FUCK YOU Sup Forums!!!

FUCK YOU Sup Forums!!!

Another simply terrible game I've purchased because of your memery, not unlike Gothic. Have any of you actually read the awful dialogues on this piece of crap?


Other urls found in this thread:



>I'm a big dumb pleb
t. you

I know noone will be able to defend this shit.

Don't blame me. I've been saying this game is shit since well before it was a meme game around here.

I dare you to say something good about this game.

> Inb4 "hurr durr Brouzouf"

>listening to Sup Forums
You deserve everything you get


>I listen to Sup Forums

It's not confusion. It's like an edgy teenager has written the game while cutting his wrist.

kek good question fag

im guessing your legs were not ok

you're a fucking faggot op, this game is good

I almost believed you up until
>not unlike Gothic

Let this be lesson for you


Say something good about this game.

>buy meme game because people posted memes
>expect anything else


nice useless thread. go write on your tumblr, fag

It's fun but really easy
Anti-mat sniper, dual pistols, med armor are all you need to stomp anything in any level

great character building with incentive to grind

tons of fun different abilities and weapons

just be yourself

> nice useless thread. go write on your tumblr, fag

There's nothing wrong with hating EYE. But when everyone tells you that this is a niche game but you still buy the game and sperg out when you dislike it, that's on you. Very similar to Sunless Sea

>my legs are ok

Seriosly though, do I need to just skip the dialogues?

They're so terrible. I mean, the gunplay is kinda fun. But my god. The text.

>Sup Forums says game is great but has horrible broken dialog
>user is surprised when the dialog is horrible and broken

I bet your notes on Klaadum's Ladder are only like 2/10 you filthy Jian

if you can't understand the dialogue then you are confused and guilty

the dialogue is clear to anyone who walks with three legs, clear yourself of guilt and repeat the cycle

Is the text fix worth it?

Don't try to understand just follow orders

I can tell by your post that you are unaware that you can turn the difficulty up. Try playing on ghost/invasion and enjoy getting 1 shot by a looter from across the map the instant your cloak wears off.

Why the hell would you need a text fix? Just follow orders and you will be fine.

Unistall that shit and play warframe.

>play E.Y.E
>reeee why is the dialogue so awful
God damn you're retarded, it's like you saw people talking about this game but you were too ADHD to actually read the posts so you just bought it without knowing anything about it.

I read one of the generals and it said nothin' about it kiddo


Install the dialogue patch you mong

>anti-mat sniper
I one-shotted him while cloaked and before he could see me
I one-shotted him while my clones ran around distracting him
I one-shotted him because I'm not a shitter and can outplay an AI
See the pattern? It's an easy game; stop pretending it's anything else

the game is trash

Did you download the dialogue overhaul? I found the story weird and the gameplay fun. Quite enjoyable

HA HA, you fell for it

Sup Forums has NEVER let me down on a game, I think the problem might be OP.

Same, I've been able to thoroughly enjoy every game I've heard about because of Sup Forums. OP a shit.

Like I said, turn the difficulty up before you say its easy.

I've read that the dialogue overhaul somehow screws up the game, so I did not. Should I?

>imblying haven't beaten it on hardest
Keep defending your easy game user; I don't know why you're so offended

>45 posts
>1 poster
get a fucking life

I don't know why you have to lie mate.

>getting this upset because someone called his favourite game easy


I don't know what you've read but the general opinion is that E.Y.E's dialogue is in the "so bad it's good" territory which is why people meme about all the time. The game looks like it was written by an edgy teenager who can barely speak english.
Coming here screaming about getting memed into buying a game and complaining about the dialogue shows that you clearly didn't pay attention to what you read.

are you me?

op is too pleb to understand the pure kino ravings of a schizophrenic frenchman with a ludo source shootan attached

i pity the peasants

This is actually a good arcade like game

Xddd epic!!!!!
Just like in le reddit picture xdd

jians, i swear

You can play it a lot of different ways

EYE has a refreshing scope of possibilities for how to engage in fights. Some are ridiculously OP, and unbalanced, but that's what's to expect from an indie game. Most AAA games do this too, give you a sandbox of equipment for missions and say 'if you don't like the overpowered weapon/playstyle, don't use it' AKA MGS5. At least in EYE playing wrong is way more unforgiving than most AAA games, and there's a shitload of layers to the combat including hacking and psi abilities. It's porn for people who played 40k, and there used to be a lot of crossover from /tg/ on here but not anymore since retarded children like OP come here and buy games because LE MEMES and not because they are someone who would appreciate the game.

It's the definition of 'love it or hate it', and I've never seen anyone here describe it as anything but that, like most niche indie games.

>literal Sup Forums is reddit now

So why are you here then?

I actually like the broken shit english because it makes more sense in my head canon that english would devolve hundreds of years in the degenerated future.

We told you not to make waves!!!

>You've killed a good and caring daddy.

Who here actually has? I have not.

Almost every game that is Sup Forums core is a game with novel ideas and concepts but is ultimately an unpolished and unfinished product. EYE, STALKER, VTMB, the list could go on. I honestly wouldn't disagree with anyone who hates these types of games.

That said, complaining about the dialogue in this game is the dumbest fucking thing. It's some fucking french game created by a team of french guys who can't speak English based off some insane home brew game they created. What did you expect? Also paying full price for this game is a scam. A couple of years ago it was pretty common for this game to be like 90% during steam sales, so for a dollar this game is actually kind of insane.

Following Sup Forums advices, baka. Half of Sup Forums are teens with no money to buy games and will shit on anything they cant have, like games or girls. And the other half are just to troll.

Same. I don't see why some people get so angry over a bad translation. It's not like you can't still understand what people are talking about. Same thing for Pathologic except that was truly broken English but still mostly understandable.



For anyone who doesn't understand the story you should know that there is a short movie that explains it all.


I have no idea what you're talking about


Pure kino

A what?

What even is Klaadum's Ladder and why do I always get 8/10

>I am a child who cant enjoy games unless they look and play like every other game

everyone that plays this game quits out of frustration. give it a week or two and come back to it and you'll love it.

shh you filthy jian hes in his first cycle, you'll ruin him with guilt!

You need to play the game through like 5 times and you'll start to appreciate the memes.

>you have to repeat the cycles to understand EYE

But seriously the dialogue doesn't make any fucking sense when you're playing through the first time. The cycles exist for a reason.

Dialogues are ok for a french game. Translation is awful. Also your own fault for trusting Sup Forums.

How is the mutiplayer in this game?I always wanted to buy it, but since half of the people say it is great and the other half says its shit, i couldnt decide.

Never mind i got it now since it was dirt cheap due to the sale

it's actually really fun if you can find someone to play with who wants to play like an actual unit, you can bump up the difficulty and spawns by a large amount and it keeps the gameplay exciting and challenging.

you should try out Elex next

>Playing anything less than Master or Ghost
C'mon, man.

This game might just be 2deep4you, you filthy jian fuck. Now git gud before I wear your face as a moron party mask.

Coop adds quite a bit of enjoyability to most games that have it. EYE is no exception.

Here's a guide to make things a bit less confusing.

Co-op will definitely take away the enjoyability of deciphering the story, which often leads to players going
>lol what's going on just kill everything it's all bullshit

In development it was supposed to be the way to get tge true ending. You had to listen to all the dialogue, find all the secrets a and do things the right way and you'd get 10/10.

It was never finished though and wasn't removed so it's basicly just a random number/10 at the end of each level.

Thanks man i will check it out

these. Almost everything you faggots recommend I enjoy or see why other people like it. the whole I dont like it so that means it shit meme needs to die fucking already.

Wuuuuuuuuuuu so spoooooooooky
please OP, break my legs and I will give you bronzouf

Different user, here's your ghost.

You're making too much waves.

Mmmm that's the shit. Power converter, trigate, cyber armor, the whole shebang.

even some really poor man budget video manage to give that weird vibe like the game.
i really wish i knew how they made up the languages, i'd lo annoy people with such language

What the fuck is happening in this webm?

i love E.Y.E. threads we have gone full circle couldn't tell shit post form serious post any more

You are straight up stupid