What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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The marketing campaign
You'd really think after the election Bethesda would realize Nazis make up a sizable portion of America, and making a game that glorifies Nazi killing is bound to fail.
Nothing! Wolfenstein is great!!!!
MachineGames developed it with Bethesda only publishing, but good job trying to squeeze blood out of a rock with that one.
Quite a bit of people, especially in marketing, lack the ability to tell which way the wind is blowing.
Too much story and not enough focus on good level design and gameplay.
not much gameplay wise. but it tried to be a comedy AND pepper in some social commentary which caused a bunch of confusion and anger
Devs thought bullshit demographics would.float the game enough for a quick profit. I predict a much smaller budget than most people think, a budget that shows in the lack of content and polish. Ultimately, despite the lowered cost; their hopes and predictions in the audience was misplaced. And now they and the people who promoted that obvious Bethesda agenda can live knowing they are fucking failures and sellouts.
why did this scene upset Sup Forums so much? It portrays the Germans as intelligent, refined and capable, with a good sense of humor, and the far right southerner Americucks as the unintelligible, cowardly losers they are
Not much honestly, I enjoyed the game for what it was. I don't think it's worth $60 for most people though, it was for me though because I enjoy these types of games.
All the butthurt over Grace / Norton was so overplayed, and the game itself is over the top. People take it WAY too seriously, especially that scene in which BJ says white ass nazis, all the retards that took that scene completely out of context in that BJ was having fun with how he just got called a white ass nazi by Grace.
I mean fuck, she's meant to be an homage to black exploitation films, the way she talks, her attitude, everything is an homage to that sort of thing and it just goes completely over your stupid ass heads.
Norton as a communist isn't even a big part of the game at all, he never even says the word communist, and he's overall a very minor character without a lot of dialogue. Even the speech at the end of the game has nothing to do with Marxism of any political ideology, it's absurd how people took that shit out of context.
lol whats the bethesda agenda? sell videogames to idiots and children? thats every publishers plan
go away Dan Harmon
>all the retards that took that scene completely out of context in that BJ was having fun with how he just got called a white ass nazi by Grace.
but this undermines the autistic oppression narrative pushed by the idiots in this thread. its almost as if wolfenstein is a comedy series
KKK were democrats anyways.
Not really much other than this, the marketing is really the only downside to the whole game. The gameplay is great fun despite a few glitches, and people bitch about the length of the campaign but it lets you re-visit levels after the story to kill more shit and explore. It's a damn good game overall
you can tell its bait because he referred to them as nazis and not "young white male virgins who arent nazis but respect what they accomplished and how they wanted to stop things like cultural marxism and ill im saying is show me the 6 million"
Enemies and gunfire everywhere and you arbitrarily only having half HP for half the game
I didn't really like the way they did the first half of the game, it seemed less fun just for story purposes and the whole "low health, armor instead" thing was tedious and I was really glad when it went back to normal.
had a game breaking bug halfway through the game and havent bothered restarting
Because it ignores history for the sake of lumping all evil white men as being the same.
It would have been way better if they had the KKK as a faction of the resistance along with the Black Power groups. It would have allowed for BJ to actually try and reconcile racial hatred between the two and allow for some interesting moral choices.
You can tell the people who bitch about the game being leftist propaganda didn't even play the game. The marketing was completely different compared to how the story actually played out
>I mean fuck, she's meant to be an homage to black exploitation films
Is that why her character model was based on a real life political activist and cop killer who fled to Cuba?
>American KKK and Nazis getting along
This literally does not make any sense
And why the fuck are they wearing masks
I don't really think they cared about any of the shit they did for the marketing. They did it to get reactions, and that's what they got. They wanted people talking about their game, and they succeeded.
Yeah this, the marketing was fucking awful and abrasive but the game itself isn't too bad. It's nothing amazing, has quite a few meh moments but a few entertaining ones too.
>Pregnant woman running around shooting and beating down soldiers
yeah okay
fuck off pol
t. Coalburner
This scene was pretty good and I'm glad Sigrun got to stick up for herself.
>You have no right to label me as something I'm not. As someone less than yourself, as someone less than human.
Grace got told hard and she deserved it.
If you watch the scene, they certainly do not get along.
This. It's pretty obvious the Nazi is disgusted with the ignorant KKK members and the KKK is disgusted with the foreigner pushing their culture onto them, but they are allies because of convenience.
>This literally does not make any sense
The KKK would have documentation of jewish and other subhuman families that the previous administration conveniently "lost" after their surrender, they're useful idiots.
Yeah but it's Sup Forums, and Sup Forums love overplaying/overthinking things.
If it isn't that it's just trolls going for easy bait.
The only thing that really tingled my 'tism was how Venus was portrayed.
Venus has a pressure on its surface of 92 bars, which is the equivalent of being 1km deep in the Earth's oceans in terms of pressure. Not only that, but the surface is 450C. You wouldn't be able to walk around on the surface no matter what kind of protection you are using. The entire idea of the Nazis constructing a base there is fun though, I enjoyed the level a lot.
I wish I could read German though, there were so many cool posters and shit and I wanted to understand how exactly the Germans were terraforming Venus. It looked like they had some kind of massive pump that led into the atmosphere, and they were taking the sulfiric acid out of the atmosphere somehow and turning it into a yellow liquid or something? I should just take screenshots and translate that shit through google translate I guess.
The KKK wearing masks makes sense when they're a subversive terrorist organization. It makes no fucking sense when they're in bed with the powers that be. There are zero good reasons for them to still be wearing the hoods.
Not even going into the story, the gameplay is a mess. Almost nothing has been fixed from the previous games, the new mechanics are clunky and underdeveloped at best, weapons aren't balanced at all, Ubercommando missions are a lazy way to get more playtime (and by the way, you have to grind to get the final Ubercommando mission).
Difficulty is still shit, with the hardest difficulty basically making you play stealthily, which is a slow drag, and the stealth elements are barebones as it can get, so it's practically asking you to abuse F5. But even on Normal I found myself dying way too often.
It just feels unfinished. Like for example you don't have to press E to pick up armor/health/ammo, but the radius is so small you'll do it anyway. Throw hatchet and melee are the same button, so you can accidentally go into a scripted takedown where you're vulnerable to enemy attacks. The contraptions are an interesting idea but only the ram shackles are somewhat useful in combat (I was expecting new types of enemies to show up that use these but no, that would be too interesting). Also the collectibles are such a fucking drag to view. You have to press a button to go into the menu, then scroll to the collectibles, then instead of having one screen for all of them, you have one screen for each collectible type. And after you return from said collectible screen you see an overview of each collectible in each area on the right (which you can't acces just by hovering over the collectible type, oh no). And the map is still fucking shit, why the fuck did Doom and Duke Nukem have perfectly good maps back in 1997 but 20 years later people are struggling with it.
I'm so disappointed. The Old Blood was so goddamn fun to play, I really thought they were gonna build on that and make an amazing game. But no, they'd rather make a stupid movie than a first person shooter. Fucking hacks
>I mean fuck, she's meant to be an homage to black exploitation films, the way she talks, her attitude, everything is an homage to that sort of thing and it just goes completely over your stupid ass heads.
Eat my ass. It'd be a joke if BJ actually talked back and called them on their shit.
In the scene after he meets Super Spesh and Grace, Nazis invade and he literally quotes the first thing Spesh calls him "white ass fascist pigs!" You can tell he's even reluctant when saying it, he is literally repeating what they just said to him to appeal to them
That whole part on Venus was just so fucking stupid I don't even know where to begin.
First off in the last game we had shuttles, but in TNC, which is like five months later, we have flying fucking saucers. And you have one in your U-boat. You'd think someone would fucking notice a flying saucer going from Earth to Venus.
Second, why the fuck Venus? The moon kinda makes sense because it's relatively close to Earth, but Venus is not. And on Venus, why would you have patrols outside where you need to refuel every 2 minutes or you die from heat?
>characters need to constantly explain why other characters are wrong instead of letting the player decide for themselves
I agree with all your points, but I still enjoyed the game, but there are FAIR criticisms of this game and everything you listed is true and I noticed in my playthrough. The problem is 90% of this board is criticizing this game for the wrong reasons.
I agree especially about the game forcing you to play stealthily on higher difficulties, and the stealth mechanics are extremely barebones.
They need to learn from Deus Ex on how to do stealth in a game like this properly. Be able to hide bodies, make the level design more open and with different routes to approach enemies and take them out one at a time with stealth.
The difficulty too I agree with, I played on I Am Death Incarnate and the amount of times you get killed almost instantly with 200 health and 100 armor was a joke.
I also agree that it feels "unfinished," the game was not short for me because I took my sweet ass time exploring and soaking up the details / lore, but for others I can see how it was short if you just went from objective to objective and killed everything in sight without looking around.
Only thing I disagree with you on is the mechanics, the gunplay feels fine and all the weapons are good, though I did get into the habit of using the single shot assault rifle very often as it's probably the most useful weapon since you rarely run out of ammo with it.
Because mein fuhrer said so
>Putting stealth mechanics
>In Wolfenstein
What cancer. This is like adding stealth mechanics to fucking Doom.
>tfw sigrun chokes graces
Of course they don't play the game. That's why the marketing failed so hard.
the original castle wolfenstein pioneered stealth.
Filler missions and length. Also the pace of the game. You get weapons at way too fast of a pace and the weapon upgrades don't feel special since you get them so often and you already have like 7 weapons when you get the first one. Also not having a 4th upgrade after you get the other one isn't good for the feeling of progress. Because of this exploring the areas doesn't feel that rewarding either and there's way too many collectibles so they don't feel special.
But if the game was just long without the filler missions that reuse content it would have been an okay game. The one thing I remember from the previous one was how it kept going when I kept thinking that this had to be the last level
What the fuck are you talking about, have you ever played Return to Castle Wolfenstein? There are multiple stealth parts and it actually works well in some missions that don't require it. And The New Order's story pretty much stems directly from this game anyway
That's not even the worst part. I replayed TNO right before playing this and in the London Nautica they are just in the initial stages of discussing colonizing venus, you can even watch a presentation on in in there.
Yet the next game which is like 5 months later they have a full functional base set up somehow.
I get why they made these design choices, they wanted the player to go there because it was fucking cool, but it's still dumb nonetheless.
The coolant thing was annoying too I agree, and it makes no sense. Think about it this way, if the surface is 450C, how the fuck is anything functional? How are their bullets working when lead melts at a much lower temperature? Fuck, how are they walking around in non-sturdy pressure suits that would be similar to deep sea diving suits?
It's just really dumb, it would be better if none of it took place on the surface.
Is that why the ending is a commie propaganda reel? Because this is a game about flawed commies who are wrong?
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
why are people pretending this game was any good
The White Nazi Pigs line IS BJ mocking her.
>Playtime in the last 2 weeks: 06:32 (average) 04:57 (median)
>it really is four hours long
It's historical you fucking idiot. They still wear hoods today for that same reason. Wizards need hoods.
Are you being fucking serious? RtCW is a great fps. How fucking old are you?
Your birth, nazi scum.
Wolf 2 is G O T Y
Remember that, you underaged faggot.
Wolf has always had stealth mechanics since the 2d games, Wolf3d has backstabbing and LOS based enemy aggro.
It was a mediocre ape of Quake
By mechanics I mostly meant the contraptions and dual wielding.
Contraptions just don't seem to work half the time. Ram shackles seem to be the easiest to use (and you can knock down charging supersoldats which is great) but everything else is really finnicky. With the stilts and constrictor I had to go out of my way to find a use for them half the time. At least their passive bonuses are nice.
Dual Wielding is a mess, made even more frustrating by the fact that BJ takes his sweet time to switch weapons. Why did they make it like this? And without a perk to switch weapons faster. Cut due to time maybe?
The weapon arsenal is another thing. The pistol, assault rifle and shotgun are fine. The SMG kind of overlaps with the AR, so I don't see the point of it. The grenade pistol seemed pretty weak imo. The Laser/Dieselkraftwerk was fun, but since the AR was more useful and had way more ammo, I never used it. It all comes back to the AR being insanely OP. Here's how I would have done it:
1) Remove the SMG and Grenade Pistol.
2) Replace the Single-Fire upgrade on the AR with the ol Rocket Launchers from TNO. Since they have less ammo, you can't just abuse them on the tougher enemies like you can do with a fully upgraded AR.
3) Add in a bolt action sniper rifle, like the Old Blood. Insanely powerful, low ammo capacity, slow rate of fire.
4) Make the Laser/Dieselkraftwerk more powerful against tougher enemies so you have a reason to actually use it. And bring back the ammo regeneration perk.
5) Give us the ability to carry ONE heavy weapon, like The Old Blood. I assume this was the plan at some point because why else would you be able to recharge the laser and diesel guns.
Fuck headed marketing that tried to tie it to modern politics, stoking the scream Nazi at anything you don't like bullshit. Glorifying communism. General sjw fuckery.
Just let me blast sci fi Nazis and shit in peace godammit, I don't care about the fucking story. It's a fucking Wolfenstein game.
>It's historical you fucking idiot.
Yes, in a history where the Nazis lost the war. In a history where they won, things would obviously be different. Such as the KKK no longer wearing hoods if they were allied with the power of the state.
Shit worldbuilding is shit.
That's absolute non-sense, ever heard of Enemy Territory?
By the way, those Ubercommando missions? You have to grind for the last one.
It requires 8 Enigma Codes, and I was left with 3 after doing the final mission.
Fuck whoever designed it this way
30 hours in and still enjoying it, about to start a third play-through tomorrow morning
What's the point of playing on normal when nazi scum killing you with 2 bullets even on hardest? Tell me.
> Thanks, William
> Thanks, William
> Thanks, William
> Thanks, William
you shut your whore mouth
How hard is Mein Leben difficulty compared to I Am Death Incarnate? Anyone start a run on it yet?
Are there other games where I can kill Trump supporters?
How did you beat it exactly? Playing on normal first, then on hardest?
And another thing, this game has a visibility problem.
Half the time it's way too dark and it doesn't help that most enemies are wearing dark armor with like no lights except for the robot enemies and one dude with a GITS VR set.
The other time there's this fucking fog effect for no reason, most notable in the commando mission.
In this screenshot, I am aiming at an Ubercommando, who kills me fucking immediately with his grenade pistol.
Have you ever played Call of Duty 2?
You play as a bunch of communist, and get a speech about how your entire life and desire is to kill the Germans. The game is never negative towards commies. Why not shit on all those games?
Whether or not the developers have commie sympathies the best part of playing a game or watching media is that you can interpret it as you want. The game wouldn't be any better if every two seconds Blazko had a monologue about how wrong and bad the other characters are.
>The Matrix by user
>Hello Mr. Anderson
>Hello Agent Smith you are evil and bad and wrong
>Humanity is like a cancer...
>Wow Agent Smith that is a bad and wrong opinion to have.
>Tell me Mr. Anderson. what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak?
>Woooow so you're just gonna close my mouth like that??? Geez you are such a bad guy, villainous even mmmpphhh MPPHGGHH!!!
Do we have sale number ? Did those rainbow haired whale came trough?
You're finding ways to justify things that shouldn't have been in the game to begin with user. It should have been a retarded shooter featuring cartoon villain Nazis without a half Jew with a KKK Nazi dad who sold out his Jew wife and made him shoot his dog, a racist Black Nationalist, and a communist sidekick with KKK all over America hand in hand with Nazis.
The game is anti-white and anti-Trump/right-wing. I'd argue that the old Wolfensteins weren't even anti-Nazi, because the Nazis weren't even really made out to be such nonredeemable assholes but Saturday cartoon villains that were cheesy as fuck. The marketing only made things worse and confirmed our worst fears about the shit we were seeing in game.
You literally cannot defend this game.
It's pretty boring. Cutscenes everywhere and boring old FPS gameplay isn't fun anymore.
The KKK has always been allied with the power of the state.
Well I played a lot of TNO and the difficulty works a lot different in this one. I played TNO mainly on Uber but TNC on Bring it On both times. It's a much harder game to be honest
You ungrateful dip shit. World would be a boring ass place if everyone were faggots like you
That's not fog effect, it's volumetric lighting.
This game also made me realize I can do without volumetric lights.
Well shit, that would have been nice to know. Too bad they don't tell me what it does in the options
Because there's an obvious difference between realistically portraying commie rhetoric as it existed under a communist state and sympathetically fawning over terrorist organizations in the United States.
>I'd argue that the old Wolfensteins weren't even anti-Nazi
And yet it's liberals who "rewrite history to fit an agenda."
I mean holy shit what is the point of even arguing with somebody who says shit like this.
Yep, Uber of TNO is a joke compared to TNC. I couldn't beat court stage without savescumming on incarnate
You mean New Order, the 3 year old game that's been on sale for $2, has sold more than the new one in 4 days at $60?
Call of Duty 2 is literally glamorizing communist you retard fuck. It makes them out as heroes who have to defeat the evil Germans. The mental hoops you go through to justify random things are insane.
>The KKK has always been allied with the power of the state.
Imagine how fucking retarded you have to be to actually believe this.
The people this stupid are the people defending this game.
t. Dumb trumpet
Because the commissar wasn't a black woman with an afro.
Lastly, this game is downright unfair.
If you get spotted by ONE enemy, the commander fucking IMMEDIATELY sounds an alarm, like the nazis are telepathically linked.
And while killing more enemies is not a problem, the fact that they spawn out of nowhere pisses me off. You get attack from all sides by hitscan enemies, and the game does a poor job of telling you when you're taking hits (bloody screen). It activates when you're at like 10 health, and by that point you're basically dead anyway so what's the point.
That courthouse fight is just straight up bullshit. I had to turn down the difficulty when I first played it, I can't imagine people beating it on the hardest difficulty.
>Didn't like TNO or the standalone xpac
>Didn't care about this game
>Marketing was irrelevant
Anyone else here in the same boat?
So basically, you are getting triggered by fiction.
I think it's about time we get a WWIII so all you idealist subhumans, for once, get your heads out of your asses.
And to thin the herd, too, since no modern civilian would live longer than a month in a battlefield.
The old Wolfenstein didn't treat Nazis as seriously as this game did, they were truly just goofy ass Saturday cartoon/James bond villains not meant to be taken seriously. There's a stark difference between the Nazis in past games and this game. This game wants you to get physically angry over these Nazis instead of laughing to yourself as you mindlessly shoot them down.
This game is edgy as fuck without ANY of the light-hearted humor the old games had and fully of pretentious, self-righteous SJW/Leftist agendas.
I'm gonna assume this is bait, because there's no argument to rebut. Just word salad.
Yes, I just acknowledged that point and explained why it wasn't the same as Wolfenstein. Repeating your original argument again doesn't change the fact that the distinction has been clearly explained.