction of the focus he's gotten who still manage to be great. Who the player character is outright doesn't matter as long as the case is executed well yet you guys insist that Apollo getting even more focus than he does would magically fix how shit he seems to you. AA3 had multiple playable characters and yet they all came off as well characterized, Apollo has all of 6's largest cases to himself and other characters are thrown under the bus for his sake yet people are still saying stuff like this?

You mean Edgeworth at the end of the first trial day, right? Because he literally said he didn't care if she killed herself, as long as he found out the truth behind her actions, even if he didn't mean it.

Both really.

Case 3 was hardly filler. 2 I can see but I think 4 is solid as a short and breezy interlude after the drawn out and rather tragic third one and before the long and very serious final case.

I do agree with the rest of your post, though. Wright in general has been handled pretty poorly since AJ. As it stands his character is a lot more effective as a supporting father figure for Athena and Apollo, so if, for example, Apollo had gone to Khurain while Wright had remained in Japanifornia and Athena taken on case 2 with him as sidekick (giving him some interaction with Trucy that's been sorely missing since AJ), the last case would've had a lot more weight when he showed up as the opposition and his reunion with Maya would've been stronger, too.

>on ds
>on iphone
>on android
get this shit on steam or switch u capcom fucks

I couldn't care less if Apollo was dumped. SoJ would have been better if we had played as one person - whether it was Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, or someone new. I couldn't give two shits who it was, provided the writing is good, the focus isn't split between fleshing out characters who needed it due to earlier blunders, and fuck-ups. In fact, I think it would have been better if SoJ was entirely from Athena's perspective, and we spent a game as her fleshing out her character and recovering from the dumpster fire that was DD.

>AA3 had multiple playable characters
It had Mia, Wright, and Edgeworth - all central characters who had two full games of characterization, backstory, and development. Apollo and Athena haven't had that yet. DD did a shit job at fleshing out Athena, barely progressed Apollo's character apart from making him gay for his dead childhood friend, and ignored any development (the pitiful amount he had) from AJ because Capcom refuses to acknowledge it's existence. Not only that, but both cases you play in as Mia had importance on either Wright (Case 1) or on Godot (Case 4) who are both central characters and important to tying everything together for a good conclusion, and were a single court day - and Miles was an investigation period and a court day of a much bigger case. There is waaay less focus on Mia and Miles compared to Wright in T&T as well - comparing SoJ and T&T is disingenuous at best.

I mean, this isn't the sort of game that would make sense to be on a big screen/full-screen on a monitor, to be fair. I know the Switch has the pad as a screen, but it's hard to see it, or any Ace Attorney game, as a console release.

Apollo Justice is just a clusterfuck of a character. They keep adding to his backstory with every game and it doesn't feel organic at all, like Phoenix in the original trilogy.

Honestly, as far as character development for Apollo goes, Ace Attorney 4: Apollo Justice is the best game. Minimal bullshit. That game is just, here's Apollo, he's kinda like Phoenix but he's a very high strung and serious no fun allowed-type. That's good enough. And they gradually tie him to a backstory that's related to the Gramaryes and to Trucy. Now we can start digging in on that whole thing.

But then in the second game of the new trilogy they completely disregard that entire thing to give him even more convoluted backstory unrelated to what we learned in the first game. He goes Punished Snake and goes off on his own to find out what real justice is, or whatever. None of that end up sticking and he just comes off as an immature edgelord that Dad Phoenix has to set straight. It's revealed that he's an orphan with a best friend who became an astronaut. Only the orphanage sticks, but we kinda knew about it already, and his best friend is dead when we meet him.

Spirit of Justice introduces even more Apollo-plot and is a huge improvement over the previous game. It still comes off as very unorganic though. Apollo is quite clearly a man of mystery! With dangers lurking deep in his past that apparently goes all over the place, literally, from sunny good old Los Angeles (haha) to the far east of Kurain. A far cry from the honest everyman of Phoenix Wright.

Honestly, they need to STOP developing Apollo and just focus on what they have for him. IMO they clearly have no idea what to do with him so they just keep sticking shit on him. If the next game comes out and it adds even more to the Apollo early life wikipedia entry I'm gonna be pissed.

One finds the truth via magic, spirits and whatever.

The other via research, deduction and so on.

>AA3 had multiple playable characters
It had Mia, Wright, and Edgeworth - all central characters who had two full games of characterization, backstory, and development. Apollo and Athena haven't had that yet. DD did a shit job at fleshing out Athena
I wouldn't say that.

They introduced her as a happy smiling fun character with friends (that actually show up in the game, alive and well), made her very different from Phoenix and Apollo and they also gave her a backstory with added murder mystery which was resolved within one case. I don't even think it felt rushed. Especially not when at the same time Apollo is walking around wearing his immediately deceased friend's jacket like a cape and trying to be cool and accomplishing exactly nothing. There's maybe one or two things I would like to go back to eventually but overall she's in the clear. I was disappointed that her case in SoJ was pretty much just a "pause from the real action" but it was very nice to see her and Blackquill again.

*UNLIKE Phoenix in the original trilogy


Yes but I don't have it here

>too stupid to emulate

Well Phoenix has the ability to go back in time and undo his mistakes.
Not sure if that makes him the better attorney, but at least he wins every single case in that timeline.

Unless he decides to adopt and drop out to mentor a kid named Apollo. Then come back later.
5D Chess? I don't fucking know.

Threesome with Rayfa and Armie!

Phoenix is the better one.

Despite all of Edgeworth's overpreparing (updates autopsy report, persuades witnesses to take his side etc), Phoenix is still able to think on his feet and beats Edgeworth with his swift logic (and sometimes bluffs)