Work in the game industry for 30 years

>work in the game industry for 30 years
>kirby is his only truly unique ip

I'm not trying to discredit his work on the smash bros series, but that's a crossover series based on other people's ideas. Kid Icarus Uprising is also based on a Gunpei Yokoi's game. Doesn't he get bored working with other people's characters? Why doesn't he make his own new IPs?

he doesn't like the stress of seeing other people try to make games with his IPs in case they make something shitty

I hate how people who have no idea how the industry works ascribe the whole fucking IP to a single person. Especially as someone who has worked as a programmer in several (albeit small) studios.

shut up code monkey

Because he'd rather be in charge in Smash

That's you do in life. You have to make choices.

I really don't see how you can't ascribe Metal Gear to Kojima or Minecraft to Notch. Sure, there are a ton of games that are made by a committee, like I wouldn't ascribe Call of Duty to a single individual, but there are also a lot of games I would.

nearly everyone in the game industry just works on other peoples ideas

Some people are more creative with mechanics and functionality than with baseline ideas, settings and characters.

lol Minecraft wasn't even his idea.

What's Sakrai been up to lately? I used to rag on him a lot about Smash (Corrin and all the other FE trash were a terrible additon) but now I kind of miss him. He's such a wild card.

If he wanted to be in charge of Smash, he'd be putting more heart into the new entries. They're forcing him.

Sm4sh was the most soulless, pathetic entry in the series. He doesn't give a shit anymore. He hates the series now. Read him talking about it. He talks about how much he hates working on the series now.

I'm assuming he's taking a break for a while and then planning something for the Switch. He hurt himself during smash development apparently.

>Sm4sh was the most soulless, pathetic entry in the series
What about it is any worse than the rest of the series?

>If he wanted to be in charge of Smash, he'd be putting more heart into the new entries.

No. Nintendo and Iwata himself had to rein in Sakurai on a couple of occasions because he was putting to much "heart" in the games, actually.

If you think Sakurai was a little lazy in Smash4 it's because he was actually following directions this one time and meeting his deadlines. His health issues didn't help either.

I knew I recognize that guy

This is pretty accurate. MGR for instance, is something that Konami would have never thought up on their own.

Maybe he cares more about making unique game experiences than making unique characters? That doesn't seem like a bad policy.

Dude the guy has been trying to ESCAPE from Smash since Brawl and they always drag him back in.

This pic may seem goofy but the backstory makes it creepy. The person in the photo is named Sakurai and he's an old creep on instagram. I posed as a 16 year old Japanese girl and he begged me for sex and nudes every day and said he was going to visit japan to see me. Fucker needs to go to jail.

Seems to be the case since Uprising originally starting with him just testing the gameplay first before he realized "Hm, kid Icarus could fit this gameplay" Hell, he even thought of it as a possible Star Fox game beforehand.

>Sm4sh was the most soulless, pathetic entry in the series
t. melee fag


How the fuck does he look like he's 16?

Even Smash Bros started as just a test figting game before Nintendo said "Hey it'd be pretty cool if we did this with all Nintendo characters"
Most of Captain Falcon's moveset comes from the generic fighter they were using to test out the gameplay