Not to long now my friends, soon the hunting will commence.
>Main weapon
>Favorite monster
>hopes and dreams for the game
HH Master Race
Not to long now my friends, soon the hunting will commence.
>Main weapon
>Favorite monster
>hopes and dreams for the game
HH Master Race
>A non dogshit Switch Axe and Bow
It's going to be shit and force Capcom into bankruptcy, thank God
How so? You say it's going to be shit but what's your reasoning behind it?
>Main weapon
>>Favorite monster
>>hopes and dreams for the game
None, the moveset are uninspired, showing the same thing 5 times is not convincing and I'm still waiting to see what the changes mean in actual practice.
Gonna wait for the PC version
>heavy bowgun
>Yama Tsukami
>no sjw shits in world
I've never played Monster Hunter
what shouldn't I expect?
Are you guys going to try the beta? I never participate in them, but I'd like to try this out asap so I guess I will
in 2019
waiting for a PC release
*at a later date
lmao, the ps4 version will have the biggest community, most content, and be Capcom's priority.
>Hunter Gatherer
> Monster killing and harvesting
>Crafting weapons and armor from your monster kills
>A variety of massive weapons
>A variety of gear you can make to benefit yourself in battle but also your preferred play style
>Long rewarding battles
To say the least IMO
Upgrading my PC, think a 6GB 1060 is enough for 1080/60?
>using the new game in the topic subject
I hope you enjoy consolewar faggots
>I'm one of those faggots who can't settle on a weapon
>Nor a monster but I really like Royal Ludroth and I guess Sergei is pretty cool too
>Hoping the modernization of the franchise doesn't bite them in the ass
>Hoping the PC port won't be ass and won't take an extra year to come out
I'm seriously considering buying PS4pro just for MHW and selling it when the PC version comes out.
>HH Master Race
Capcom has way more going for it than just games. They won't get bankrupted by this.
I am a Switch owner and avid monster hunter fan, and MH world looks fun and I hope you sonybros enjoy your cool monster hunter game
I want the Horizonfags to leave my monhuns.
Preorder the Zero Dawn™ monster pack now to fight your favorite machines and get materials to craft the Sharpshot Bow!
3 months later
Don't worry, you'll be able to play World G next year when Capcom desperately tries to salvage the 90% of their audience they're ditching now.
It will be nice to see it back on the PS4, I bought two gens of 3ds just to keep up with the titles, I hope you get to play it some day nintenbro.
>play as Aloy
Looks like I won't be getting this game
A big wall of information to digest to learn the game, but also helpful senpais on Sup Forums and elsewhere to help out.
>Kushala Daora
>dlc that brings returning monsters
i hope so i just picked one up myself only thing im worried about is my 8gb of memory dont feel like dropping $120+ for 12gb or 16gb
Go away nintenfag
They wouldn't really do this to use would they? Back in Tri all the "cool aesthetic" weapons came from promos and challenges.
These are your monsters for World
リオレイア Rathian
リオレイア亜種 Pink Rathian
リオレウス Rathalos
リオレウス亜種 Azure Rathalos
ディアブロス Diablos
ディアブロス亜種 Black Diablos
キリン Kirin
キリン亜種 Oroshi Kirin
クシャルダオラ Kushala Daora
ナナ・テスカトリ Lunastra
テオ・テスカトル Teostra
ヴォルガノス Lavasioth
イビルジョー Deviljho
ボルボロス Barroth
ウラガンキン Uragaan
アルバトリオン Alatreon
アンジャナフ Anjanath
ドスジャグラス Great Jagras
プケプケ Pukei-Pukei
ネルギガンテ Nergigante
ゼノ・ジーヴァ Xeno'jiiva
ゾラ・マグダラオス Zorah Magdaros
クルルヤック Kulu-Ya-Ku
ジュラトドス Jyuratodus
トビカガチ Tobi-Kadachi
パオウルム Paolumu
レイギエナ Legiana
ドスギルオス Great Girros
オドガロン Odogaron
ラドバルキン Radobaan
ヴァルハザク Vaal Hazak
ドドガマル Dodogama
バゼルギウス Bazelgeuse
ツィツィヤック Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
ジャグラス Jagras
メルノス Mernos
ケストドン Kestodon
ガジャウ Gajau
ラフィノス Raphinos
シャムオス Shamos
バルノス Barnos
ギルオス Girros
ガストドン Gastodon
ノイオス Noios
>Main weapon
>Favorite monster
>hopes and dreams for the game
At this point they've already confirmed so many things I've wanted, all that's really left is a transmog feature similar to XX's.
You forget how Gen 1 and 2 babies are so obsessed with console/handheld wards that they don't care for quality. The game can be a clunky mess with no content and they will still buy it in droves because MUH CONSOLE GRAFIX
>No Khezu
Shit lineup
last time I played a monhun game was when I had a PSP, it was monhun freedom unite
fuck that was good
I actually cannot wait for this game, it's the only AAA game that I am actually looking forward to, fuck everything else
no seriously, name me one AAA game coming out next year to look forward to
I think it would be cool if winning an arm wrestling match would trigger a small buff on you like meals.
>Main Weapons
I have a 3 weapon rotation; Longsword, Sword and Shield, and Charge Blade.
>Favorite Monster
Between Barioth and Narga. I do like Rathalos and have always gotten his entire armorset for every title as a personal tradition.
>Hopes and dreams
Honestly, what I've seen already is exactly what I've been envisioning for a modern-console MH game since 2006. I just wanted this series in HD, better textures, and a larger world to explore. If I have to say one thing, I hope they keep combat as similar as it always was in the series, with the same difficulty the series is known for. That's it.
>hopes and dreams
that the pc version is a shitty port
Red Dead Redemption 2
but thats literally it
and by that i mean isnt a shitty port
arent they using the same shit they used for DD and DMC4? those ports were good
>what shouldn't I expect?
a lack of grinding
PC version will be glorious
>mouse keyboard controls for certain weapons
>true HD
>stable 60fps
i really don't see why anyone would want a crappy port
yeah fuck the PC, as much as i like playing on pc there is def going to be cheaters rampant for the multiplayer version, makes it less fun for everyone.
>less fun
The only impact is instant hunts. Griefing can still be done even without cheating.
So what's the problem?
>playing with randoms
I'm probably going to use the Switch Axe because I'm a scrub and it does good damage with little skill involved.
yeah i need the sadpanda link
Some guy made up a bunch of "leaks" when the game was originally announced that have been continuously disproven, but for some reason retards on Sup Forums believed them for the longest time.
I'm gonna play as Aloy!
>still no pc date
10 hours of tutorial followed by 100 hours of pure bossfights.
>cheating in monhun
It's not like it's a competitive game.
Capcom generally gets PC versions of their games out relatively fast.
>before world
>graphics dont matter real fans enjoy the gameplay
>after world
>every casualization was a necesary QOL, god i can wait to play in glorious graphics!
X-Xbone is gonna get a crossover, R-Right?
You have all the necessary informations to find it, its clearly not obscure
who the FUCK wants to actually play as Aloy
I hope the armor is still slutty as ever.
if accurate then DLC monster packs confirmed
>no monsters from 4U, surprising since Gore Magala and Seregios should be shoe-ins
>No Generations/X/XX monsters especially the fated four
>no Zinogre, Tigrex, Rajang, Brachydios, Nargacuga and other series staples
So expect themed DLC packs unless the list is fake. Would be shitty if popular monster hunts were locked behind DLC.
There goes that word again with no actual examples that aren't speculation.
>New gameplay mechanics that give you more options are casualization
I don't even think that's it, I think it's more Capcom feels they need to do it or there's no real justification in bringing it to ps4
No, but it defeats the whole purpose of the game.
The gameplay is on-point, user, but after a decade of PS2-tier graphics and resolution, it's the only avenue left for the series to really improve over the predecessors. Not a damn thing wrong with that.
>no Zinogre, Tigrex, Rajang, Brachydios, Nargacuga and other series staples
If this is true, the game is literal shit.
>Not to long now my friends
>if accurate
It ain't.
I won't miss flexing that's for sure. Bombing myself to skip that god-awful animation was getting tiring.
>you have to google it, click every link on first page and hope you get lucky
nah thanks. I will fap to ntr instead
I found it in 2 minutes on sadpanda by using very obvious keywords. Its really not hard.
What is the easymode weapon that isn't sword and shield, because fuck that
don't be a faggot. Just post the link.
Goddamn you are a seriously lazy faggot.
Kabuttari Kaburanakattari (Seihoukei)] Senpai and My First! Monster Hunting Onee-shota (Monster Hunter) [English] {YQII}
Any weapon that involves standing in the back and shooting something.
sns isnt even easy mode
thanks fag kys
Charge Blade
Take your own advice
Switch Axe. But not on the ground, it's all about aerial combos.
Assuming you want to have hunts less than 5 minutes SnS isn't easy mode.
Do you even know how PS2 graphics look like?
who /SnS/ here?
Looks much better than 3DS desu.
Best weapon with the worst moveset
Yeah but won't ps4 version run at 30 fps
Gen had a buffed SA, what more did you want? inb4 m-muh useless Axe mode
and one game isn't worth 60$ a year.
>get hit once
Switch Axe is fine if you stay in sword mode
But besides that, I hope the online is balanced around 4 hunters again. Monsters were absolute pushovers in the Gen 4 games when you had a full group. I also hope the zones aren't annoying to fight monsters in. Some of the areas in the recent games really annoyed me.
Apparently they're making ax mode more useful in world or at least trying to.
Then dont play with cheaters? Just play with your friends, you do have friends right?
But the whole point of SA is aeriel combos, and the axe mode was never designed for aerial
honestly chugging while moving might be not as casual as we think considering healing is not instant and if you roll or get hit, you lose the rest of what you where gonna get healed with
>45 by my count
Better then I was expecting at the very least.
I haven’t played monhun since the original on PS2 but I fucking loved it.
How much has the series evolved since then? Is it going to feel like a completely new game to me?
>Surashu Aksu
>that it's less shit than Gen/XX was
Seriously, they only things I didn't hate about those games are Azurebolt Raizex and Valfark. I hope World doesn't suck else I'm staying on 4U forever.
I'll be playing with three other friends who are competent at playing MH. But I do enjoy playing with randoms too, adds an interesting dynamic.