What's the best Harvest Moon game and why?

What's the best Harvest Moon game and why?

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What's even good about it?

A wonderful life and 64

whichever one i played when i was 13

Will there eve be a Hma girl to surpass her?

Mah nigga

I've put tons of hours into multiple hm games. I probably played magical melody the most. Being able to buy up all the land was nice

Stardew valley. it's for non-weeb

That one.

that one, tied with the girl's gba version
the first ds one would be perfect without the touch screen gimmick, the sprite collect-a-thon, and the myriad of bugs.

i literally only owned this one, the first game cube one (where you play as a boy, not the alt version) and 64. i want to play Harvest moon right now and only have pc... what do i play?
emulators ok9

i already own stardew valley

magical melody, maybe?
the wii ones are okay, most of the new ones are ass.

In general, Rune Factory is just Harvest Moon with an actual game attached to it. I say this as a longtime fan of Harvest Moon.
Even the farming is more detailed in RF, where soil quality isn't just some 1-100 scale, there are actually tons of things going on there, like soil health, soil growth rate, soil defense against weather, and so on.
Harvest Moon can occasionally hit periods of "dead air", when your only options are sleep or dick around. Rune Factory has enough stuff that you will almost never have any dead time. There's always something you could be doing, even with 0 energy, 1 HP, and no food.
It does carry a different energy than HM. If HM is about lazy comfy, RF is about frenetic comfy. HM forces you to relax, RF lets you find a paradoxical level of relaxation in a scenario where you have 20-30 things triaged at any given time. It sounds anxiety inducing, I know, but there is something magical and hypnotic about it. Maybe its the core understanding that each of those 20-30 things is there by your choice. Maybe its that most of these things feed into eachother, so you are on a constant task->finish->rewarded with new task cycle

>tfw no cozy farmgirl to have conservative missionary sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of childbirth while holding hands with.

the farming in rf is not as complicated at the island of happiness/sunshine island games
however, that farming system is 100% bullshit and I do not recommend it unless you're a masochist

this game was pretty fucking god teir though. one of my favorite gba games

Nice post. No homo

Magical Melody is my personal favorite. thought that's the only I've played more than a few hours.

I've played MM the most myself, though I also sunk quite a few hours into Animal Parade, A Wonderful Life, the GBC one where the other gendered MC lives on your farm, and mineral town. I've played a bit of older ones, but I haven't been able to put the time into them.
I feel like the note system gives you more ability to progress at your own pace, and feels more like a checklist than a to-do list, like some of Animal Parade's stuff felt like.
It was also the last time I really felt something for my waifu.

sick fuck

Is Back to Nature any good?

>magical melody
what systeM? i assume i would have to emulate it?

]spoiler] or is that the gamecube one and im just retarded? it sounds familiar. i just remember you could only marry 3 women, and it was NGC[/spoiler]

Also, Anime Waifus

it's one of the gamecube ones
it's the one with the notes and the rival who flips genders

>the fucking state of natsume

Harvest Moon 64. It's the only one I've played so it must be the best.

I recently got a friend a 3DS and they want a Harvest Moon game to play, any recommendations? They would preferably want one made for the 3DS, but would accept one for the DS as long as it's easy to find and not expensive.

Story of seasons 1 or 2 no questions. Those are the actual continuation of harvest moon

Is it really so terrible? Each plant needing different amounts of water and sunlight and everything sounds like it solves the problems of everything in the game being identical aside from selling price and having one crop worth growing in each season.

As continuations, would they need to have played any previous games? This will be their first HM.

If you haven't experienced that RNG hell, I invite you to try it.
>every other day is cloudy or rainy, so your crops don't grow
>the rain kills your crops
>the sun kills your crops
>you kill your crops
>crops are worthless until you get your greenhouse

its the best one

because its the exact same thing a friends of mineral town with better graphics and slightly more content

Story of Seasons 1 was fucking shit mate, avoid.
Get trio of Towns

go for it, he's saying ignore the natsume 'harvest moon' games like pic related

>stardew valley
>for non weebs
>has at least 6 Miyazaki movie references I can think of off the top of my head

You sure about that moron?

I eagerly await your generic contrarian reply with my dick in hand.

>that description
I like how they're still pretending like people don't know they're making a knock off.

Being able to grow mushrooms and rice seemed pretty cool but now I'm reading about all these gems you need to collect in order to do anything and I always hated the greenhouse.. I'm going to suffer through it just a little because a farming centric game should have something a little more involved than spending 10% of your time watering plants and 90% of it hanging out in the mines or fishing.

>these gems
oh my god i forgot about the wonderfuls system
i repressed that shit and you brought it back fuck you
fuck that system and fuck those games
there is no reason to play them
you thought RF4 had bad RNG?

Oh man, and apparently the whole game can only be controlled with the touch screen. I don't need hands on research that badly.

>Uh oh, people are really enjoying Stardew Valley, but we're meant to be the Harvest Moon guys! What are we going to do?
>I guess we could just slap some 3D models ontop of mobile phone assets and call it a day?
>Sounds good. We can release it in November to trick people into thinking it's a real game we really worked on

not the guy you're replying to but fuck I remember that shit

the ds games were all ruined by gimmicks, one way or another
grand bazaar was ok, but the map was too small


This nigga never tried completing the HM64 photo album

Alright, what makes Trio of Towns so good anyway? The wiki just says that you have 3 different towns and crops planted around a magical scarecrow grow better. But why do you even want 3 towns? Most of the games can't even make one town feel like more than a ghost town.

Don't play Island of Happiness, Sunshine Islands is the fixed version of it.

it's comfy if you don't have autism

sunshine islands is just as bad with the rng though

The waifus are good, the towns are nice looking, and a lot of stuff to build and produce but RF4 is still better for sheer content.

They are pretty cute.
I remember hearing that the wifes in RF4 are the bosses you defeat but what about your character? The were-sheep thing was kind of dumb even though I loved suplexing everything.

So basically it's a fantasy harvest moon?

Here again. Is Tale of Two Towns any good? Was a girl that I worked with a while back who loved it.

>DLC soon
can't wait to pump Inari full of babies

the 3ds version is buggy, from what I've heard

Trio of Towns.
Feels so good and fluid to play. It's also filled with top tier qts.

After months of waiting the DLC is out next week. It's time to get lost in the game once again.

I can't wait
I stopped playing fairly early into my run, distracted by other games, and this is the excuse I need to pick it back up
almost a year later and I still haven't decided on a waifu

The face of autism

Now that every has got more daily lines maybe you'll find it easier to pick a favorite.

everyone* has got more daily lines

Back to Nature

I wish I could play it again with the same experience.

what's wrong with SoS1?

generally broken in some ways

>After months of waiting the DLC is out next week.
Are you serious?
Fucking code red guys, It's finally fucking happening!

Not them, but SoS1 was pretty rough. It wasn't a bad game, but had a lot of things you had to put up with if you wanted to progress.

Things like the shitty safari system and the field conquests come to mind. They were just unneeded and didn't benefit the game at all.
The game also runs like ass. There's no excuse for that poor framerate.
Now that SoS2 is available there's no good reason for one to play the first unless there's a character you're trying to romantically pursue. It's just obsolete.

November the 9th for NA

>kiddie moon
Please. Play a real man's farming game

Stardew Valley

>Big Harvest Moon fan
>Never played a single Rune Factory game


HM64. I liked saving Karen from her shitty alcoholic father and Kai.

>like karen

You should get on it user, even if you got to emulate. They're great games. I recommend Rune Factory Frontier, or 3 (which is a great game you can get through quite quickly).

This. So the one in the OP.