This game is so spooky

This game is so spooky

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Played halfway through it in 08. Re-played it to completion last week and it's in my top 10 now.

the subtle little sounds in the background fucking used to send chills down my spine when i first played it. being low on ammo, creeping slowly along in an empty room and suddenly hearing a shriek from within the walls that sounded like a normal human was a special kind of scare, it wasn't even loud, it was quite faint but it used to terrify me

This game was so fucking boring and predictable, I uninstalled it 2 hours into it.

Some people clearly had never played a single horror game before Dead Shit came out.

forgot to post video, even know just listening to it with headphones in a brightly lit room is creepy

The sound design is some of the best I've seen in a video game. One of the main reasons it still spooks me

How do you get get V-sync to play at 60fps? Without it there's a lot of glitches and bugs. I have an AMD card. I tried using vsync with the Radeon profile but it still locks at 30.

Still waiting for a film

You're boring

how was Sup Forums during the events of dead space being announced and then it's release?

The first one flew under the radar and didn't become a hit for months. The second one was huge and there was tons and tons of OC, especially with the Stalkers and the Sun jump scare.

Man, those were some good times.

Sounds like fun

>tfw so much of a pussy that I get halfway through the intro and alt+f4


The PC has so many bugs

this is not the first time you've made this thread with the exact same op image and essentially the same op comment
stop it

I haven't

Man I should've replayed 1-2 for Halloween this year. Fuck you OP.

You can still play it

Dude I played the first one like a year ago, you can literally see the monsters between the textures/if you turn your camera just right. You almost never get jumpscared in close quarters.
I enjoyed it tho, I didn't feel scared exactly, but it gave me that feeling of dread, like Alan Wake.

No, this game is.

Going to play through 1 and 2, partway through 1 atm.
What's the best gun and why is it the Line Gun?