>Your age
>First game you ever played
>Favorite game of all time
>What are you currently playing
>Wolfenstein 3D
>Resident Evil 4
>Mario Odyssey, Mad Max, PUBG
>Your age
>First game you ever played
>Favorite game of all time
>What are you currently playing
>Wolfenstein 3D
>Resident Evil 4
>Mario Odyssey, Mad Max, PUBG
Streets of Rage 2 (or Remake)
Just beat Princess Remedy
>LoZ: OoT
>...KF2? Thinking of starting P5.
>Super Mario 64
>Majora's Mask
>Odyssey, Shadow of War, Fractured But Whole
>Arma 3/dosbox stuff
>Your age
>First game you ever played
Ice Climber (NES) or Chip'n'Dale (NES), can't remember
>Favorite game of all time
Ultima 7
>What are you currently playing
How's FBW? I picked up SoT day 1 when it came out and really enjoyed it, but I keep hearing mixed stuff on it so I might wait for a sale for it and Wolfenstein.
>Mortal Kombat/Sonic
>Borderlands 2
>Guilty Gear Rev 2
>Your age
>First game you ever played
Super Mario Bros
>Favorite game of all time
Final Fantasy 7
>What are you currently playing
>Giana Sisters
>Probably SMB or Duck Hunt. I can't rightly remember because I was very young and my babysitter's daughter had an NES.
>Sup Forums right now, but I was playing Rome Total War 2 earlier.
Fun but not quite as good as SoT imo. Definitely worth waiting for a sale.
youngfag here
>Sonic 2 or World of Illusion
>unsure, custom robo arena maybe
>DS2 Scholar, D:OS, RE6
>LoZ: aLttP
>walking android waifu sim and knockoff pc monster hunter
>Dragon's Dogma
>Dragon's Dogma
>Dark Souls
>First game
Super Mario world i think, but i have a memory of at least watching Bubble Bobble before that so that might be first played
>Favorite game
Secret of Mana
Super Mario Odyssey
>point blank (ps1/psx)
>pokemon mystery dungeon team blue
>mh3u with a friend
My mom was 34 in 1980 so she was too old to hang out in an arcade, but she said at the time she couldn't understand how people could enjoy such simplistic games. Did anyone else feel the same then or was it all relative?
I should probably finish RE1 DC on muh Vita
>Super Mario World
>OG Star Wars Battlefront II
>Payday 2, VtmB, and tried to play Harvester for Halloween, but just couldn't get myself into it.
>Wario Land 2
>Chrono Trigger/RE4
>Bloodborne/Blazblue CF
>Warcraft III (if only by sheer number of hours)
>Underrail and Wolfenstein
After I'm done with that, I will probably try working through my PS3 backlog.
What difficulty you on bro?
>Super Mario Bros (NES)
>Ninga Gaiden (NES)/Bloodborne
>Mother Russia Bleeds, Yakuza 0
Super Mario Bros.
Danganropa V3
>Your age
>First game you ever played
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, when I was 14
>Favorite game of all time
>What are you currently playing
Divinity: Original Sin II
Burger Time
Dragon's Dogma
Breath Of The Wild
Super Mario Wahoo World
nothing it's supposed to be my bedtime or else I wont get nuggies
>Indiana Jones Last Crusade on Genesis
>Probably Hyper Light Drifter or Hollow Knight
>Dead Cells, FFXIV, Duel Links
>Super Mario Bros? In Cuba at age 3-4, kinda looked like Mario but could've been anything
>Lisa the Painful
>Doki Doki Literature Club
>Your age
>First game you ever played
Super Hang-on at age 5, a motorbike racing game by SEGA that was ported to the Amiga
>Favorite game of all time
>What are you currently playing
Space Engineers, FFXI (private server), Pubg, SS13, Dorf Fort
Stick and hoop
Ball in cup
Scratch that, favorite is 100% Okami.
>giana sisters
>>Your age
>>First game you ever played
Pac Man World
>>Favorite game of all time
Budokai Tenkaichi 2
>>What are you currently playing
Super Mario Brothers 3
Streets of Rogue
>been playing games before i really remember
>maybe n+?
>REmake, crash 3, dead space, about to install riddick
Crash Bandicoot 2
Chrono Trigger
Opus Magnum, Rocket League with friends, System Shock 2, & Doki Doki Literature Club
Not telling you
Can't remember maybe Alladin
Between Def Jam FFNY or Star Wars Battlefront 2
RE4, Revelations 2, RE6, and KoTOR,
crash bandicoot iirc
dark souls
resident evil remake, 0, 4 and 5
There's no shame in it brother
>Metro Last Light
Nice. You better have 0 cover usage too.
Super Mario Bros 3 is the first one I have memories of playing.
Final Fantasy Tactics
Divinity Original Sin 2
>Pokemon Red/Blue
>Majora's Mask, maybe the MSG series..
>The Evil Within and a rerun of Hallow Knight
>GBA port of Mario 3
>Mother 3
>Fallout 2, New Vegas, Mario Odyssey
>Unreal Tournament
>Unreal Tournament
>Persona 5, Yakuza Kiwami, and Thief Gold
Half Life
Rome: Total War
just monika
>Final Fantasy IX
>Pokemon Pearl
>Pokemon Pearl
>Pokemon Pearl
>super mario world
>probably stardew valley
>XIV, shadow of war, etrian odyssey v
>Super Mario World
>Super Mario Odyssey, Wolfenstein II, PUBG, Rocket League
4th gen is garbage
>Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue Leader
>Touhou 6: The Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil
>Bioshock 1
I'm not even in cover that much but the game gives me 70-something numbers.
>Mega Man 3
>Metal Gear Solid
>Mario Odyssey, Horizon Zero Dawn, Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Super Mario World
Monster Hunter 4 U
Y-you too, it's only real problem is no fire type and that whole waiting complaint made no sense because it's the first Pokemon game on the hardware so it's going to have technical foibles and it's a fucking turn based game in the first place.
>either mario bros or duck hunt, had both on a single cartridge for the nes
>Super Mario All Stars
>Horizon Zero Dawn, Crash Trilogy and Battlefield 1 with my normie mates, that will be replaced with CoD soon though.
>Either Abe's Exoddus or Duke 3D, can't remember
>Freespace 2
>Elex, Opus Magnum, Heat Signature
>Your age
>First game you ever played
Zelda 2 or Spelunker
>Favorite game of all time
super smash bros melee
>What are you currently playing
Warsong/Langrisser 1
>Super Mario Land
>Virtue's Last Reward
>D:OS2, Dango Rango V3
>heroes3 hota
>Spyro YOTD or Yugioh DOTR
>Ratchet & Clank
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Fractured Butthole
shut up noob
>it's slow :(
so is gen1
>best OST in the series
>cool monster design
>large in scale
>last gen not to baby you the whole way
>compelling plot, interesting villains
>phys/special split among other improvements makes gen4 the best mechanically
the only real complaint is the smaller selection of monsters, but I like them all so I don't really mind
how da fug do you faggots remember which was the first game you played?
Wing Commander: Privateer (good shit!)
Dwarf Fortress Forever
Cataclysm DDA
Fight me I dare you
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Red Dead Redemption
Dragon's Dogma
I honestly can't remember what game. It was a 2d game and I only remember it looked like some cave level.
It was on the saturn I think and it wasn't sonic. Please help me find it.
Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday for SNES
Mass Effect (Fuck both of the sequels)
Rome: Total War, Beholder, Tekken 7, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
>Spyro the Dragon
>TES IV: Oblivion
>Galactic Civilizations 3
>chrono trigger
>have no will to play vidya unless love live counts
for me, since it's associated with a holiday (i got my first console and games on Christmas morning) it's a very vivid memory, and probably one of my better childhood memories.
>Mario Bros on nes
>San Francisco Rush
>Pcars2 in VR, Day of Infamy, Dying Light
Super Mario Bros.
Legacy of Kain series (SR1 if I had to pick just one)
Grim Dawn, VTMB, Black Mesa, Subnautica
I used to get abnormally high numbers. I think it's cos I'd double tap the cover button to traverse obstacles a lot.
>CoD BO 2
>CoD MW Remaster
Your parents didn’t introduce you to vidya no relatives or anything?
>WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain
>Persona 5
>Bioshock 2, Bloodborne, Rainbow Six Siege
For me, it's easy.
I remember the first system I got (a Compaq Presario PC) and the games that it came with.
Shit taste
>some snes robocop game
>xenoverse 2 and street fighter 5
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Divinity Original Sin 2/TWW2/Dark Soul 3 / Tribes
>Street Fighter 2
>Dark Souls
>Alien:Isolation, Cuphead, SFV
>Final Fantasy VII
>Persona 5, GG Xrd Revelator, SF 5
I just guessed off the top of my head and it's not like anyone's gonna fact check or anything
Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero
toss up between Planescape Torment and Soul Calibur
Divinity: Original Sin 2, Tekken 7, Gundam Verses, Heroes of the Storm
>super mario 64 or ocarina of time
>fallout new vegas
>hat in time and automata
Probably duck hunt
Don't have one
Mario Oddesey, Spla2n, FGO, FEH, FE Echoes
>cool monster design
>doesn't baby you
>compelling plot and interesting villains
>Mario 64
>Pikmin 2
>Mount and Blade: Warband,Terranigma,Mario Galaxy 1/2 (trying to 100%)
Will play mario odyssey when i finally get a damn switch though
>Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure on Genesis
>Megaman Battle Network 3
>SMT Digital Devil Saga
>Megaman X
>Probably Warframe or Oblivion
>Wolfenstein and Warframe
>Super Mario Land 2
>Heroes of Might and Magic 3
>Dragon Ball Fusions
no, I'm not implying, I'm asserting, because I am correct. If you want to fight me for it give me your name and address