But its fu-

>But its fu-

do you ever feel jealous of people who are able to have fun in video games?

I have fun playing video games, though.

thanks for making this thread but can you delete it please?

>thanks for making this thread but can you delete it please?


Yes, I've tried playing PUBG and asked my friend how people find it fun to run around for 20 minutes just to get shot by a guy prone in a bush.

That and Overwatch which is just waiting for someone to press Q then move up to the next choke point.

Shove an icepick up your nose and you too can be brain dead.

Pubg is fun if you're decent. Overwatch is boring piece of shit game

only if it's something that you'd need the density of a dwarf star to have fun playing, like Skyrim

Just because you post a Trump picture doesn't make your statement any less idiotic.

I am decent, I'm talking about when you run around getting 7 kills just to die in top 10 to a guy on the border of the playzone whos only kill is you.


Making "fun" a dirty word is what infested this place with ironic hipsters and SJWs.

>getting 7 kills just to die in top 10 to a guy on the border of the playzone whos only kill is you.
sounds like you should have been more patient

That's what I mean how is that fun? Even if you win you just spent 20 minutes hiding to kill 1 person. How the fuck do people find that fun? Maybe I just have ADHD and I don't know it.

>Maybe I just have ADHD and I don't know it.
somewhat. you are right though, it is a game, a multiplayer game.

Sounds like Death Match is kinda more of your thing. I enjoy killing people tactically

I'm still right faggots


Nice falseflag.

>shit opinion
>picture of meme president

Checks out.

It's good if you can find enjoyment out of a game but your personal enjoyment doesn't automatically override criticism of a game's flaws, plus fun is subjective, some people love fighting games and dislike racing games and vice versa

>there are people out there who think they can logically refute this as if some schmuck's fickle anecdotal experience means anything

Is this game any better nowadays? Populated?

Fuck no. That was part of the essence of this place, it's when we started treating it as a toilet for shitposting, offtopic garbage, and casual trash did this place begin to go downhill. Especially, and God forgive me for saying it, but us putting ourselves on the map with the Shazbowl also doomed us.

>huhu fun with frens good game



I wish I could clone myself and team up with me.

The gameplay is enjoyable due to the variety, sense of discovery, and sheer joy of Platforming

In other words, It’s fun

>I can’t think of any shitposting material so let me make a meme buzzword out of the word fun to easily disregard an argument

If the game isn't fun, why play?

"Fun" isn't the be all end all to determine a games worth, but it's what you say to someone when you don't want to go into detail like an autistic spaz in public.

what's going through his mind right now?


I never understand these threads. Why do you play video games if you aren't having fun?

For real Gamers, videogames are not about "fun." Fun is for casuals who come home after working all day to play low skill ceiling games like Call of Dooty. Real gamers invest their lives into improving and being the best. That means hard work and determination, not playing for fun like a fucking noob shitter.

Is that really all it takes to be happy again?

But improving and winning IS fun. Becoming better IS fun.

Ignorance is bliss.

People who claim to have fun in video games are usually the same people who play nothing but trash like mobas and csgo and spend the entire time screeching about how much they hate it and everyone they play with.


Maybe if you hardly ever win. Being the best requires winning all the time, winning is the norm.

Saying "it's fun" is a worthless post to someone asking about a game. People find different things fun.

"I like collecting lots of gear and making crazy shit fly on the screen" is a more helpful post to something like PoE/D3

>that pic
I suppose it is only appropriate to meet a complete lack of argument with a complete lack of argument. Nicely done, OP.

Oh I know that's a lie.
Ignorance is fear. Being ignorant or simple isn't the joy TV makes it out to be.

no youre a towel! i mean puppet!

I think that, being a narcissist, he really believes that there was no collusion with Russia, however deep his involvement goes.

Which is probably quite a ways. We know from the indictment that Trump's campaign was aware that Russia had hacked the DNC emails at least two months before they were released. Is it that hard to believe that Trump's campaign coordinated with the Russians on the release of the emails? Or that his campaign provided Russia with the electoral data they'd need to target swing states down to the precinct level with their facebook and twitter bots?

Anyway Trump has said that any investigation into his personal finances would be a "red line" and knowing that Mueller's doing just that he's got to be panicking. Real estate is a shady business. It's an easy way to launder money. Money from Russian oligarchs, for example.

Exactly, so fun is the norm.