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game of the year? more like LAME of the year!

Whoever wins, Sony loses. I love it. 2017 can’t be more based.

Honestly my picks for GOTY are BOTW, Nier and Cuphead

Sony losing isn't really what I want, because I do enjoy Sony's games. All I want is for Sony-only shitters to get so enraged that they post thread after thread screaming about how rigged the awards are and how important sales are. Sony isn't the enemy, it's their overly-dedicated fanbase which ruins this board.

Still think Zelda is better and it did much more for its genre

>it's their overly-dedicated fanbase which ruins this board

technically i guess so. since theres 4x as many nintendo loyalists, sony loyalists must ruin their circlejerk trying to start their own.

You’re losing your touch, Mung.

Zelda isn't necessarily GOTY, but it is vastly superior to Mario Odyssey. It is truly impressive in scope and scale and changed how open world games will be made going forward (Assassin's Creed Origins already borrows from it for example). Mario is nothing special or fresh at all. It's just Galaxy 3/3D World 2 at best, far weaker game than 64 and Sunshine.

this faggot is unfunny, bring back carlos

That's the point.

Carlos was never funny just like shitty ass candlejack mem

I don't think this format really portrays the actual dilemma well.

>Assassin's Creed Origins already borrows from it for example
What's them KANGZ stealin from Zelda?

Also really don't see how you can say Mario is weak personally I had more fun with it than Zelda but yea Zelda is good as shit.

That's nice, but Automata is still better than both of them.

>Nintendo steals GOTY from itself
How will they ever recover?

Okay Tarodrone.

It has the same exact climbing system now more or less. You can scale anything, no specific handholds or ledges needed. Similar combat too rather than the old style of AC/Bamham combat.

Zelda games are literally the opposite of fun They're like the genesis of those boring western sandbox games where you travel around a huge empty map with shit combat. The only fun part is the puzzles and they're the same is basically every game.

there was never a competition.

go away tarotard

based mung

Their own fault.
They could have not delayed Zelda and not rushed Odyssey, that way they'd have four GOTYs in a row with XC2 in 2017 and Prime4 in 2019

>Japanese games
>winning awards
>in 2004+13

this but unironically

People who unironically enjoy the majority of Sony shit is what's wrong with this industry.


>copied the climbing and combat
>not the one thing the game absolutely BTFO everything with
Its all about THE SYSTEMS man, that's what made BoTW good. All the little physics interactions were fantastic. That's what other games should be doing, that shit needs to become a standard.

Pitiful bait aside, what the fuck even is there from western devs to compete this year?
Original Sin 2? Pubguh?

>Sony isn't the enemy
>Looks back to last gen
>Now to this gen
I wonder who's the mysterious user behind this post.

I'm liking Mario more than Zelda as well.

Mario really takes the cake, if Zelda had proper dungeons I'd pick Zelda.

I can't think of a single thing. Japan utterly destroyed this fucking year.

Honestly, how can a tiny island of people have the majority of talented game devs?

Pipe down, angry kids. If you're not an idort then your vote doesn't matter.

I'm sold on mung daal. Saved.

can somebody explain to me how breath of the wild is somehow different/better than assassins creed origins when origins is just the same game with better graphics and a more lively open world?

One of them probably will take goty which is sad because this year there were quite a lot of games that were unique and original. Which just goes to show that it doesn't matter how good your game is as long as you've got a rabid fanbase that's going to overlook all the games flawes

Japan made Deadrising 1.

I think when it comes down to it, is that they actually give a shit about the quality of the product unlike the western developers catering to whatever gets them a quick buck.

In a decade who's going to remember call of duty world war 2 or the new battlefront 2? No one, we will all remember the Nintendo games and probably witcher 3 and some jap games.

If the only thing between me and a horde of shitskins was a female police officer, I wouldn't be looking to start any shit.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is goty. Sorry Nintedo.

>Assassins Creed
>Good at all

they don't, they just try harder than the simp devs in other countries

>shittiest 3D mario game
>better than the best zelda


And what is it? I already paid.

I think it's a culture thing.
Nobody beats them on abstraction and escapism, specialy in media like games, cartoons and fictional porn.

I mean, even something so simple and out of the box as tentacle rape would seem so surreal if you said it out loud a couple decades ago.

Meanwhile the west is still obssessed with realism, militarism and cringy, "real life" situations that devolve into sex.

I think I went a bit far just now...

He is not baiting, he is pointing a fact. The award is biased, Japanese games only wins when the competition is inexistent, or so shitty that people would get up and walk away if they didn't gave the prize to the japanese tittle.

>they won't allow more than 100 stamps
Fuck my life, I just want to mark every coocking pots and stamp-code each type of boss with a different combination of stamps REEEEEEEEEEEE

Zelda, Divinity OS2 , Odyssey and Nier seemed to have done the most this year. I personally loved P5 and it's a fantastic persona game but I don't think it had the novelty that the 4 above had and through the game you could tell some things weren't quality enough due to budget and yet somehow Divinity managed to have consistent quality and feel more so like labor of love despite being in a similar situation.

Honorable mentions go to P5, RE7, Wolfenstein 2, and on the indie side Pyre, Cuphead and Hellblade.

hero's path was so good

Based mung

Can't wait for the amount of shit you're going to get for Wolfenstein and Hellblade. But I agree with you

12-14 hour workdays

I'm dying to see how they'll deal with it this year.
Between Odyssey and BotW, it will be really hard to justify not giving it to Nintendo, a company that historicaly has been notorious for not any fucks, much less money, to these sorts of schemes.

Imagine being a critic and having to justify putting something like Assassin's Creed over BotW when Zelda has received such overwhelming praise.

Good for them they don't justify iack shit. But it will be way too obvious nonetheless. Maybe too obvious to risk it.

1 decade lads

>Good for them they don't justify iack shit

>what the fuck even is there from western devs to compete this year?

Leave him. He's so delusional he forgot how to speak

I meant to say they don't give jack shit about these events.

Nintendo doesn't care about that shit.
I feel like they only tried to have a presence at the Game Awards these past couple of years because they REALLY needed BotW to leverage the Switch and get off the dump they were in.

They really want to be able to control their message themselves. Treehouse, ambassador program and generaly being very secluded and protective...

That obviously has a bunch of down sides, but at least I think in this respect it's a good thing. These awards are just some filthy scams most of the time.

half the game is copypasted, not even close to being goty worthy. I know sonicfags are starving and this game must have tasted like prime rib after the shit they've been eating for YEARS


I'm pretty sure Nintendo were a partner for both TGAs, maybe they see it as easy advertising. I wonder what Nintendo will be sharing at The Game Awards this year. hopefully not Zelda DLC, hopefully trailer for Retro Studios or Fire Emblem Switch.

Well, they mention things like awards from big western game shows in their financial briefing relating to Super Mario Odyssey's reception, so they must be paying attention to some extent. They do seem keen to just do their own thing and see how others react, though.

Great this year but what will they do next year? Hard to top this.

Nintendo themselves? Prime 4 is a possibility for late 2018, otherwise got unannounced stuff as well as third parties Travis strikes back, SMTV, etc.

They won't top 2017, the zelda, mario, xenoblade hat trick is too strong

And a Donkey Kong apparently.


>facebook memes


It is a big question given that they've already put out Mario Kart and Splatoon as well. Smash Bros, Animal Crossing and Pokemon are the only other things that compete in terms of sales.

>Bland open world or bland platformer

Heard the same praise about 3D world and Skyward Sword and they were pretty average games. No way I'm buying a switch for these after that.

It deserves it
No one else could take me this far


We had such a good year with Japanese Games, hell it was just a great year for games overall. I enjoyed everything i played so far even the new AssCreed. Sadly this year will only be remembered for Nintendo's okish games which get the free GOTY card by most western websites.

To be honest being able to climb everything kinda felt like the natural progression in the AC games.

Frankly I was a bit disappointed by Sunshine but galaxy felt like a modern successor to 64. I'm glad that within 6 months the switch has been cemented as an already good console.

Meh I think both of those Nintendo games were great and deserve the love. My only qualm is that Original Sin 2 didn't seem to get as much appreciation as other games this year, and I don't mean by the press as it had a 95 on metacritic at one point, I mean by gamers as a whole. I guess that's the price you pay for being a PC exclusive, having limited marketing and being a turn based western RPG.

fuck you

>Sony is dead
>Konami is dead
>Capcom is dead
>Sega just resurrected itself for a brief moment only to shamefully die again
When did everything go so fucking wrong?

>47€ for mario
>58€ for zelda (60€ for wii u)
can someone explain this pricing politics to me?

And they will stay that expensive until the end of time. Life is suffering.

You found a deal. Mario is 60 eurobucks.

why on earth do Nintendo games not depreciate like others? Even trade ins are still near launch prices while everything else is over 50% cheaper only a month or two later

It's called maintaining the perceived value of your product. Most "triple A" games are throwaway games, you either buy them at launch of nobody gives a shit about them anymore, the companies devalue them in order to clear their inventories and they move on. On the other hand, most Nintendo games are evergreen titles and they keep selling for years, since they having new game prices helps to make uninformed customers think they're still new games. It keeps them valuable.

That's why I'm waiting/ hoping for homebrew
>a deal
literally pulled the prices from amazon

Then you're looking at their subscription price, duh.

I ordered Mario for €50. It is €61 in the local game store.

Thank you for the answer.
It is a bit strange seeing everything drop in price except Nintendo games. Having your own console is the shit. You can do whatever you want.

For Sup Forums? Not much.
For the general public? The west has no competition as far as they're concerned.

It's not about actual quality. Refer to and

mfw I have a Switch, PS4 and 3DS and get to constantly mock my mates who have been Xbox purists for years


What did Nintendo mean by this?

Reminder that Monster Hunter World, available on everything EXCEPT THE SWITCH, will be GOTY 2018, and make everyone forget about Odyssey and BotW

not with that DLC

thats Korean you dope

>mfw Bloodborne DLC

It's gotta be a katamari prince skin for the cat or bust.

Why not both?