Nioh Clone?
Nioh Clone?
>Sucker Punch
>Open world
It's going to be Assassin's Creed, but with ninja samurai.
Haven't played anything by them. Is Infamous any good?
Gameplay hasnt even been shown yet retard
i thought it was a new tenshu or shinobido like the ps2 ones.
i unironically want it to sell well, way better than most AssCreed games. people have wanted AssCreed but with ninjas for years and instead they did WE WUZ KANGZ to try to be hip and progressive. fucking retards.
it was popular on release. i played it a few years later and it wasn't really anything special.
It’s kind of like a third person shooter in an open world. Great environmental traversal, okay story, okay combat, overall good game.
>West makes historical jap games
>jap never makes historical West game
How come white people are the most progressive?
>Sup Forums not being retarded
ah, ye user of too much faith
It'll be sweet sweet justice if this kills any hype for an AssCreed: Japan game.
Ubisoft have been keeping Feudal Japan as a back up setting since at least AssCreed 3, I hope this blows them out of the water.
>A console exclusive.
>Doing anything to Ubisoft.
>jap never makes historical West game
leave that to kojima onces hes done with death stranding.
sly and infamous were really lightweighted, I can't see them doing a realistic samurai game
I am super okay with that.
>Dark Souls killed any hope for a Tenchu sequel or reboot
And that's a bad thing??
When the trailer first started I really thought this was finally it.
FromSoft never made a good Tenchu game.
Tenchu is by Acquire yeah, but From owns the IP
I rather liked Fatal Shadows, whatever happened to K2. I should look that shit up.
>They got bought by Capcom
I just played Infamous Second Son since it was "free" on PSN and it's not a terrible game but it's a typical open world game where you need to clear out each section of the grid one at a time and find all the collectibles if you want new powers. The writing is far and away the worst part, there's a good and evil path and it seems like none of the characters have any idea of what side they're on at any given time.
more like tenchu clone
>Sly Cooper/Infamous x Tenchu
At least one hopes it will be gameplay wise
Nioh was a bit too Darksouls for me. I was really hoping it would be more Onimusha esque
Onimusha is OG Dark Souls
>Gauntlet literally sucks in the souls of the demons you kill so you can upgrade your kit
Like, come on man.
I've only played infamous 1.Combat is FPS lightning bolt shooting, basic melee, and then super powers, and upgrades that you unlock that let you throw waves of energy to stun people, or throw lightning grenades that stick to enemies.There's also a ground smash that makes a wave of lightning around where you land.
You traverse the game by climbing building like assassins creed, but it works better than the old creed games imo, and then there's some stuff they kept from their old sly cooper series where you jump, and press circle to automatically land/grapple on specific surfaces like a lamp post, or electrical wire.Eventually you unlock abilities that let you glide with lightning, and speed on telephone wires like grinding in tony hawk.
The story is really basic except the ending has a twist i actually didn't expect.The characters are all either edgy, annoying, or boring.I thought the enemies provided a good challenge, and traveling/climbing tall buildings is pretty fun.I really like open world super hero games though.
Z is a great game but not a great Tenchu game if you care about the story of the series
that's all
Nioh is a lot more Onimusha than any other action game in the last decade
And it's really only superficially like Soulshit, not at all a clone or even heavily inspired
>nioh is the only samurai game ever
theyve made since NES. you dont know any of them and western fags havent been localized many of them in the west. same goes for especially manga
Played 1&2. Loved em. Cool maneuverability. Cool Power sets. Ok shooting. Typical 2010 AAA fun that leaves you with a sense of accomplishement,.
I hope it plays just like Sly Cooper
Sly is so incredibly underrated.
While true it's pretty clear they're following a trend. One I hope to see more of.
>inFamous kept the tightrope walk animation
It would look weird here, but I can still see homages to be had
This. It's very criminal that samurai games suddenly died off during the 7th gen. I'm really sick of European fantasy.
Ass Creed moving to egypt is a fine idea on paper but it's still ubi so they no doubt fucked it up somehow