I thought EA was supposed to be a big bad boogeyman?

I thought EA was supposed to be a big bad boogeyman?

Did you lie to me Sup Forums?

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They're pre-order numbers aren't hitting their targets so EA are making concessions.

Great, but the game still sucks without offline conquest and space battles


we dont know what are they going to do yet.
and they are just removing some stuff because the supposed backlash.
they are not removing the boxes at all. so they are no nice, they just doing a pr move

>lootboxes still in the game

See, Sup Forums? This is the first step. If instead of buying the game you just make some fucking effort to go every fucking where and spam how ridiculous lootboxes are maybe companies will actually hear you and change shit.
You all have power, don't bend down and accept this shit. Or just ignore it pretending it'll go away. It will only leave if YOU do your fucking part and be a rightful dick to them.

You still get lootboxes for leveling up and you buy them using points you earn in-game. Quit acting like they're microtransactions.

>take some shit out of the lootbox for good pr
>braindead sheep buy game
>after they've all bought it put even more shit in lootbox
Think like a jew you fucking retards.

They absolutely are. Their market research team just figured that this move will on average result in more of your money into their pockets than by keeping the old system.

>quit acting like they're microtransactions
>they are

You don't use real money to buy them.

You can't be serious

It's EA, that probably means those Epic Star Cards and weapons will just be sold as DLC.

>He does not know

>ever caring about anything about profit

>microtransactions in a full-priced game by one of the richest companies in the industry of one of the most profitable franchises in the world
What a bunch of nice guys.

Hey dude, Electronic Arts Inc. cares about each and every one of us! They give us those loot boxes for free with every level up! That's like them handing $2 to us every time we level, just for playing their game!

>He thinks Sup Forums have the willpower to not buy shlock

I can garuntee alot of people on this board will still buy this game even though it's still in an unacceptable state

My man, Electronic Arts Inc cares about each and every one of their players! They consist of a diverse team of forward-thinking employees that make sure we get the most out of every penny we spend!

I can't believe you jerks gave these guys the golden poo twice. They're probably the most respectable company there is.

I bet if you guys were releasing a game, you wouldn't remove most weapons from your lootboxes.

Chances are the best way to get epic star cards and those weapons will be from crafting with lootboxes rewards. It's being pitched as an improvement but for all we know it could actually be even more of a grind to get them and even increase people feeling the need to buy lootboxes.

>corporations backpedal when shitstorm hits them

It didn't even matter
their stocks have risen steadily since WCIA 2013
It doesn't help that their target audience is mostly little kids that have other people pay for their products
Evil always wins

>tfw the industry is so far gone that most normies will look at this and think EA is actually doing something good

they made enough money from the first so they got rid of shit so people will buy it. smart move on their part.

>they changed that thing we hate!!
>lets buy the sequel we dont need!!!

learned my lesson by purchasing the first battlefront remake. hackers and hidden fees, no thanks.

when will shills leave us alone, or at least try to hide their shilling?

The most powerful ones will still be in boxes. It's amazing that nowhere else I've looked is bringing this up.

>there are anons on Sup Forums willingly give EA money
this isn't 2007-2014 anymore. I rather spend my money on hookers and blow than give EA a single dime

Still leaves from what ive seen a boring single player campaign with ethnic tough womyn who need no man

>there are people who think this star wars game will flop

the merchandise is already dead


>Evil always wins
... does that mean that Hitler wasn't evil?

Is this supposed to prove something other than the fact that ToysRUs keeps their shelves well stocked

Toys R Us declared bankruptcy last month

"A company will maximize its overall profits when marginal cost equals marginal product, or when marginal profit is exactly zero."
Lootboxes add profit, but too many hurts sales. It's all about finding a balance.

It will be F2P by the end of the month.

>everything is massively overpriced
>huge megastores with more wasted shelf space than you csn imagine

I'm suprised it took them this long to die.

The fact that there is merchandise on shelves doesn't mean it isn't selling. I'd ask someone who works retail for a better idea of how much merch is getting sold.