EA Nexon announcement

Shit guys EA and Nexon are teaming up to make an MMO.
Truly a match made in the worst kind of hell.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Why dont we have the worst videogame company of America team up with the worst videogame company in Korea?"
>"I love it lets do it!"

how the hell did YOU find out about it?

This might be a perfect storm of hellish awfulness. Might be fun to watch. The real question is, which of these two is worse than the other?

Maplestory 3 lads

do they really think this is exciting for anyone other than their investors

EA kills entire studios
Nexon just kills games

Was looking at what MMORPGs the kids are all playing these days and saw it on various sites, couldn't help but laugh at the idea.
Fuck you'll probably need to buy loot boxes just to get the privilege of logging in.

Star Wars The MMO Awakens

>"I don't know, I'm not sold. What if the game they produce is from the worst corpse of a genre, MMOs?"


That's interesting in a train wreck sort of way.

It's gonna be a Star Wars thing, a Bioware thing, or my shocking wildcard: F2P Multiplayer Titanfall on Steam. My gut is telling me Titanfall.

It has to be an EA IP that Nexon wanted, otherwise EA and Nexon would've done this buy themselves. It's not like EA needs Nexon's help.

Both EA and Nexon don't deserve titanfall. A shame, because your wildcard is quite plausible.

Anyone here want to predict how long until the game's playerbase leaves? I'll stick with a safe 2 weeks.

I don't even want to know what kind of abomination this will be. I haven't bought an EA game since BF3 but I'm not 100% opposed to buying their games if it was actually worth it. I outright refuse to play anything Nexon is involved with though they have killed too many games I've played and I can't get over how badly they raped combat arms after CoD4 came out and they tried to turn it into a second rate F2P knockoff of CoD4.

EA + Nexon will join forces to create the ultimate trainwreck insult of an MMO using an existng IP
Ultima Online 2

I reckon it'll be a F2P conversion of TF2 in the vein of those other F2P conversion games like FEAR Online, Battlefield Online, Call of Duty Online, etc.

I'm feeling Titanfall because it makes sense AND the pre-roll footage for this show had clips of Titanfall's trailers which wouldn't make sense given TF2's lack of popularity, especially in Asia.

Star Wars is a maybe, some type of Hero shooter or something (as to not conflict with Battlefront or the TOR MMO)

If it was Bioware, I'd think they'd say Bioware rather than EA, given their name recognition.

If it's a new IP, I'll eat my fucking hat.

Don't you make sick jokes like that user.

You know what else Nexon had a hand in? Lawbreakers. If it's Nexon America then it's literally the worst of the F2P world teaming up with the worst of the AAA world. Anything they make will be worthless garbage.

>yfw it's Star Wars Galaxies reboot
>yfw it's shittier than swtor

Apparently Nexon has a new studio in Irving, California headed by some ex BLizz devs. Odds are it will be a new IP.

EA owns Ultima Online. It's actually way more likely of an outcome than you probably think.

oh no
oh god

Nexon's certainly been trying to get snuggly with titanfall considering the mobile game and that fucking titanfall online

Why would they need EA for a new IP?

Nani the fuck

I was purely guessing. Titanfall Online was already a thing? When was this?

Yeah I'm aware I just know it would end up like Dungeon Keeper where they raped a well regarded franchise. It's better off dead than having it's name soiled by EA.

I don't think they'd mind throwing TOR to the wayside for another star wars MMO, no doubt the bean counters are screaming about how Star Wars is the hottest property of all time yet their MMO makes back operating costs at best.
Hero shooter of some kind seems the most likely though.
Here's a terrible idea, PUBG star wars, you know they've got shareholders telling them to make that garbage.


Don't post gore on a blueboard

TOR just got a massive overhaul, became less jewish with its F2P, and got a fucking XBOX ONE port. I think it sucks, but they seem dedicated to it.

>PUBG star wars
Just horrible enough to be feasible.

Western clout or something? Like Valve partnering with EA before they got their shit together.

>more uninspired "hero" shit

When will it end?

I'm not sure, but respawn announced they started a mobile game team with the help of nexon a few months ago and when people checked out nexon they saw promotional material for titanfall online

Fuck nexon, the way they run gms is terrible

You think the way they run MS is bad..... boy, you must not have been around for DFO. Top 5 most popular MMO in everywhere it was hosted except for NexonNA. Fucking 2 years of a Halloween event that they never removed properly that completely locked out the Epic equipment grind thanks to it replacing the Hell Party. Bots. Bots everywhere.

I wonder, is it possible for EA to kill Nexon with that move?

>TOR just got a massive overhaul
Want to give me a tl;dr over what they did?

>EA + Nixon
>buy lootboxes to get a random xp

>Nexon tries to run EA's ips further into the ground than they already are
>EA tries to starve and strangle Nexon
Who would actually win


i think he is retarded
TOR last overhaul was around KOTFE and it isnt on or coming to Xbox One.

>yfw it's something completely out of left field likes a Sims mmo

The game used to be completely Jewish old-school """""Free""""" to Play where you restricted in virtually every way imaginable to the point where it was borderline unplayable. Now they added in a non-jewish cash shop and relaxed a lot of their restrictions and shit. I think there's loot boxes and shit now.

Basically they made it more like TESO and GW2.

Fun Fact: TESO and SW:TOR run on the same engine. If you play TESO, you'll have your fucking mind blown over the ineptitude of the SW:TOR devs. SW:TOR was basically an asset flip kind of thing.

I'm actually looking forward to this. Need to get the popcorn ready.

The Saboteur Online

They've tried that route. It didn't do too well. I was actually in the beta. It happened long enough ago that getting into the beta meant they mailed you a CD.

star wars mmo using frostbite

How the fuck would that even work?

>mmo using frostbite
people like you dont know how games and engines work

I was confused. It was Star Trek Online that was coming to consoles out of nowhere. TOR still got a recent cash shop overhaul and server merges, which seem like an attempt to revitalize it or something.

the end is upon us

I think it's you that don't understand how engines work. While it seems unreasonable to do considering many engines were heavily biased towards their needs since you can cut corners, now it's not so much. They've been heavily generalized this generation. Throw in the fact that EA seems to be making DICE to make an all purpose engine for the studio so they're not wasting money through pre-made engines or wasting time developing another inhouse.

As long as the tools are there and someone remakes the way Frostbite does levels, I think it's a good choice. It's very efficient. I'd say making an mmo with UE3 would be impossible, but yet Tera exists.

Look up "The Sims Online" I don't remember much about it, but you mostly could visit houses and work together doing little mini games with a group to try and level up stats and make money. It wasn't very good.

This is going to be some kind of sports game lmao

>yfw it turns out to be fine but then they ruin it a few years down the line after you both start truly enjoying it and have deep-seated interest in it

>EA is funding Maplestory 2's western release

That's like mixing toothpaste and peanut butter, then throwing that mixture away and shitting on the table.

Frostbite can just about support BW's open world and even then they have to split up the world into multiple maps like DAI and was a nice excuse for MEA. Meanwhile look at the latest ubisoft games which have whole countries in them on a single map.

Sorry, don't know what that feels like, ha h-ha....

>Fun Fact: TESO and SW:TOR run on the same engine.
Funnier Fact: they don't. They used the Hero engine in the conceptual stage and later switched over to their own, homemade engine.


hey dad

>in Korea
They moved to Japan

>TF2 is fantastic but is limping along like an aids victim on stilts, neglected by Valve
>Quake has lame, unfun movement despite being Decent
>Tribes killed by Jew-Rez before it could even develop and grow
>Titanfall dead before it even got a chance
>Lawbreakers is shit and dead

Kill me.

This is unironically the worst thing I've ever seen in my life and it's not even out yet.

SWTOR also runs on some shitty beta or alpha hero engine version because EA and BW executives are fucking retarded

They're still primarliy based in Korea. They've always had an active JP branch, just like the (shitty) NA branch.

>EX x Nexon
This truly is the worst timeline.

The world's just full of slows, and speed is a minority interest that doesn't sell.

This is truly the worst timeline.

>Hyper Dimension
>West abominates their business practices
When will those korks understand that fucking nobody wants their garbage in the west

Whats with the hate about nexon exactly? Is this nexon's NA branch where the jewery happens or is this the actual main sector where actual game development happens? I can't shit on them too much as mabinogi wouldnt have been possible without them.

Dirty Bomb is still fun but the community gets smaller every day.

And BW size is good enough if you can easily dump and load new zones. Which I'm sure FB can stream levels

I'll bet you'll play the first day.

Speaking of Mabinogi

every several months i get an itch to go back for a few weeks and it pains me to see it dwindle into a tiny playerbase
alexina is healthy but seeing mari slowly dwindle is painful
10+ solid years for a mmo is something to be proud of imo

Another game I liked and also ruined by Nexon. I only didn't mention it because it doesn't have the advanced movement focus of those other games.

>Game gets ruined with Nexon's Vile jew magicks
>Save your game from Nexon's clutches and go independent
>Leave all of the vile jew magicks completely unchanged and just hang out as your game dies
The DB devs are retarded as fuck. they should've just copied Valve's F2P style instead of sticking wither their autistic, P2W card shit.

>EA x Nexon
I want to see this shit show.

nobody asks for a new mmo game

probably the most dead genre in the industry. turns out those anime fans/casual gamers have eventually would up in ff14, literally nobody wants another anime-ish mmo


Why would EA need to fund Nexon to make a new IP? This is clearly Nexon making a game using one of EA's IPs.

incoming Star Wars looter MMO aka Destiny/Division/Warframe clone but Star Wars

Lets take a prime example: Maplestory.
>Game has cosmetic cash items
>They implement an early version of today's modern "Loot boxes" known as gachapon
>Slowly make their game pay to win over time
>Raise the damage cap from 99999 to 199999
>Implement more pay to win things, cubes, potential serious gambling and money use.
>Raise damage cap from 199999 to 999999
>Free players are beyond fucked at this point
>Gap between paid and free players widens greatly
>Eventually with years of merching, free players start to catch up
>Add nebulites, bonus potential, and more premium only items
>Completely fuck up the game and make the damage cap go from 999999 to 50000000. (x50ing it)
It was at that point the game died.
They tried to backtrack and make a free server where everyone would have to start over from scratch after years on pay2win servers. People didn't like losing everything so the game is like dead.

This was all nexon korea's doing aside from maybe nebulites, korea is known for having retarded pay2win MMOs like that.


Just so I can say I was there at ground zero

Don't forget that GMS doesn't have the F2P power gap closer that KMS has because we have Nebulites instead. Nebs, which you're never going to find a relevant one in all of your time playing, compared to the flames system which at its worst is like +20 watk.

To add to anons post. If you want to get your character fully geared, outside of Reboot, it'll cost you about $300. PER ITEM.

Now Reboot was a step in the right direction, but they're going out of their way to try and drive players off of Reboot back onto the P2W servers.

senpai gachapon has been all over jap/korean mmos for quite some time
thats not a problem with nexon/maplestory, its a problem with culture and people buying into it

gacha is more of mobile games at least in japan

the card system is not p2w

K, that's one of his bullets. Try tackling the rest. Like $300 in cubes to get one piece of armor usable, which you'll need to do to a full set before you're able to attempt to try and get the best pieces of armor that you'll then need to spend $300 more in cubes on.

It'll probably just be an update to Titianfall Online, or possibly a f2p version of Titianfall 2.

nah you misunderstand me
im just trying to round out the argument and make sure the best points are set down so people know why something in the past was shitty.

I think a good example is pso2's scratch cards. theyre basically gachapon with a different ui though ill be fair and say its very easy for f2p players in pso2 to catch up and even earn costumes

Yes it is. You have to keep paying/wasting to get the loadout card you want. Some perks are shit, some weapons are shit, and some perk+weapon combos are untennable. Some loadout cards are just fucking garbage, it's purely jewish, and incentives you spending money. It's not like TF2 where the stock, vanilla items are the best and the non-stock items can be specifically targeted or tried for free indefinitely.

Plus they made it explicitly more Jewish. Did you even play the game before the card system? Stop being a cuck, defending the worst aspect of the game and the the biggest factor in its lack of popularity.

The gachapon in the JP/KR version is leagues better than the US version, just ask any dual region DFO players.

>game locks your pc and requires monthly subscription to keep it open

There's no difference between rolling a number for a knife or a shiny super secret ultra rare card in a typical jap mobile game. What you get is vastly different.

Does DFO even have Gachapon? I guess there's the cubes but what is even in them that matters? Also isn't global and Korean roughly the same (give or take 6 months) now-a-days?

DFO has (had?) tokens you'd spend on the avatar gachapon. I haven't played DFO since it went down and was rebooted for NA which was a couple years ago or so.

>The two most evil companies in western gaming join forces to create the ultimate evil entity.

How do we stop this?!?!?