Video game has fully animated cutscenes in between shooting, puzzle solving and platforming

>video game has fully animated cutscenes in between shooting, puzzle solving and platforming.
"This is a bullshit cinematic experience!"
>video game has static text boxes laid over an 3d anime model with short bursts of turned based battle segments.
"Supreme game, excellent, worth every penny

Why is Sup Forums so retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:

>an 3d
an hero OP

Uncharted is a bad game
Persona 5 is a good game

.t Fatlus

>gameplay is more important than story

Is Uncharted 1-4 and LoU worth playing?

Nobody wants to pay $60 to watch a shitty movie pinhead


Yes they want to spend $60 to read a shitty comic book.

but you would pay 60 dollars to read an anime vn?

But the gameplay was shit too

The west is a $60 dollar movie ticket.

Japan is $60 dollar 26episode anime series.
This should put things in perspective.

but it is

You come into Persona 5 expecting an equal balance of storytelling and turn-based, demon-commanding combat. And you get just that, the intrinsic ingredients of an RPG.

You come into Uncharted expecting an equal balance of cinematics and gameplay, and the cinematics is the gameplay--something that contradicts the Action-Adventure genre. The game can have some cool set-pieces, but it's ultimately those set pieces and locals that define the experience and not the gameplay, the proper "action". Might as well call it a thriller.

>10 hours of shit content vs 100 hours of quality content

The problem is that devs usually sacrifice actual game content in favor of cutscenes (Wolfenstein 2 is a great recent example of this), whereas games with lots of text typically don't as they don't have to put a huge chunk of their budget into scene animators, VAs etc

They both sucks.

>Why is Sup Forums so retarded?

Sup Forums is full of weebs with shit taste. You could put high school setting in the worse game ever made, that they would still think it is amazing.

>Pay $60 for a 10 hour game
>It's half cutscenes
>The gameplay is bad
>There's no replay value
>Pay $60 for a 100 hour game
>It's half visual novel
>The gameplay is good
>Has replay value

Because this is Sup Forums

The problem is that the "gameplay" in uncharted is shit like this

Where all you do is hold up and press X a bunch. The full on fire fights in an open area are the best bits, but they make up a small portion of the game, and they're still more simplistic than the combat sequences in just about any other game. People who don't play a lot of games enjoy uncharted a lot because cool things are always happening on the screen, but anyone who plays a lot of video games can instantly tell that their control is very limited and would rather just go and watch an action movie.

It's not this.
The problem with Uncharted 4 is the pacing is way off. U2 had almost no puzzles which was the biggest complaint, but the walking segments were so few and far between that they were nicely implemented. U4 had way too fucking many of these and that's what brought the whole game down, even if they did do better on number of puzzles. It's still not as good as 2.

I would shit on him but his job is probably a lot better than mine, because anime bullshit is god damn expensive.

Then why is the gameplay in Person 5 so terrible in comparison to Uncharted 4? They certainly weren't spending their time animating.

>100 hour game
>90% of it is VN shit

WOOOOW such good gameplay!

Dungeons take up to 3-4 hours each, and P5 features the most ever in a Persona game. I'm not sure of the number, but including that and the social aspects (which are involved), and you strike a pretty good 1:1 ratio of gameplay and narrative.

Yeah but
>P5's gameplay is funner
>P5's story is more interesting

Suck a dick

People complained about lack of puzzles? They were total pace-breakers in an otherwise smooth game.

If you don't like turn based rpgs, that's your opinion. It doesn't make P5's gameplay objectively bad.
Compared to other turn based rpgs, persona 5's gameplay is just varied enough to flesh out the facets its complicated genre covers. The gameplay of the uncharted series, when compared to the gameplay of other third person cover based shooters, is definitely shallow.

Uncharted is 15 hours with 1.5 hours of uncontrollable cutscenes and 9 hours of shooting type gameplay.
And some puzzles and platforming for the rest.
How does your post reflect reality?

There are several layers of gameplay loops in Persona
There are dungeon-crawling with turn-based combat, demon fusion with min-maxing potential, and the day-to-day social life simulation in which you manage ypur time the most effieciently possible
On top of that the whole game is set on a time limit, you have a certain number of available days and the challenge is about making the most of your time (which is why the "go to sleep" shit is actually good because it adds a challenge)
Uncharted obviously had non of these, I actually don't even understand why this thread exists to compare game tat have nothing to do with each other

No they werent. Puzzles fit in perfectly. The problem was plot exposition would happen in an unnatural and pacebreaking way in Uncharted 4.
Uncharted 2 had its pace right on the money for the entire experience.
They did great by introducing new gameplay scenarios and environments throughout the entire game.
Which is also why the game is even playable today.